Things To Consider When Dating A Bisexual Man
Dating can be fun, exciting, nerve-wracking, frustrating, challenging, and everything in between. Meeting someone new and trying to determine if you two are a good romantic match can involve all sorts of thrilling and confusing moments, as each person brings their own experiences, perspectives, preferences, wants, and needs into a relationship. No matter your own gender identity, if you find yourself dating or interested in pursuing a bisexual man, there may be a few things to keep in mind. While every person is different and will be unique in their own way, some of these may give you some useful food for thought as you date a bisexual and explore the relationship.
Things to consider when dating a bisexual man
When dating a bisexual guy, it may be useful to keep the following in mind:
He might have a dating history that is new to you
If you've never dated someone who identifies as bisexual, their dating history might be new for you. For some people, learning that their current partner has dated men and women may be an adjustment, and it may take some getting used to. But as with any relationship between two people of any gender identity and sexual orientation, communication is key. If a concern arises, you can address it openly and honestly together. If you have a question about something, you can ask, and he can share what he is comfortable sharing. If he wants to open up about past partners, and you can meet that desire with kindness and compassion. If, however, your partner has no desire to discuss past relationships, experiences, or sexual activities, that is a boundary to respect.
You might experience rudeness from others
There is still a significant stigma around bisexuality. If you are bisexual yourself, this may not be new for you, but if you are not, this may be something to be emotionally prepared for. Bisexual people often face high rates of discrimination, erasure, and judgment. If you are new to dating someone who identifies as bisexual, witnessing or experiencing this kind of stigma may be jarring. Depending on the situation and your relationship, it may be useful to have a discussion with your partner to learn more about their experiences. You may be able to identify ways to handle or cope with any ignorance you encounter from others as a team.
Your partner may be more likely to experience anxiety or depression
Research has found that bisexual individuals experience higher rates of anxiety and depression than their gay/lesbian and straight peers. This may be partly due to the phobia directed at them from both gay and straight communities, as some consider bisexual people afraid of having a true preference, or pretending for the sake of gaining something, whether that be attention, closeness, or something else. Anxiety and depression can be serious and may warrant some form of intervention, such as therapy, medication, and/or lifestyle changes, such as dietary changes, exercise, and mindfulness practices.
Every person is unique
Finally, it’s important to note that while a man who identifies as bisexual may have had some of the experiences detailed above that could be connected to his sexual orientation, every person is unique. No two people will have had the exact same experiences, perspectives, needs, and desires coming into a relationship. The best way to learn more about the person you are dating is to get to know who they really are as an individual, in their own words.
Getting help with relationship challenges
Dating often comes with ups and downs and challenges, no matter who you are dating or how you and they identify. If you would like additional support as you try to navigate the complexities of a relationship with a new person, online therapy can help. Research has found online therapy to be an effective option for improving relationship satisfaction, mental health, and more.
Benefits of online therapy for people dating a bisexual man
For many people, it can be difficult to coordinate two busy schedules and find the time to make therapy work. With online therapy through Regain, you can meet with your therapist virtually from wherever is most convenient for you, and you and your partner can even join the session from different locations, which may make it easier to attend for some people.
If you are interested in dating a man who identifies as bisexual, you may consider some of the points detailed above as you explore this new relationship. If you would like additional support with relationship concerns, an online therapist can help.
How do you discover your sexuality?
As humans, we sometimes start to discover our sexuality from a very young age. In other cases, we may not consider our sexual orientation for years or even decades. If you're feeling curious about your sexuality, you're already taking the first step: becoming aware of and interested in your sexual orientation. Sexuality is complex and, for some, fluid. It can be common to be unsure or confused about the way you feel and why. Some people find that, as they experiment with their sexuality, they end up in different types of relationships. They might experience a gay relationship, heterosexual relationship, bisexual relationships, and more throughout their lives before they feel they feel they understand and accept their sexuality. People of any gender can and do struggle to understand their sexual orientation.
What affects your sexuality?
According to the American Psychological Association, scientists and researchers have yet to determine exactly what affects your sexuality. Many people believe that both nature and nurture may play a role, but as the APA notes, “most people experience little or no sense of choice about their sexual orientation.”
What does exploring your sexuality mean?
Exploring your sexuality does not only encompass having sexual intercourse with different people. Instead, it can mean exploring what emotional and physical connections you have with other people, such as with people of the same gender, of different genders, and more. It can also mean realizing that you have no interest in sex and identify as asexual. In addition, exploring your sexuality can also mean exploring what you do and don't like in regard to attraction, dating, identity, and sex. It's possible to explore or try to understand your sexuality even in a committed, monogamous relationship.
How do you date a bisexual guy?
When you date a bisexual guy, you must teach yourself the important things like respect, culture, and issues related to their sexuality. You may also educate yourself about biphobia and bi-erasure, show your partner that you support him, and try to encourage him to share his experience and express his identity.
How do you accept a bisexual husband?
To accept a bisexual husband you must start with an open and nonjudgmental communication to discuss his sexuality and your relationship. As a wife, you must learn to embrace your husband’s sexuality and learn to understand and empathize, accepting that his sexuality will not change his love and commitment to you. Lastly, you must set boundaries and address any insecurities together in order to strengthen trust and build a supportive, balanced partnership.
How does a bisexual man feel?
Many bisexual individuals often find themselves more interested in one gender than the other, and this inclination may shift throughout their lives. For some, emotional connections might flourish with one gender, while physical attraction may be directed towards another. It's important to recognize that the journey of understanding your own feelings is deeply personal, and only you can truly define and identify your experiences and attractions.
Can a marriage survive bisexuality?
When a couple loves one another, bisexuality is not a hindrance to a successful marriage. It all depends on how well they communicate with one another and how committed they are to their relationship. If their bond is strong and their communication is open and honest, they can surely enjoy a fruitful relationship.
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