How To Identify What Women Find Attractive

Updated January 31st, 2025 by Regain Editorial Team

How could you make a woman want you? Here are a few things to help explain what may make someone more attractive to women.

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What women find attractive: Key traits that foster strong relationships

When it comes to attraction, people have unique preferences, but specific traits tend to stand out. These key qualities can make a meaningful impact in building a strong, happy, and lasting relationship. Let’s explore some of the factors women may find attractive in a partner:

A charismatic, strong voice 

Women tend to be attracted to someone who speaks clearly and with confidence. According to some scientific studies, voice pitch can predict reproductive success and mate quality, and women tend to prefer men with low voices, especially if they’re looking for a long-term relationship. So try to be intentional with what you say. Be honest and straightforward. Don’t be afraid to set boundaries and express what you like and don’t like. These qualities can demonstrate a transparent and confident personality, which can be attractive in men. 

Facial hair

Some studies support that bearded men tend to have greater perceived long-term attractiveness.

A sense of humor

Many women find a sense of humor as an admirable trait. For anyone, but especially people with a busy, stressful life, a good belly laugh can relieve that stress and draw them toward you.

A sense of humor could be something as simple as a hint of sarcasm to cheer her up at the end of a long day or a humorous observation that makes her laugh. Laughter can be great for relationships.

Hygiene and fitness

Everyone is looking for something different physically, and there isn’t a singular definition of what an attractive person looks like. However, if you take care of your hygiene and ensure that you smell and look clean, that can be very attractive to many people. 

By prioritizing your fitness and health, you might not only look more physically attractive, but you can also demonstrate that you have personality traits like discipline and focus. 

No pressure

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If you feel very anxious around women, that’s completely natural. However, if you are nervous, it might make her feel nervous or pressured. By taking things slow, getting to know each other, and never putting pressure on her to do anything she doesn’t want to do, that can give her a sense of calm around you. Take your time in gaining her trust, getting to know her, and seeing if it’s the right fit.

Emotional intelligence

Leadership qualities, like being kind and relaxed but also direct, can be very attractive. If a woman likes you, perhaps that means that she could see herself falling in love and forming a partnership with you at some point. She may be asking herself what that partnership will look like, and whether she can depend on you to have the confidence and emotional maturity to be a strong asset to your partnership. 

Signs that may indicate a woman is attracted to you

What are the obvious signs that a woman is attracted to you? Does she make it clear or are these signs vaguely displayed? It will typically depend on the woman. However, there are signs that might indicate a woman is attracted to someone.

How to tell if a woman is interested

Below are some potential signs that a woman is interested in you: 

  • Body Language. There are certain movements or expressions made by women that can indicate they may be interested in someone. Women that face you or stand near you during conversation may be interested in you. If she's completely standoffish and not engaged in the conversation or fails to give eye contact, she may not be interested.
  • Visual Engagement. Eye contact can be a key indicator that a woman is interested. If you're speaking to a woman and she's looking directly into your eyes, she's likely interested in what you're saying.
  • Storytelling. Telling stories about herself can be an act of vulnerability that may indicate she wants you to learn more about her and may be interested in learning more about you.
  • She's blushing. If a woman begins to blush around you, she might be nervous and interested in you.
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Improve your confidence and mental health with counseling

Explore attraction with professional support

If you find it challenging to approach women or identify signs of attraction, you may be overthinking the process.

relationship counselor can help you work through the challenges you face in starting or maintaining a relationship. Online therapy for relationships is very effective, especially because it can help you increase your confidence, which is a major predictor in the health and quality of your romantic relationships. Online therapy can help you improve your anxiety levels and overall mental health and wellbeing. It’s also more affordable and discreet than traditional, in-person therapy.

Talk to Regain and get started with a brief questionnaire. After that, you can be matched with someone with the relevant skills for your needs.

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