What To Do When Dating a Friend Goes Awry
Sometimes, dating a friend can feel like a great idea: you already have a connection, you enjoy spending time together, and you already know a lot about each other’s likes and dislikes. Friendship can be a very strong foundation for a romantic relationship, so when it works out, a friendship-turned-romance can be very positive and healthy. But, on the flip side, when it doesn’t work out, it can be very painful—you may risk not only losing a romantic partner but also losing a close friendship. So, what can you do if this happens? Here, we’ll explore some of the potential benefits and risks of dating a friend, and offer a few tips for what you can do if it goes awry.
When friends get together: Potential benefits and risks
It is not entirely uncommon for some friends to develop romantic feelings for one another. Many friendships are built on a sense of connection and camaraderie, so this can be a solid starting point for further intimacy to grow from.
Friends may also get together because, in some cases, it can feel like a natural progression within the relationship. Two friends might feel enormous amounts of chemistry, which led to them being friends in the first place. Over time, physical and emotional attraction may develop due to chemistry and continued closeness, which can naturally lend itself to romantic feelings. Some friends may feel afraid to act on these feelings for fear of losing the friendship, but others may decide to take the leap and pursue a romantic relationship.
Friends might also get together out of convenience. If two people are lonely but have someone they love and trust, they might experience a thought akin to, "Why not?" Even if this isn't the most romantic start to a relationship, serious relationships can develop from these types of partnerships, as well.
The potential benefits of a friendship-turned-romance
Friendships that move over into romantic territory can make for very strong, healthy relationships in some cases. One study found that most married couples actually consider their partner their best friend, so people who turn to their best friend for a romantic connection may have a great start.
Your friend likely already knows a lot about your strengths, experiences, and flaws and loves you for who you are. That can be a powerful, beautiful basis for a long-term relationship. In many relationships that start as entirely romantic endeavors, it can take a while to learn these things about each other, and you may find, upon learning them, that the two of you are not actually a good match. Going into a romantic relationship already knowing a lot about your partner's setbacks, history, and any flaws may help support a genuine, authentic connection to develop.
You are also likely to have already established a decent basis of trust in your friend. Because trust is often an essential part of any romantic relationship, diving into a romance with your friend can make creating and sustaining trust easier than being with someone who was previously a stranger. If a long-term relationship is your hope, and trust is an important part of developing a stable, long-term relationship, turning to your friend for a romantic pursuit could be a natural, logical means of finding romance.
The potential risks of a friendship-turned-romance
On the flip side, transforming a friendship into a romantic relationship can come with a variety of possible risks. For one thing, the stakes also tend to be far higher in a friendship-turned-romance. If the relationship doesn’t work out and doesn’t end on good terms, you may not only be losing a romantic partner, but you could also be losing a friend.
In addition, if you and this friend are part of a larger group of friends, there is also a risk of damaging or losing that friend group. If the relationship goes south, it may not be possible for you two to remain friends and spend time together; this may cause divides in your friend group and may impact other friendships you both have.
And if physical intimacy is important to you, there is also a risk that it could lead to altered dynamics in your friendship if you don’t connect well in that way. A good friendship does not necessarily indicate the presence of sexual compatibility, and it will likely be far more painful and awkward to leave behind a relationship that was based on friendship in the absence of sexual compatibility than it would be to let go of a fledgling relationship that is discovered to be lacking in sexual chemistry.
What to do if things go awry with the friend you’re dating
Sometimes, a friendship-turned-romance can develop into a strong, healthy relationship, but there are also factors that can make dating your best friend difficult. If things go south, whether it is due to sexual incompatibility, the two of you want different things, a lack of physical chemistry, or simple disinterest in risking your friendship, there are steps you can take to move forward. Often, one of the best first steps to take is working to repair your friendship.
When dating a friend goes awry, repair your friendship
Repairing a friendship can take time and might require you to give one another plenty of distance and space before you try to repair things. Giving each other distance might only last a few days, but it could last months before the two of you can see one another and be around one another with any semblance of comfort or normalcy.
When you both feel ready, you can start rebuilding your relationship slowly and carefully. Try not to force your friendship to take on the same level of comfort it used to have or to force it to follow the same patterns of hanging out, texting, or calling that it used to have. Your friendship is being rebuilt, and placing expectations on it prematurely can have negative results. It may help to treat your friendship delicately and carefully, and perhaps even like it is a fresh friendship altogether.
Talk to your friends
You may also want to talk to your friends and find out whether or not they feel the friendship is worth salvaging. Although you might feel an intense sense of loss if you and your friend do not reconcile, your friend might be less inclined to work toward reconciliation and might want to part ways altogether following your breakup. While this can be a very painful risk in dating a friend, it is a possible outcome. If you communicate your desire to rebuild your friendship and your friend-turned-romantic-ex declines, you will have to respect that decision and try to move on from both your romance and your friendship.
Help navigating a friendship gone awry
Although there are numerous perks to dating someone you consider a close friend, there are also some risks, and if the relationship doesn’t work out, you may find yourself trying to navigate the aftermath. In either case, patience and compassion for yourself and your friend are paramount.
