How Long Should I Wait? When To Text After A First Date
Many people experience so-called “post-date anxiety,” with the conversation about whether to text after a date often entering therapy sessions. Though first dates can make us feel insecure, a few reminders can make it less nerve-wracking. Remind yourself that you don’t have to wait for them to text you first, you can be direct and upfront in your responses, it’s okay if they don’t text back right away, they’re probably experiencing the same nerves, and your dating life does not define your self-worth. There are not any rules for how much time should pass before you send a follow-up text after your date, but many sites agree that, if you liked them, texting soon after a first date is a good idea.
When to text after the first date
Many people debate when to text after the first date. In an opinion piece for the New York Times, Lindsey Goldstein describes her concerns about texting after a good first date. After months of frustration, her takeaway was to be upfront and clear about what you want. You don’t need to wait days to text after your first date (or second, or third).
These quotes demonstrate the wide variety of opinions when it comes to timing a post-date text. But, in general, if you enjoyed your date, most blogs recommend texting as soon as you want to afterward. If you want, you can impose a rule to text within the first 24-48 hours, or you can go with your instincts and text them whenever feels right to you.
Texting etiquette
Texting after a date can feel daunting. If you had a good first date, however, there are some guidelines that ensure your date knows you enjoyed their company and ease their post-date anxiety. In turn, these tips may make you feel more confident, too:
- It’s okay to text first: You can simply let them know you had a nice time and would like to go out again sometime.
- Respond to their texts: It is kind and considerate to respond to texts, even if it’s to tell them, “I’m about to head into a meeting, but I’ll respond in a few hours.” If you don’t always have your phone on you, you can let them know ahead of time that you’re not a reliable texter, but that you’ll respond when you can.
- Be honest: If you don’t want to go on another date, you should try to avoid ghosting them. Instead, focus on being honest, sensitive, and brief.
- Be considerate of their time: Lengthy texts can take up a lot of time. If it takes you several minutes to write a text, it may be better saved for a phone call or your next date.
- Don’t spam texts: If you’ve texted them several times without a reply, it may mean that they are not interested or they’re busy. Wait for them to respond.
What to text after a good first date
Now you know that you don’t need to wait to send a text after a first date, but you still might not know what to say. The following examples are simple, express your interest in them, and make it clear that you’d like to go out again:
- “Hey, I had a great time going out with you last night. I hope that you had fun, too, and I’d love to do it again sometime!”
- “I enjoyed our date. I’d love to see you again soon.”
- “Still dreaming about how good the food was at the restaurant you picked! I think you’d really like this sushi spot near me, want to go sometime?”
- “It’s cool we’re both runners, I’d love to join you on a jog sometime soon!”
- “Hey, I had fun last night and wanted to see if you’re interested in catching that new movie with me and some friends next weekend?”
- “Okay, I listened to that band you recommended, and they rock. Seeing that we have similar music taste, there’s this Indie band in town next month and I have an extra ticket if you want to join!”
In a brief text, you can let them know that you enjoyed getting to know them and suggest another date. If you discovered that you share a common interest on your first date, your follow-up date might revolve around that. For example, if you both love yoga, you might invite them to a yoga class. Or, if you’re both superhero fans, you may want to invite them to see a superhero movie in theaters.
This will likely open up the conversation about whether they are interested in going on a second date. If they are interested, great! If not, that’s okay, too.
Second date tips
If you’ve texted them after you’re first date and are ready to ask for a second, the following tips may be helpful:
Try some fun together
Your first date is a good time to sit down for a structured event (such as getting a drink or meal) that enables you to easily leave if you’re not connecting well. For your second date, you might want to try doing an activity together, like going to the beach, attending a trivia night, or going to a local dance class.
Deeper conversations
During a first date, you probably asked them the standard questions about their family and career. On a second date, you might want to ask your date about the type of relationship they’re looking for, if they’re monogamous, and about their life goals.
Be honest
If you’re looking for a casual relationship or short-term partner, you should make that expectation clear. If you don’t have much time to put into a relationship, you may also want to let them know so they can make an informed decision about pursuing a relationship.
Consider trying therapy to boost your self-esteem
Dating can expose your insecurities and self-doubt, which can harm your self-confidence and spark jealousy in your relationships. If you’re experiencing these feelings, you might want to reach out to a cognitive behavioral therapist. Research published in 2017 demonstrates that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can effectively address low self-esteem in most people.
Therapy sessions from online platforms, like Regain, are typically more affordable than in-person therapy. Additionally, a 2022 pilot study found that online CBT can effectively improve self-esteem, self-compassion, quality of life, and symptoms of depression and anxiety.
After a good first date, many people find themselves wondering how long they need to wait to send a text. While there are exceptions, most dating websites recommend reaching out soon (within a day) to express your happiness with the date and propose a possible second date. In general, it’s a good idea to follow texting etiquette, such as texting back as soon as you can, keeping text length to a minimum, and being clear and uncomplicated about your interest in them.
