Leaving An Abusive Wife: Recognizing Emotional Abuse And Domestic Violence
Abuse is a hot-button topic. As gender roles shift and change, and the attitudes surrounding marriage and relationships change, it seems to be coming to light more and more that abusive relationships are painfully common and are often swept under the rug or hidden, whether from pride, shame, or abject terror. Although there are plenty of news stories and resources available for women who have been abused, there are often not as many resources and news stories about men who have experienced an abusive wife, which can make coming forward or getting out of your situation seem impossible. Despite the lack of research and support, men should not be forced to stay in a relationship filled with abuse.
What constitutes abuse?
It’s important to recognize that abuse does not include only physical threats or violence. Abuse is any behavior that mistreats, harms, or otherwise negatively impacts another person through control or an imbalance of power. Abuse can happen across various ages, backgrounds, nationalities, belief systems, and ethos. Some people can justify abuse on religious grounds (citing the notion that women are supposed to be meek and subject to men), supposed defensive grounds ("he was trying to intimidate me!"), and more.
By its very nature, abuse is usually hidden to keep the receiver quiet and continue the cycle of abusive behavior. It is often not readily visible to others, even when it is physical abuse because abusers are often master manipulators who are excellent at lying or telling half-truths to seem more reliable. Abusers can be well-off, "upstanding" people in the society or come from backgrounds in crime-regardless of their exact origin; abusers leave psychological, emotional, mental, and physical scars.
Different types of abuse
Although all types of abuse are reprehensible, each type of abuse manifests differently and can have different psychological and physical effects. Few people who abuse others do so within a single type; most abusers venture into all abuse areas- including acting like a controlling wife. This type of behavior is borne of anger, and a lack of regard for others-jumping from one form of abuse to another is rarely seen as cruel or unkind. Indeed, most abusers manage to justify their behavior to themselves and those experiencing the abuse, which can perpetuate a cycle of confusion, distrust, and uncertainty. The three most common types of abuse are verbal abuse, physical abuse, and emotional abuse. Each form of abuse can be committed by anyone, including friends, family, romantic partners, and parents. Therefore, shielding yourself from emotional abuse is a must.
Verbal abuse
Verbal abuse is any language that suggests cruelty or violence. Verbal abuse can be obvious, as in the case of a woman screaming that her husband is "useless trash," or something similar, but can also be far more covert in its delivery. Abuse can masquerade as honesty ("What? I'm just honest."), kindness ("I just don't want you to be disappointed."), and pragmatism ("It just isn't realistic. You aren't smart. You can't accomplish something like that."). In any case, verbal abuse is designed to strip the receiver of their strength, confidence, and autonomy to create unhealthy co-dependency between the abuser and the abused.
Verbal abuse is often intertwined with emotional abuse, but does not have to be; verbal abuse in marriage can be used with emotional manipulation and gaslighting, as is the case when a verbally abusive wife tells her spouse, "I can't stand you; no one can. You are a big, whiny baby, and you are so lucky I am even willing to be with you. You should be grateful." In this instance, she delivers verbal abuse by insulting her partner and emotional abuse by making her feel as though they are the problem, and she is a saint for deigning to be with them.
Physical abuse
Perhaps, physical abuse is the least common form of abuse used by women but is nevertheless real and should not be taken lightly. While women may sometimes be smaller than the men they are attacking, this is not always the case, and some men may feel as though they cannot defend themselves for fear of being charged with attacking or hurting a woman. Physical abuse is usually associated with being hit with fists or kicked. Still, many different actions fall under the umbrella of "physical abuse," many of them demeaning and painful.
Striking someone with an anything-an open hand, a fist, a foot, knee, elbow, or any other part of the body, with the intent to injure. While a one-time slap might not feel like anything to be upset about, a pattern of abuse might be seen through not only physical altercations but through verbal and emotionally abusive tactics, when can then culminate in physical action.
