What To Expect When Dating An Older Woman

Updated February 3rd, 2025 by Regain Editorial Team

If you've just started dating someone older, or you’re thinking about doing so, you may have some questions. It's not uncommon for people in this situation to have concerns about how to proceed. You may wonder if there are unwritten rules for dating older women, for example. 

Age-gap relationships 

There are many stereotypes around dating someone older. You may need to prepare for some scrutiny from people who may disapprove of you dating a cougar, for example. Still, many May-December relationships work out well, whether the older party is male or female. For example, younger men who have dated older women may prefer this age group because they enjoy meaningful conversations and deeper relationships.

Is love blind to age?

A younger man dating an older woman

There seems to be a consensus among younger men who date older women. They often report a greater sense of relationship satisfaction when dating older women than when dating their same-age counterparts. This may be attributed to receiving higher levels of attention and admiration from their older partners.

Still, both individuals in an age-gap relationship could face ridicule. People outside of the relationships may form harmful or negative opinions, and these perceptions might be shared openly with the couple. Getting friends and family to support age-gap relationships can be a challenge. It could be especially tough if your family and friends are among those who oppose the relationship.

What does it mean to enter an age-gap relationship

Entering an age-gap relationship could mean having to listen to a constant influx of opinions from well-meaning family and friends. This may be the case with any relationship that doesn't outwardly meet societal expectations, though.  Living under societal scrutiny of your relationship might present certain challenges for both partners.  The two of you may already have enough on your plate as you navigate the dynamics of your new relationship.

Sometimes, these types of couples may experience concerns over the relationship when family and friends don't immediately embrace the new partner. This can be the case regardless of age. Having the opinion of a neutral third-party may help you and your partner navigate the rocky waters that can come with age-gap relationships. Getting the advice of a relationship expert may be helpful for couples who are serious about going the distance in their relationship regardless of age.

Everyday relationship challenges

Whether you're in an age-gap relationship or any other type of relationship, you can expect to face some challenges. Common issues that couples experience may include finances, lifestyle choices, communication, and more. Below, we've highlighted a few issues that often come up when couples seek therapy:


Couples may have concerns over finances, especially if they own a home or share financial responsibilities. In age-gap relationships, issues with finances can arise just like in any other relationship. One partner may have concerns about their partner's spending, credit history, or other factors that affect joint-finances, for instance. Couples who are planning long-term relationships like marriage may want to discuss their financial concerns before the wedding.


We all relate to the world differently. Some of us may take life more seriously, while others go with the flow. When the honeymoon period of a relationship wears off, there can be a clash of ideals as one partner's lifestyle may not initially mesh with their partners. Couples who participate in therapy can learn to understand each other's differences and communicate more effectively.


Sexual concerns

Couples commonly report issues with sexual concerns regardless of their age differences. Sexual issues can arise in a relationship due to unresolved emotional issues or between partners who have different views on sex and intimacy. Sex therapists are licensed to help couples work through these kinds of challenges in a non-judgmental and supportive environment.

Societal pressure

No couple is perfect. Regardless of age, race, religion, and myriad other topics, there may always be societal pressure and opinions that affect your relationship. A licensed therapist can help you and your partner learn how to make the best decisions for your relationship based on the standards you establish together. You can learn how to drown out the noise of outside opinions and thrive in your relationship with your partner by developing your own recipe for success.

Seek professional relationship help 

If you're in an age-gap relationship that is causing you concern, or if you have questions about how these relationships work, it could be beneficial to seek professional advice. Sometimes going it alone might not be the answer. The input of a neutral third-party can give you and your partner a new perspective on how to handle the challenges that come up in your relationship. Your couple’s therapist may help you address specific issues related to your relationship.

If you’re experiencing difficulties in your romantic relationship, it might be hard to seek help from a stranger, particularly in person. You may be tired of listening to others’ opinions about your dating life, for instance. Or you may just be uncomfortable discussing issues around intimacy in a clinical environment like a therapist’s office. In circumstances like these, online therapy may be beneficial. Many people report feeling more at ease having challenging conversations in an internet-based environment. Online therapy can also be more convenient for couples since it can be scheduled anytime day or night. 

Online therapy has been studied extensively. Researchers found that counseling delivered via videoconferencing is effective for not only individuals, but couples and families as well. A recent study found that this type of remote therapy for couples was just as effective as in-person couples counseling and resulted in increased relationship adjustment and satisfaction.

Get relationship therapy online

Is love blind to age?

Getting started with relationship therapy online is easy. You or your partner can register for a free therapy account on a leading couple's platform like Regain. The Regain platform offers couples therapy to help people in intimate relationships deal with relationship challenges like the impact of age gap. While taking part in couples therapy, intimate couples learn better communication skills and new ways to engage with one another. New behaviors can begin to emerge as both partners learn the value of their relationship and feel the satisfaction of having a deeper sense of intimacy. 


Busy couples who are serious about preserving the integrity of their relationships and their mental health can take advantage of online therapy provided by board-certified counselors like those on the Regain platform. Couples who take part in distance therapy can log in to the platform on their mobile devices anywhere they have internet . Even couples who aren't currently in the same location can log in for a partner therapy session at their convenience. Interested in experiencing the benefits of online couples therapy for yourself? Contact a Regain relationship professional today.

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