How To End A Friendship
When a friendship is healthy, it can have a range of positive effects on your life, mental health, and well-being, including boosting your happiness, improving your confidence, and helping you cope with life’s challenges. What happens, though, when you feel like a friendship is no longer good for you? What if the person you considered a friend wronged you, or you seem to have differences that are not reconcilable? Sometimes, it may be best to end a friendship, but this can be a painful and difficult option to consider. If this is something you’re experiencing, read on for a few thoughts and ideas to keep in mind as you navigate this situation.
How and when to end a friendship
The mere thought of ending a friendship can cause feelings of sadness or grief. While it is not something that new friends anticipate, with time and changes in circumstances, it may become inevitable. Recognizing when a friendship is becoming unhealthy or has become a one-sided friendship can be important, as this toxic or harmful behavior can have a range of negative effects on a person.
Some things to consider when deciding whether or not to end a friendship include:
Does your friendship make you feel seen and supported?
If you cannot answer this question with certainty, you may not be experiencing a good friendship. Friendships that don't support a person's well-being or foster growth in one another may do just the opposite. If a friendship creates turmoil, reduces your confidence, or makes you feel small or on-edge, it may be time to walk away.
Have you created meaningful memories?
Healthy friendships involve talking and spending time together. These times together allow you to create memories that can be recalled with happiness, not anger or regret. If ill feelings toward one another overshadow the good memories and seem to hold more weight, this can signify that the friendship is in trouble.
Has your friend betrayed you?
Examples of betrayal in friendship could be your friend telling someone else something that you asked them to keep in confidence or lying to keep you from knowing things that they have done. If betrayal has occurred in your friendship, it is up to you to decide if the betrayal was significant enough to lose your friendship. If it is something you don’t want to jeopardize your friendship for, you can address the issue with your friend and try to reconcile things; but if it is not something you can get past, you may decide that ending the friendship is the best option.
After visiting with your friend, is your mood better or worse?
True friends tend to encourage and pick one another up. Even during the worst times, a good friend can likely relieve some of the heaviness we feel. If you visit with a friend and leave worse or feel like nothing you said or felt meant anything, you may want to evaluate the friendship.
Considerations before you end a friendship
If you decide that ending your friendship is the best way forward, you may want to take your time to handle the situation carefully. Whatever the reasons that led you to this decision, you may not have a chance to undo it once it's done. It may help to think about why you want to end the friendship and rehearse what you'd like to say to your friend before you approach them.
Take some time apart before deciding how to end a friendship
If you are dealing with anger toward your friend, you may want to take some time apart before you make the final step of ending the friendship. Decisions made in haste can often bring regret once the situation has resolved and emotions are settled down.
Remember to be kind
In addition, remember to remain kind. This person that you are preparing to end a friendship with once held your secrets, and your sadness, and rejoiced with you. While you may have already come to terms with the fact that the friendship is not working for you, your friend may not see eye to eye with you. Being unkind will only cause more hurt in the end. Even if this person has become someone that you can't stand the thought of being around, try to consider how you may feel if they were the one ending the friendship and not you.
Ways to end a friendship
There are different approaches to ending a friendship. Every situation is different, so you may want to consider the circumstances related to why you feel the friendship needs to end and then think about how best to handle ending things. Below are a couple of different options to consider:
The "fade-out" approach
Ending a friendship may be painful. On the other hand, it could feel like a major relief following stress. If you know that the friendship is in trouble and don't see any way to resolve issues, you may find it best to back away slowly or "fade out." Limiting communication and contact slowly can give you the chance to adjust to life without your friend being involved, and it can also give your friend time to fill the gap your absence will bring with other things. In some cases, this sort of “fading out” can also feel very natural. It can make sense for both of you to naturally and gradually drift apart. That said, if you have a lot of mutual friends or if the friendship is dangerous or has become toxic, this may not be the best approach.
The "break-up" approach
In other cases, you may decide that having a direct conversation to end the friendship would be the best approach. If you would like to end the friendship immediately, this may be the way to do it. Depending on the situation and the friendship, it may make sense to have this conversation in person. In this conversation, you don’t have to tell your friend everything they have ever done to make you angry or frustrate you. If something significant happened that you can't get past, you might feel like it is important to tell your friend what happened that hurt you and how you feel it was detrimental to the friendship. However, you can also simply state that you don't feel like your friendship is beneficial to your own emotional well-being or conducive to your growth and that you feel like you both would benefit by simply stepping away.
Where to seek help with friendships
The end of a friendship can be painful, even if you are confident that it was the right decision. If you would like support coping with the aftermath of a friendship or determining how best to handle a complicated friendship, online therapy can help. There may be a variety of concerns and dynamics at play with friendships, and research has found online therapy to be just as effective as in-person sessions for a range of concerns.
How to end a friendship: Online therapy can help you
For some people, talking about the end of a friendship can feel very painful, and it may feel easier to have these conversations in a place where they already feel comfortable. With online therapy, you can meet with a therapist from wherever you have internet, including the comfort of home.
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If you have reached a point where you feel that ending a friendship is best, it can be difficult to handle and figure out how to move forward. If you would like further support as you navigate this situation and try to cultivate more fulfilling friendships, you can connect with a licensed therapist online for help.
When should you end a friendship?
Every situation is different, so deciding whether or not to end a friendship can be very dependent on you, your friend, and the dynamics between you. But some possible times when it might make sense to end a friendship include: when someone disregards your boundaries, when someone consistently treats you poorly, when someone makes you feel small or belittled, or when the friendship negatively affects your life or growth.
How to end a long friendship
There are several different ways you can end a long friendship. Some approaches include:
- Gradual fade-out: This method entails allowing your friendship with the person to fade out naturally by slowly but steadily reducing common contact with them.
- Have a conversation: If you think the gradual fade-out method is not suitable for your unique situation, then you may want to have a direct conversation with your close friend where you express your thoughts on the friendship and how to move forward.
- Take a break: Sometimes, simply taking some time away from each other can be the most effective approach. In these cases, you can express that you want to take some time apart from each other, and you can choose to reevaluate the friendship later.
- End the friendship right away: If your close friend is toxic or does not respect the boundaries you set for them, it may be time to end the friendship immediately.
How can I end a friendship?
Ending a friendship respectfully and carefully is something anyone can do. With intentional communication and patient actions, you can move forward from a friendship that no longer serves you.
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