How To Decide When To Say I Love You - The Perfect Moment

Updated January 22nd, 2025 by Regain Editorial Team

The phrase "I love you" can be incredibly powerful. For many couples, the words  "I love you" can be a constant reminder that the two of them care for each other. These words often confirm that the relationship has become serious, too. When it comes to dating, these three words have long been a subject of debate. When will you be ready to say I love you to your partner? Ultimately, there may not be a single correct answer. However, there may be ways to work out when the best possible time may be to let someone know how you truly feel. In this article, we'll discuss the importance of timing and how you might increase your chances of receiving an "I love you, too" in return.

Getty/Vadym Pastukh
Not sure if it’s time to say “I love you?”

Knowing when to say “I love you”: The importance of timing

It might be impossible to determine the best time to tell a partner you love them; it’s a situational and complex process that can be very different from person to person. One way to increase your chances of "success," however, might be to work on natural timing. 

If you say those words when the moment isn't right–too soon or too late, for instance, or when your partner is focused on other things–it may not deliver as intended. And while there might not be one perfect time to say these words, there can certainly be some times that are not the best. 

With that in mind, there are some steps you can take to determine whether it’s a good opportunity to tell someone you love them, including the following tips. 

Wait, but don't wait too long before saying “I love you”

This tip can be tricky or confusing because it might require a happy medium between two extremes that aren't quantifiable. After all, what does “too soon” mean when timing is subjective?

In general, giving your partner enough time to genuinely get to know you can be thought of as the bare minimum. Even if you have feelings for someone on the first date, admitting that you love them may overwhelm them. You probably do not genuinely love someone after only a few interactions. Try not to let your feelings of attraction or infatuation confuse you into telling someone that you love them too soon.

That said, if you wait too long, there may be a possibility that your partner will think you do not care about them and want to move on. They might also fear that you don’t feel the same way they do about you. 

Finding that happy middle can be important. For some, it may come after a couple of months of dating. For others, it may be a matter of weeks or even a year or more. It really comes down to how your bond evolves, how much time you spend together, and your own personalities; if it feels too soon, it might be, but if the moment feels right, it can help to trust your gut.

Don’t say “I love you” during an inappropriate situation

Sometimes, avoiding bad timing instead of trying to find good timing can be the way to go. Try your best to avoid times when other things are on your partner’s mind. For example, if your date is angry about something, admitting you love them may throw them for a loop. If you are upset, you may end up letting it slip out before the moment is right.

When you say, "I love you," you want to make sure that the two of you can both process and properly respond to it. It's probably best not to say it for the first time when either of you have strong emotions, during or after sex, on an offhand phone call, etc. 

Look for the signs

It can be helpful to check for verbal and nonverbal signs when you want to say "I love you" for the first time. Many of us can display subtle signs of affection through body language, actions, or words.

These signs may not be the perfect indicator that they love you, but they can give you a better idea about the likelihood that the person feels similarly.

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Eye Contact 

If your partner is always looking at you, then there's a chance that they have feelings for you. However, some people don’t make a ton of eye contact regardless of if they love you or not.

Going Above And Beyond 

Some people who have strong emotions for you may take the time out of their day to do something special for you. If they do, there's a chance they feel a powerful emotional bond.

They Stay In Frequent Contact 

If you don't respond to them in your usual time, they may wonder if there's something wrong and worry about you.

They Open Up To You When You’re Alone Together 

A person who loves you likely can open up to you and express their deepest emotions. While this may also be a sign of friendship, it may indicate love when combined with other signs.

Learning About You 

The person may care about your interests and want to spend time with you to learn more about you. Showing interest in your friends and family can be an especially strong indicator that they may have more than just minor romantic feelings for you.

When to say I love you: Don't overthink it 

This may sound like contradictory advice, as so far, we've taught you different ways you can deduce whether or not it's appropriate to say those words to someone. However, it may also be essential not to overthink. 

Thinking some about the right time to say the phrase and its circumstances can be smart. However, by thinking about it excessively, you may stress yourself out and end up never saying it. Your mind may look for any reason why you shouldn't say the words, even if the situation is good. 

While it’s okay to plan and think ahead, if the moment truly feels right, it might be best to just go for it. The worst thing that can likely happen is your feelings not being reciprocated, and while this may be tough to navigate, it doesn’t have to spell the end of the world.

What if they don't love me back?

Arguably nothing stings more than mustering up the energy to say "I love you" to someone, only for them to sound uncertain or outright tell you they don't feel the same about you. 

If this person doesn't love you back, it can be natural to feel a slew of emotions, from sadness to anger, but it can help to approach the situation rationally rather than emotionally.

First, you shouldn't try to change the person's feelings. Sometimes, feelings can change, but this often happens organically. They aren't obligated to love you back, and if they don't feel that way, trying to manipulate them into doing so is likely not the best course of action.

Instead, give them time (if you both still want to pursue your relationship). If you don't want to stay together, give yourself time to have some space. It may be best not to talk to them until your feelings have subsided.

If they are unsure

Instead of "I love you, too," or "I'm sorry, but I don't feel that way," they may not know what to say. They may be facing a lot of emotions as well and need time to process everything.

It can help if you choose to continue pursuing the relationship, to give the person time and space to answer the question. If you're dating, continue to date. This may help the person figure out whether or not they love you. If your dates continue to go well, they may say it themselves. The most important thing is likely to continue having open and honest communication and realize that it's okay for people to progress at their own pace.

How counseling can help

Getty/Xavier Lorenzo
Not sure if it’s time to say “I love you?”

You may have many questions about when the moment to say "I love you" is right. While there might not be one correct answer, a counselor from Regain can look at your situation and give their expert advice.

A relationship counselor can be a lot more than just a friend telling you their opinion about dating. They can help you talk about how you feel, how to best approach challenging conversations, and the best ways to navigate the results. When you pursue online therapy, you can talk to a counselor or therapist right from the comfort of your own home, which can help save you money, time, and a lot of stress.

Research suggests that in addition to being an effective option for those who seek it out, online therapy can also be more affordable for most clients. That means it might be even easier to find professional support that helps you approach the “I love you” question with more confidence.


Love can be a complex emotion, so it may be no surprise that saying "I love you" can feel so complicated. There may be no magic answer, but by knowing a few rules, you may have a better chance of that special someone saying, "I love you, too."

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