Speaking with a therapist can also help. A qualified mental health professional can help you examine your relationship, identify any unhealthy patterns the two of you may have had, and help you navigate the road toward healing. In fact, research has found online therapy to be effective in improving self-esteem for individuals after experiencing a breakup.
Online therapy can help when dating a friend goes awry
If you have recently experienced a breakup and the loss of a friendship at once, you may feel sad and low energy at times, and the thought of seeking help in person may feel a little daunting. With online therapy, you can meet with your therapist wherever you have internet, including the comfort of home.
Dating a friend can be wonderful and rewarding if things go well, but it can also carry some risks. If the relationship doesn’t work out, you may risk losing your friendship as well as your romantic partner. If this is something you’re experiencing, you can consider some of the tips detailed above, and for further support, online therapy can help.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Is dating a friend a good idea?
Every friendship and relationship is unique, so no one can answer if forming a dating relationship with a friend-turned-partner is a good idea or a bad one. The answer to whether it's a good idea to date a friend or not is heavily dependent on you, your friend, and the relationship you have with your friend. If you decide to date a friend because you have a mutual romantic interest in one another and can communicate beforehand about potential issues such as navigating things, you're on the right track if the relationship doesn't work out.
Open communication demonstrates a substantial foundation for those who want to start dating. Communication is essential in any relationship. If you start dating a friend, you will typically want to put in extra care surrounding the topic of your friendship and other concerns such as mutual friends, the connection your families have, and so on. If you can have a conversation about how to navigate potential roadblocks, it's a good sign.
Can dating ruin a friendship?
In some cases, dating a friend does have the potential to impact a friendship negatively. That is why, before you start dating a friend, it's imperative to have a conversation about your friendship and how to keep it alive if you end up breaking up. You want to prevent ruining a friendship when you start dating a friend. If you break up with someone and have mutual friends with them, this is another thing that can be difficult regardless of whether you started dating a friend or met someone on a dating app or online dating website and started dating them.
For example, if you have mutual friends with a person, you start dating from a dating app, a person you met organically, or dating a friend. Things end badly; it could be awkward because mutual friends won't invite you to events that the other person attends. This is something to discuss if you are considering a new dating relationship with a friend or have just started dating a friend.
How long should you be friends before dating?
Experts such as relationship or dating experts often recommend knowing someone for at least two months before starting dating. A dating expert will often say that this is beneficial for several reasons, including that you will know them well enough to know if things really have a chance of working out. It is also a positive measure for personal safety. When you experience a romantic feeling for a friend, you already know them, especially if you're dating your best friend or a close friend. This is one upside to experiencing a romantic feeling for a friend.
Is it better to be friends first before dating?
Valuing friendship in a relationship predicts relationship success in other areas. As far as whether you'll have a completely platonic friendship before dating or not, every relationship will vary, and no blanket statement will encompass every successful couple. Regardless, putting the time into getting to know someone, whether you meet on a dating app or in person, is important when it comes to a potential partnership.
Can best friends fall in love?
Best friends can absolutely fall in love. If you have a crush on a friend or want to start a new dating relationship with them and your friend doesn't feel the same way, it can hurt. Respect their feelings about the matter, and don't be afraid to reach out for support from a non-judgmental observer such as a counselor or therapist. Individual therapy or counseling will give you the space you need to talk about what's on your mind without getting back to your friend, and you can be as candid in therapy or counseling as you want.
Do guys fall for their girl best friends?
Sometimes, yes, friends do fall for each other. However, this can happen for all genders, and a guy being friends with a girl does not mean that they will fall for each other. A dating expert will typically say that being careful and asking yourself the right questions about a new dating relationship with a friend is the way to go if you are in this situation. Dating a friend can be an incredible experience for the right couple. The transition to dating a friend or even dating your best friend is different than starting to date a new person from an online dating site, dating app, or so on that, you've only known in a flirtatious or romantic context.
To date, a friend can be a major bonus because, again, you're more likely to have vast knowledge about your friend and who they are deep down. Still, the communication element and changing how you interact with each other is somewhat of a transition to acknowledge. Sometimes, by the time you start dating a friend, you can see that you are already flirty with each other. In this case, the progression to a romantic relationship happens naturally. In other cases, it's something you'll be more conscious of and might be something you'll have to work on more.
Is it hanging out or a date?
Hanging out with someone doesn't necessarily indicate a date. If there are any hints that your hang-out is more than platonic, such as someone trying to hold your hand, it might be more than just hanging out as friends. If there's any confusion, ask to clear the air.
How do you know if you should date a friend?
If you're considering going from a friendship to a romantic relationship, there are some questions to ask yourself. Check in with yourself regarding the following questions if you are thinking about going from a friendship to a romantic relationship with a friend:
- Are we compatible?
- Do we want the same things in life as kids, living circumstances, and so on the go?
- Are the feelings mutual?
- What have I noticed about them as a partner in other relationships they've had?
The essential thing is to be thoughtful about your relationship. Be honest with yourself when you ask yourself these questions, and never hesitate to reach out for professional support.
How do you tell your friend that he or she is dating the wrong person?
What are things you should think about before you decide to date your friend?
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