Understanding Divorce Mediation, Child Custody, And Family Law
Mediation is an intervention used to help settle disputes of all kinds. It can be especially useful in family law situations involving divorce and child custody.
During the mediation process, a professional mediator (a neutral third-party person) will work to help resolve disputes between the two parties. A mediator does not give legal advice but instead helps facilitate voluntary agreements through conflict resolution that were not able to be reached alone or through the court system.
Divorce mediation, in general, has a high success rate. This has led many states, such as Texas and Rhode Island, to require mediation for certain divorcing parties.
This article can address the most common questions divorcing couples may have about arbitration.
Divorce mediation goals and benefits
The goals of mediation sessions are much different than a trial or divorce decided by the court system. Whether the court suggests divorce mediation or it is taken on voluntarily by the two parties, divorce mediation should generally aim to:
- Bring about a legally enforceable divorce agreement that is acceptable to both parties.
- Lower added expense and hostility that can accompany traditional litigation.
- Reduce negative effects on minor children that can result from divorce/custody battles.
Unlike a court settlement, the mediation results often include a settlement agreement that everyone can accept. A mediated divorce agreement is legally binding once both parties have signed. According to research, other benefits of divorce mediation may include:
- A comprehensive agreement that reduces the need for future court appearances.
- Financial and tax savings that can't be achieved through the court system.
- Less time spent than if litigation would have continued.
- Improved relationships between divorcing parties and parents and children.
A divorce mediation case study
Donna and her ex-husband James thought mediation to be unnecessary at first. Like many couples, the Hendersons assumed that they would both have to hire attorneys to dissolve their marriage. They tried splitting their assets and working out a parenting agreement themselves, but bitter feelings toward each other led to poor communication and lots of arguments. When they began seeking legal representation, Donna's counselor suggested that she consider mediation.
When they first began considering divorce, Donna and James had started relationship counseling through Regain. James stopped attending therapy within a few weeks, but Donna continued, feeling more empowered with every session. Although she was open to the idea of mediation, she thought James would never agree. Though he did have his reservations, James agreed to try mediation. Within a few sessions, the couple had agreed on the settlement details and felt ready to move forward with their divorce.
Though the couple had to make some concessions when it came to possessions and time with the children, they ended up with an agreement that was both fair and suitable. A few years after the divorce, James is happy to have chosen mediation over a contested divorce. "Fighting in court would have hurt our children," James reflected. Now that they are both remarried, Donna is glad that her divorce with James was amicable.
How to find a mediator
There are many ways to find a mediator if you are interested in settling your divorce without a drawn-out legal battle. You could start with a quick Google search in your area, but it's probably better to get a referral. Possible sources for a mediator referral include:
- A family member, friend, or therapist
- Professional mediation groups such as mediation.org and Mediate.com
- A local attorney
When selecting a divorce mediator, make sure you choose licensed ones who have extensive experience with mediation. Sometimes mediators are attorneys, but other times they are not.
Regardless, the best divorce mediators possess an extensive skillset that allows them to offer solutions to complicated problems. For this reason, trained therapists or counselors often make great divorce mediators.
How divorce mediation works
Because the rules surrounding mediation can vary from state to state, the process isn't “cookie cutter.” For example, in many places, couples who are divorcing attend mediation together in the same room. Other areas separate the parties, and the mediator moves back and forth between them. Even though mediation can differ depending on where you live, generally, mediation moves through something like the following stages:
- Introduction - During this initial meeting, the mediator will allow parties to discuss why they have chosen mediation and what they hope to gain. The mediator will provide basic information about the process, guidelines, as well as expectations. During this time, the mediator may assess the issues you agree/disagree on for future planning.
- Information gathering - Information about finances and other relevant documentation will be given to the mediator. During this time, divorce-related problems will be identified, and the mediator will propose effective solutions. All discussions will take place in a peaceful, judgment-free environment where both parties are encouraged to express their true feelings and concerns regarding the divorce, finances, assets, debts, liabilities, children, etc.
- Guidance - The mediator will then guide the divorcing couple into making agreements related to finance and family. If children are involved, a comprehensive parenting plan that outlines support, custody, and visitation will be drafted as well. Once all issues are resolved through mediation discussions, the final steps can take place.
- Agreement - During this stage, the mediator will draft a legally binding document and present it to the divorcing parties. If attorneys are involved, they will go over the document with their clients. Once everyone agrees, all parties will sign, and the agreement will become a final judgment.
The cost of divorce mediation
As with any legal service, the cost will vary depending on the mediator you choose, the amount of time it takes to settle your issues if you have minor children, and if there are extenuating circumstances that make your case unusually difficult.