While dating can be stressful for everyone, you may find it more challenging if you don’t have high self-esteem. Online cognitive behavioral therapy can effectively help you improve your self-esteem, self-confidence, anxiety, and depression. Even if they’re not interested in another date, you are worthy of your own self-love and compassion.
Do guys text after the first date if not interested?
Typically, you cannot be sure of another person’s intentions without asking.
If a guy texts you after a first date and you’re still concerned that they might not be interested, you can wait to see if a second date is planned, or you can try to set up another date yourself.
If a guy is sending text messages to you after the first date, it likely means that he is interested in getting to know you more. The best thing you can do at the beginning of a relationship is to take everything at face value.
Instead of stressing yourself out by reading into everything, trust that he will make that apparent if he’s interested. If you’re still unsure, it never hurts to initiate honest conversations about how you both feel.
The same is true for you. If you’re interested, don’t wait for him to make another move. Follow up post date and make a plan to see each other again. If he is not interested, you will likely know right away.
How do you know when to text after a first date?
If you want to strike up a conversation, don’t be afraid to text first. Text messages are often an approachable way to start new conversations without dealing with the nerve-wracking nature of meeting face-to-face.
You can text your date to let them know that you enjoyed their company, or you can even send a text message that references something you discussed while on the date (for example, a meme, article, or song that you might have talked about while on the first date).
Some people believe that you should wait a few days to set up another date, but when you allow the transactions to happen naturally, you might be less concerned with the classic question: how long do guys wait to text after the first date?
Why do guys not text back after the first date?
If you’re wondering, “How long do guys wait to text after the first date?” you’re not alone.
A text message (or lack thereof) does not necessarily indicate whether or not a guy likes you. Some people will say “If he’s interested, you’ll know. If you’re confused, he’s not going to commit.” This is a bold, generalized statement that can be true in some scenarios, but you do not have to jump to this conclusion right away.
Perhaps he is not texting back after the first date to appear cool, and calm. When a guy decides to wait a few days before texting back, it could be because there is a common stigma about texting back “too soon.”
If you want to know how he feels or if he intends to go on a second date, don’t wait to text him yourself. Your time is valuable, and you might feel more comfortable knowing now rather than waiting to find out later.
Do guys like it when girls text first?
There is no absolute rule when it comes to texting first.
Some guys prefer to text first after a date, and others like it when a girl makes the first move.
If you’re excited to chat again, don’t wait too long to show your interest. Especially with more time spent indoors, many relationships begin to prosper over text rather than in person.
How do you know if a date went well with a guy?
When your date texts you after a date, it likely means they enjoyed it.
A great date is exciting, and hoping that the texting afterward is just as great is totally normal. When communicating post-date, feel free to express your excitement about the time spent together, and if you’re up for it, an idea for some second-date ideas.
His response (or lack thereof) will likely indicate whether or not you both felt that same chemistry.
How do you tell if he likes you after the first date?
If a guy likes you, he will likely text after a date or try to set up a second date.
When you date someone, it’s a give and take. He might be nervous to tell you how he feels if he does not think you feel the same way. Slowly, as you get to know each other more, you might notice each other open up a bit more about mutual feelings.
Maybe suggest a few date ideas, and his reaction might be an indicator of his feelings.
Additionally, many people have different styles of texting. So, if your date texting style is to follow up immediately, and his date texting style is to wait for the next in-person opportunity, don’t assume that he’s not interested. He might be excited to talk in person again instead.
How can you tell if he’s not interested after the first date?
If you thought you had a great date, but your date does not reciprocate that same interest, you will probably be able to tell relatively early on.
If you don’t text until you feel more about your feelings, he might be doing the same. Rather than ghosting you, he might just be deciding how he feels and how much time and energy he has to commit to dating at the moment.
If you’re asking about “how long do guys wait to text after the first date?” perhaps he has not reached out, and you’re starting to worry. Don’t wait too long to get the answers and the closure you need.
If you get the sense that he is not interested, you can choose to ask for clarity, or you can leave it be. It’s hard to accept that someone you’re interested in doesn’t feel the same way, but it’s best to discover these feelings early on and focus on moving past them.
Should I wait for him to text me?
Don’t text if you’re not comfortable with it. But don’t not text just because you’re concerned about how it “looks.”
After a first date, it’s awkward, or can at least feel awkward, to jump back into texting. If you want to wait to see if your date texts you first, you can certainly do that - so long that it does not come from a place of bitterness.
When you date, it’s important to be communicative and transparent, so starting those habits early is an excellent way to avoid playing “games” with your potential significant other.
Are there rules as to when to text after first date?
There are no fixed rules as to when to text after the first date. It depends on the person whether they want to reach out as soon as possible or just wait it out. There’s no hard in doing either way, as long as your intentions are clear and you wish for the possibility of growing your relationship healthily and respectfully.
How soon is too soon to text after a first date?
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How long should I wait to text between dates?
What is the 3-day rule for texting?
How do you know if the first date went well?
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What time is too early to send a text?
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