Should You Get A Name Change Change After Divorce: Divorce Decree & More

Updated December 14th, 2024 by Regain Editorial Team

Even in the best of circumstances when separation is amicable, going through the process of filing a court-ordered divorce decree can be a painful process. When you divorce someone, even if your marriage lasted a short time, you are letting go of what were likely years of hope, excitement, and promise, all of which have been removed in favor of starting over and building your life up again without your partner. Divorce involves numerous checklists and to-dos, including the decision of whether to change your last name. In this article, we’ll be discussing several considerations you may want to keep in mind when you’re deciding whether to change your name or keep it.

Divorce can be stressful: Talk about it in online therapy

The practice of changing your name after marriage

Taking a spouse's last name following marriage is a long-held tradition. Although that tradition is rejected or tweaked in some marriages— i.e., one spouse hyphenates or keeps their name, or the other spouse takes the traditionally feminine spouse's name— it is still far more common for a woman to take their spouse’s last name after marrying.

This tradition is little more than that: a tradition carved out of convenience that grew into standard practice or, in some cases, law. In the 9th century in England, women were required to take their husbands' last names to delineate their heritage or family line. Women were not allowed to hold property or in any other way express their independence from their husbands, so lawmakers created the impetus that led to giving up your birth-given name in favor of your husband's name.

While it is not law, women are often expected to change their names after getting married. Divorce can be far more nuanced. Some people keep their married names for the sake of ease, while others are more than happy to go back to their pre-marriage monikers. Still, others are ecstatic at the prospect of putting an even greater distance between themselves and their marriage.

Do you have to get a name change after divorce?

You do not have to change your name upon divorce, nor do you have to change your name after marriage: both are dependent entirely upon your choice and your personal preferences. However, when deciding to keep your married name or revert to your maiden name, there are some things to consider.

Just as changing your name after marriage is an option, keeping your name after divorce is an option. There is no family law dictating how your name functions concerning marriage and divorce. The choice is a very personal one that can depend on your unique circumstances, your relationship with your married and birth names, and your feelings about your divorce and your family.

Benefits of changing your name

There are some positive aspects of changing your name following a divorce. Some people find such a declaration to be liberating, giving them a chance at forging a new identity and helping their marriage to truly feel over. Going to the social security administration and changing your name back to your birth name can be a physical act of reclaiming of your independence and can be just one way for you to gain closure on your relationship and help you work toward getting through the divorce. Changing your name can help you create distance between your ex-partner and their family, too, particularly in contentious situations. When you see your unmarried name on your social security card, you might find that it’s a healing step towards your future. 

Downsides of changing your name

However, there can also be negative aspects related to changing your name. Losing career headway, having a name different from that of your children, and feeling as though you are starting at square one in your work and social lives with a name you'd long ago discarded, can all make changing your name a poor decision, and one that can undermine the progress you've made in deciding to divorce.

A name is an important thing in a person's life; your name is a strong marker of who you are, where you came from, and how you see yourself. When someone calls your name, it is usually an instinct to turn and look, and seeing your name can create a feeling of comfort and familiarity. Far from being a token response, changing your name can be an important decision to make and may not be one to take lightly or without weighing all the possible pros and cons.

How changing your name after a divorce can help you move on

Reverting to your maiden name may be an important part of getting over the divorce and leaving your marriage behind. The name of your former partner can be a daunting reminder to keep tucked in your wallet every single day, and having to see your former partner's name on your identification cards and write it on official documents can be painful. That said, relinquishing a partner's name can be an important step in moving forward and leaving your relationship behind.

Moving on from a divorce can already be challenging enough; you decided to devote your life to someone, and learning how to navigate your day-to-day life in the absence of that commitment can be difficult. Changing your name might be just one of the many ways you can help yourself move on and leave your relationship in the past. It may allow you to move on from your marriage and get through to the other side of grief and pain. Even if your married name was one you loved, treasured, and were excited by, changing your name back to your maiden moniker can empower and uplift you, and be an effective agent for change.

On the flip side, however, changing your name can mean changing many aspects of your life without the actual need or desire to do so. If you and your former partner are on positive terms, the divorce was amicable, and your life is well-established using your last name, it might make more sense for you to keep your married name. Whether or not you are pining over lost love, too, might factor in. If you are ready to move forward and let your marriage go, changing your name might not be an important step in healing.

How to get a name change after divorce: Divorce decree, birth certificate, and other requirements

If you decide to change your name after divorce, here are some of the steps you’ll likely need to take

  1. After the divorce process is complete, you can get your divorce decree (or a certified copy) and check if it includes a name change provisions. Prior to the completion of your divorce, you might want to contact your lawyer or law firm to ensure they’re aware that you intend to change your name. 
  2. Gather official documents (such as your birth certificate, marriage certificate, and an old driver’s license) that can prove the existence of your pre-marital name. 
  3. If your divorce decree did not include a name change provision or clause, you will need to formally request a name change by filing a petition. 
  4. Next, you will need to attend a court hearing for your petition, which ensures you choose to change your name of your own free will. 
  5. Finally, the court will approve your name change request. 