Mediation fees can range from $50 to $200 an hour, which can seem like quite an expense to many divorcing couples. Statistics repeatedly show, however, that the upfront cost of mediation is less than the amount it would cost to take a contested divorce to trial. Though every situation is different, most couples find that they save money by mediating their divorce instead of taking it to court.
When divorce mediation is not an option
While mediation is the best choice for many divorcing couples, it's not the solution for every situation. When deciding if mediation is for you, ask yourself the following questions: Do we both want to get a divorce? Do we have a setlist of assets/debts? Can we communicate enough to try mediation? If the answer to any of these questions is an unequivocal “no,” mediation may not be your best option. Other situations in which mediation usually isn't a good fit can include:
- Divorces in which one of the parties refuses to give mediation a chance. If your spouse is unwilling to give mediation a shot, it will waste time and money. Instead, you're probably best preparing for trial.
- Divorces in which both parties can agree on their own. Simple divorces and divorces where parties have no trouble coming up with an agreement regarding issues like child support, child custody, and spousal support, on their own don't need to be mediation. Instead, speak with an attorney about an uncontested divorce.
- Divorces in which one or both of the parties are incarcerated or incapacitated. For mediation to be successful, both parties must be present and capable of making sound decisions in their (and their children's) best interest. There are avenues for divorce if your spouse is incapable of making these decisions, but mediation isn't one of them.
- Divorces involve domestic violence or in which a partner fears for their safety. For a real resolution to take place, both partners have to be comfortable communicating. If you want a divorce but are facing domestic violence, don’t hesitate to reach out for help.
If you or a loved one is experiencing abuse, contact the Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233). Support is available 24/7.
Divorces in which a spouse believes the other may be hiding assets. Once a divorce has been through mediation, the agreement signed is binding. If you think your spouse is hiding assets, it might be best to involve an attorney. Without honesty and open communication from both parties, mediation won't be successful.
Navigate divorce with online therapy
If you and your spouse are considering or know that you want a divorce, mediation can be an effective option to ensure that you come to agreements that work for both of you as amicably as possible.
If you’re still unsure about divorce mediation, consider enlisting the help of a relationship therapist by signing up with Regain. Counseling can help you regain communication with your spouse, get rid of the need for mediation altogether, or assist you in preparing for the mediation process. Either way, you can be better prepared for the next phase of your life: moving on from your divorce. Regain’s online format allows sessions to be held anywhere via phone, video, or instant in-app messaging. You and your ex-partner can join sessions from the same location, or separately if you don’t wish to be in the same place together but still want to have sessions together.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
What can I expect at a divorce mediation?
Once either you or your partner has filed for divorce, the divorce process's next step is to go through a mediation process with your defense attorney, who works briefly. This is the first step in a divorce case and is more cost-effective than a collaborative divorce approach. This is considered a more hands-on approach in your divorce process as the mediator is there to guide the discussions and help you and your partner agree. Most of the time, when couples go to law divorce courts, there is less room for negotiation as the judge determines how your assets are split. This can often lead to post-divorce issues and cause further strain on couples. That is why people dealing with a divorce case are often encouraged to try this collaborative divorce approach instead.
How do you win a divorce mediation?
One of the most common misconceptions about collaborative divorce mediation is that a mediator acts as a biased third party to direct the negotiation process and help the couples and their lawyers through mediation, with one coming out on top. The mediator, in reality, is only there to mediate rather than delegate who gets what. There is no favor between the spouse and the mediator, depending on who hired them. The spouse and the mediator are on the same page regardless of who is writing the check. That being said, divorce mediation can become a success for both parties involved by following these tips:
- Finding a good mediator that you both agree on
- Speaking with your individual lawyers first about divorce-related issues
- Discussing only the important divorce issues you have
- Setting goals for divorce-related issues before going into your mediation
- Know what your needs and interests are for the mediation
Who pays for a divorce mediator?
During a mediation, the final cost for the mediator's time and knowledge typically split 50/50. That being said, not all couples can get over their divorce issues and act amicably during the mediation process. Often, the partner who makes the least amount of money will try and have their partner pay for the costs. If a couple cannot work through their mediation problems, their case will then go to a law divorce court for a judge to determine who pays what and who gets what in the end.
What are the five steps of mediation?
When going through a mediation process there are five stages of mediation that occur with the hopes of reaching a divorce settlement that both partners agree to. This is also known as collaborative divorce, as you will not need to go to divorce court to have a judge determine how to split the assets between you and your partner. Partners who can get over their divorce-related issues in their divorce mediation will go through these five stages:
- The initial phase or introductory stage
During the first stage of your collaborative divorce, you, your spouse, and the mediator, along with your attorney, will lay down a basic framework of each of your divorce cases so that the mediator may understand the circumstances. Your mediator will also inform you how the mediation process operates. This time is also used for you and your partner to communicate with each other on the issues of your divorce.