Physical abuse often contains violent and intense behaviors. Physical abuse might be delivered in readily visible areas, but most abusers will hurt others in areas that are easy to cover up, such as the upper arms, thighs, stomach, and back. These can be covered by clothes, even in summer, and are not as likely to arouse suspicion.
Emotional abuse
Emotional abuse often comes in the form of manipulation, gaslighting, and guilting. These three frequently form something of a trifecta; However, they can each exist without the other. They are all too often used together, because the negative effects of emotional abuse, verbal abuse, and physical abuse to those who experienced it compound to create a powerful, painful, and overwhelming mental and emotional state.
Emotional abuse differs from verbal abuse in its delivery: verbal abuse insults belittles, and mocks someone, while emotional abuse is used to manipulate. Manipulation can be the most difficult to detect a form of abuse, as it often comes with some seemingly uplifting or loving message. "I only want what's best for you," "I just love you so much," "I love you too much to let you," and more are common phrases used in emotionally abusive relationships. These phrases simultaneously exert control over the abused while making them feel as though they are ungrateful and undeserving of even basic kindness-which then paints the abuser as a saint-like rescue figure.
Leaving an abusive wife
The first step in getting out of an abusive marriage is recognizing that abuse is present. Each of the types of abuse described above constitutes abusive behavior that warrants leaving a marriage behind. Many people stay in abusive marriages, citing divorce's difficulty on children, finances, and similar issues. Still, abusive relationships systematically break down the receiver's mental, emotional, and physical well-being and create toxic, unstable, and terrifying home environments for both parents and children, both.
Getting out of an abusive marriage is rarely easy, though; many abusers have a firm hold on their victims. They may feel helpless or unable to leave, whether that is through lack of resources or the feeling that they cannot function without the help of their abuser. Leaving an abusive wife can feel even more difficult: women are not often seen as perpetrators of abuse, and family and friends might express hesitation or outrage when a woman is accused of abuse. Even so, no one deserves to live in an abusive marriage, and even without ample resources, getting away from an abuser is possible. Finding help and strength through online support groups, a doctor, or another health professional can help partners find the strength to leave their abusive wives.
Things to do before leaving an abusive wife
Before leaving an abusive wife, there are several things to do: prepare to leave, create a backup plan, gather evidence, and leave. Preparing to leave means beginning to separate lives. As much as possible, separate finances, material items, and friendships that are not supportive. If these things are not possible, try to set aside just enough to get out-enough money to get to a safe place, enough clothing to last a few days, or at least one friend you can rely on.
Creating a backup plan involves researching places to live, possible new job opportunities, and even another form of transportation, as you may not have to a vehicle apart from your wife. This could mean enlisting a doctor's help, a friend who has also experienced abuse, or a law enforcement professional. Getting other people involved can help you against further manipulation, abusive behavior, and terror.
Next, gather evidence of abuse. This could be saving texts or emails, recording incidences of abuse, taking a catalog of physical injuries, and more. Proving abuse can be difficult without concrete evidence, so it is in your best interest to make sure you can provide thorough and convincing evidence to support the supposition that your wife is abusing you. Unfortunately, as it is, judges will need evidence of abuse to award custody situations, sign off on divorce decrees, and put restraining orders in place, if need be.
Finally, leave. If you have children, you have to be careful, as taking children without your wife's knowledge and refusing to let her see them could constitute kidnapping. You also will not want to leave your children in an abusive home. If possible, arrange to let your wife know where you are after you have already gone and have a lawyer already in place, ready to defend your decision.
Leaving an abusive wife can be a simple enough process, wherein you leave, sign divorce papers, and are done with one another. Still, it can also be a long, drawn-out process involving plenty of court battles, lawyers, and frustration. Ultimately, though, the peace of mind and healing that comes after leaving a toxic, unhealthy situation is often worth the struggle-both for you and any children resulting from your relationship.