Updating your social security card and other documents after obtaining a name-change court order

After going through the legal process of changing your name, you’ll need to update official documents including your social security card, passport, driver’s license, voter registration, health care providers and pharmacy, your place of work, and any banks you are a member of. It may be easiest, and possibly necessary, to first change your name with the Social Security Administration before going to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and your bank.  

For non-legal purposes, such as your name on social media accounts, your name can be changed at any time. If you decide not to change your name legally, you could still change your preferred name and ask people to call you by your pre-marital name. 

Getty/Vadym Pastukh

The challenges involved in keeping your name

Keeping your name can prove challenging. Your name is your identity, and differentiating yourself from your spouse might be more difficult if you keep your married name. There is some power and recognition in reverting to a maiden name; it allows those closest to you to see and know that your marriage has ended, without you explaining or agonizing over the decision. Conversely, if you keep your name, you might find yourself having to have an uncomfortable conversation detailing your decision to split more often than you might like.

Keeping your name can also prove difficult regarding any marriages you might enter in the future; if you remarry, do you keep the name of your former spouse or change your name again? When entering a serious relationship, do you revert to your birth name, then move on to a new married name? The logistics of keeping your name if you hope to remarry might grow complicated, particularly if your new partner feels uncomfortable or apprehensive about you keeping the name of your former partner.

How changing your name can impact your children and career

A person's name is essentially a calling card. Your name is likely inextricably tied to your children, partner, career, and family, and either decision can bear significant weight. Although social convention dictates that women change their names, the initial reason for doing so was left behind long ago and is no longer a viable reason for the following tradition. Nevertheless, many women feel pressured to take their partner's name, whether they feel pressure from society, their partner, or their family. When deciding, there are many factors to take into account.

If you and your partner share children, you might want to keep your name to have the same last name as your children. Many parents worry about the implications of divorce on their children and their children's future due to the considerable evidence suggesting that divorce is detrimental to children and fear that changing a parent's name is yet another change that can prove harmful or at least problematic for their kids. Some mothers mitigate this issue by having their children's names hyphenated or hyphenating their own birth and married names. 

It may be helpful to note that changing your name or your child’s name will not impact who has child custody and whether child support obligations are required. 

Your career might also have a role in determining whether you change to your birth name or retain your married name. If you have built a career under one name, it can feel like you’re starting from scratch when you change your name. Having to fill out scores of paperwork, alter your driver's license and other forms of identification, and change all your mail and means of correspondence can be quite a hassle, particularly in the aftermath of everything else that accompanies a divorce. Some people might choose to keep their name to preserve the legacy they have built for themselves.

The impact of changing your name after a divorce can be substantial. Your children might be angry, your partner's family might be angry, and your partner might grow resentful and unkind in the face of you changing your last name back to your birth name. For some families and couples, keeping a well-established married name is the right course of action, but this decision can vary for everyone. 

Divorce can be stressful: Talk about it in online therapy

Process your divorce with online counseling

Since the decision to keep or change your name on the heels of a divorce is a big one, and because the implications can be far-reaching and long-lasting, it may be helpful to consult with a therapist to gain some perspective. A therapist can help you determine which of these routes is right for your unique situation, your needs, and your own personal set of values. 

An online therapy platform, such as Regain, can match you with a licensed marriage and family therapist who can help you make the decision that is the most empowering for you. 

Since the divorce process is often time-consuming and emotionally heavy, it may be useful to have the option to connect with a therapist through phone calls, video chats, or in-app messaging instead of having to drive to an office and attend sessions in person. And since online therapy is often more affordable than in-person therapy, it can be an appealing option for people navigating the legal expenses of divorce. Whatever assistance you need during this difficult time, a therapist can be here for you to offer support.

The effectiveness of online counseling 

Online counseling can be beneficial for those going through a divorce. In one study, researchers discovered that a controlled trial study of the Cooperation After Divorce online intervention significantly reduced anxious, depressive, and somatization symptoms among divorcees over a one-year period. When researchers followed up with participants one year after their divorce, they found that symptom levels of all three outcomes were close to the population norms for those in the intervention group, but “still considerably elevated for participants in the control group,” suggesting the long-term effectiveness of online counseling. 


Whether you choose to change your last name after a divorce is a personal decision that everyone has different feelings and opinions about. Making the choice that feels right to you without being influenced by others can help ensure that you are happy with your decision and don’t have regrets down the road. Professional counseling can be beneficial during this process if you need guidance in figuring out what may be the right choice for you. Further, counseling can help you cope with any difficult emotions you may be experiencing during or after your divorce. No matter the challenges you’re facing, a therapist can help you remain true to yourself as you work through them and look forward to what’s next in your life. 

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