- The information-gathering stage
In this part of the divorce mediation, the mediator will further collect information from you and your partner to get as much information as possible from you. The mediator will most likely ask you to provide them with documentation such as financial documents, tax returns, and even mortgage statements to determine the assets between the two of you. This collaborative divorce stage can be more complicated than others as there may be a lot of back in forth in producing specific documentation.
Additionally, if you and your partner have children, the mediator will also go over state laws and regulations in terms of how custody may work and child support. Upon receiving all the documents the mediator requests, they may ask for more as the information provided may not be sufficient.
- The Framing Stage
The third stage between you, your spouse, and the mediator is called the framing stage. During this stage, the mediator works briefly with each spouse to outline all their divorce-related issues and to determine their needs and interests for mediation, including what to do with child support, child custody, alimony, the division of assets, debts, and all properties under the couple's names. This stage's focus in the divorce settlement is meant to identify and address each couple's core wants after the divorce process.
- The negotiating stage
During this collaborative divorce mediation session, the next stage is to begin negotiations with the divorce attorney for each couple present. With the mediator's assistance, the couple will go back and forth to narrow down who gets what to ensure that everyone leaves as happy as possible. There is a lot of problem-solving that occurs during this stage. While some couples can get over their divorce-related issues and cooperate, others find this difficult and often leads to the couples having to go to divorce court.
- Conclusion Stage
The final stage in this collaborative divorce method is the conclusion stage. During this final stage, both individuals will review a tentative agreement for settlement with their family law divorce attorneys to ensure the settlement's premises are correct. If both individuals agree to the terms, the mediator will make a finalized copy for both individuals to sign in the presence of their family law divorce attorneys. Once the papers are signed, the mediator will send them to the law divorce court to be finalized by a judge.
What can I expect at my first divorce mediation?
Mediation is a best-case scenario for couples getting a divorce and want to save time and money. People are often encouraged to try mediation routes before going to the courts. Typically a divorce mediation and how divorce mediation works occur in five stages.
During the first session of mediation, your selected mediator will go over how the process works, providing you with information such as the mediator is not litigation. There is to be no blame or fault placed on either partner. This session works briefly and will not be as long as the other sessions that follow. It is also important to note that mediators will clarify that both partners must agree upon the mediation. They can cancel or put the mediator on hold should they wish to do so later down the line.
What role does a family law mediator play in making child support and child custody decisions?
Family law is foundational in divorce mediation, particularly for sensitive matters like child support and child custody. While mediation allows couples to reach a mutual agreement, the mediator will use family law as a guide to ensure that the outcomes respect legal standards. This means that any child support or custody arrangement needs to align with the child's best interests. Having family law as a framework helps the mediator facilitate fair, balanced, and legally sound discussions.
Additional questions
Is hiring a divorce mediator a good idea?
Hiring a divorce mediator can benefit both parties if they are open to negotiation. A mediator helps both spouses discuss key issues—such as child support, property division, and child custody—without the conflict and expense of a court battle. Mediation is often faster and less stressful, allowing couples to retain more control over the outcomes. In many cases, a divorce mediator can help both parties reach an agreement that meets family law guidelines without needing a judge's intervention.
What is the downside to using a divorce mediator for child support decisions?
One downside of using a divorce mediator is that they lack the authority of a judge, so any agreement relies on both parties' willingness to compromise. If there is a significant power imbalance or if one party refuses to negotiate fairly, mediation might not work, especially with complex issues like child custody or child support. If mediation fails, the case may still end up in family law court, resulting in additional time and expense.
Do couples ever reconcile during sessions with a divorce mediator?
Though uncommon, reconciliation does occasionally happen during mediation. Since mediation encourages honest communication and cooperation, some couples find that discussing child custody, finances, or shared goals for their children reopens channels of understanding. A divorce mediator facilitates a neutral space that can sometimes help couples see each other's perspectives more clearly, though reconciliation remains rare.
How do I stay calm during divorce mediation that’s focused on child custody?
Staying calm during divorce mediation, particularly around sensitive topics like child custody, requires focus and preparation. Ground yourself by reminding yourself of your main goals and focusing on your children's best interests. Take breaks if emotions run high, and remember that the mediator is there to ensure a balanced discussion. The structure of family law provides a framework that can help guide decisions on child support and custody, so you can feel more secure knowing there are legal standards to uphold fairness.
How do you negotiate a settlement during family law mediation?
To negotiate a fair settlement in mediation, prepare by outlining your primary needs and being open to compromise. For issues like child support, it helps to come up with documentation and a clear understanding of your financial situation. Work with the divorce mediator to communicate clearly, listen actively, and stay open to creative solutions. Knowing that family law principles support fair outcomes for child custody and support can help guide the process.
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