If you are struggling to come to terms with a decision to leave or suffer from depression and anxiety far too much to begin taking steps, consider seeking help from a qualified mental health professional, such as the therapists available through Regain.Us. A mental health professional can help you find the strength and determination required to get out of an abusive relationship, find healing, and begin moving on from the exhaustion, malaise, and terror that accompany living with an abusive wife.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
What are some examples of emotional abuse?
Types of abuse that may occur in relationship abuse or abuse under other circumstances may include emotional abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, financial abuse, and other forms of abuse. More than three types of emotional abuse that an abusive husband, abusive wife, or abusive spouse may engage in. Abuse tactics used by an abusive husband, abusive wife, or abusive spouse may include but aren’t limited to gaslighting, stonewalling or giving silent treatment, criticism or treating you as less than, withholding affection, name-calling, and more. It is common for those experiencing signs of abuse at the hands of an abusive spouse, abusive husband, or abusive wife to be afraid to leave.
For those who are afraid to leave or who are thinking, “I’m afraid to leave my abusive relationship,” “I don’t know how to leave my abusive situation,” or “how do I leave my abusive relationship?” having a safety plan in place is essential. This goes for relationship abuse as well as abuse at the hands of anyone else. If you’re wondering, “how do I leave my abusive relationship?” there are options. Your well-being will always be of the highest importance, and considering all factors for keeping yourself safe is vital.
The National Domestic Violence Hotline website has a page regarding relationship abuse safety. On this page, there are a variety of resources for relationship abuse safety, including how to build a safety plan if you’re wondering, “how do I leave my abusive relationship?” Click here to build an interactive safety plan using the website. If you recognize the signs of abuse in your relationship, know that you can call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. You can also use the online chat option on the website.
What are the immediate effects of emotional abuse?
Immediate effects of emotional abuse may include but are not limited to feeling as though you can’t trust yourself, questioning yourself or your own reality, decreased self-esteem, feelings of confusion, being afraid to leave, or thinking, “how do I leave my abusive partner safely?”, feelings of shame or guilt, and more. Look for the signs of abuse in your relationship, and remember that abuse can take many forms.
Abuse at the hands of an intimate partner is called intimate partner violence, where domestic violence cases are broader and can occur between any two people living together. Outside of relationship abuse, abuse can occur in other scenarios. Rather than wondering, “how do I leave my abusive partner?” you may be wondering, for example, “how do I leave an abusive family?” If you have an inkling that something is wrong, it probably is, and if you notice signs of abuse, it’s never something to ignore.
How does emotional abuse affect mental health?
Consequences of emotional abuse include but are not limited to mental health concerns such as anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), shame, guilt, feelings of hopelessness, feelings of powerlessness, questioning oneself, social isolation, or withdrawal from others, and even chronic pain. The long-term impacts of emotional abuse are serious, and therapy can be incredibly beneficial for those who have experienced this form of trauma. If you have survived emotional abuse at the hands of a partner or anyone else, you are strong.
Signs of abuse include financial control, gaslighting behaviors and other manipulation tactics, public humiliation, downplaying your feelings, putting you down, threats, controlling behavior such as distancing you from friends and family or making decisions that impact you without consent, and more. Take the signs of abuse at the hands of a partner or anyone else seriously.
How do most domestic violence cases end?
How a domestic violence case ends very much depends on the situation. Unfortunately, 60% of domestic violence cases are dismissed.
Who does domestic violence affect the most?
Statistically speaking, the demographic group most affected by domestic violence is women between 18 and 24. However, domestic violence can impact anyone. Domestic violence makes up 21% of all violent crime, where intimate partner violence specifically makes up 15% of all violent crimes.
How do you deal with an abusive relationship?
What are the 3 characteristics of abusers?
What behaviors are considered abusive?
What are the 5 signs of emotional abuse?
What is the profile of a typical abuser?
How do you deal with a problematic wife?
What should you do if your wife is harming you physically as well as emotionally?
What kind of domestic violence is the most difficult to detect?
Are there ways to manage my wife's short and dangerous temper?
How can you protect your mental health in an abusive relationship?
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