10 Reasons Why Facebook Ruins Relationships
Social media has become an important aspect of many people’s lives over the past decade. Whether you are a Facebook type of person, or maybe prefer Instagram or Twitter, you understand how easy it is to get sucked into a social media feed for hours at a time. Facebook, like all the other social media sites, isn’t the culprit for ruining relationships, but it is a tool that can contribute to destroying relationships if used in the wrong way. Having the ability to connect with people all over the world is still a relatively new technology, and we’re still trying to figure out, as a society, how to use it well. There’s nothing inherently “wrong” with Facebook, but it can lead to relationship issues and has even been known to contribute to divorce.
Reasons why Facebook ruins relationships
The next time you scroll through your Facebook newsfeed, think about your intentions for using the social media site. Are your intentions good and kind, or do you use Facebook for a sneakier type of game? Here are 10 reasons why Facebook can ruin relationships.
1. Seeing other couples' posts can lead to jealousy
Social media posts often don’t show the whole picture. Just because someone only posts happy, loving pictures with their spouse doesn’t mean they don’t have problems off-camera. When you’re going through a rough time, though, it’s easy to feel like your life is terrible compared to your friends based on what they post online. Even though you know it’s only part of the story, you may get jealous over the trips other couples are taking or how sweet their partner seems. The comparison then leads to under-appreciating what you already have.
2. Partners discuss too much online
From what they ate for breakfast to the fight they had with their partner – for some Facebook users, nothing is off-limits. Facebook makes it easy to rant when you’re angry, complain when you’re upset, and seek sympathy from others. But your partner may not appreciate it when you overshare personal matters. Or maybe it’s your partner who overshares, and you are the uncomfortable one.
3. Couples may spend too much time scrolling
Facebook can be a major timewaster. It’s easy to passively scroll through a feed looking at text posts, memes, pictures, and life events. Before you know it, you’ve spent hours just scrolling. If you feel a little distant from your partner, check your social media habits. Maybe you can cut back on how many times you check Facebook during the day.
4. Facebook can lead to temptation
Facebook makes it easier to find and chat with people outside of your marriage or partnership. Maybe it’s an old flame that sent a friend request or an acquaintance who is a little flirty over Facebook Messenger. If you aren’t careful, innocent messaging or friend requests can turn into full-blown affairs. It’s always a good idea to be selective about who your friends are, no matter how innocent you might think you are.
5. Facebook can cause relationship anxiety
Perhaps your partner likes and comments on other people’s Facebook pages, but not yours. Or maybe you are dating someone and you update your relationship status, but your partner still shows single. These are just two of the many ways that Facebook can cause relationship anxiety.
6. Facebook replaces real intimacy
Speaking of posting cute photos, couples can easily use social media to replace real intimacy in the relationship. They’ll post photos or tag each other in posts with a sweet message on how much they love their partner. They may even message back and forth through messenger – flirty messages and sweet compliments. But outside of the internet, the relationship has fallen stagnant. Real intimacy happens face to face. Just because you can post nice things online doesn’t mean you’re off the hook for saying them in person as well. The internet is not a replacement for real conversation and quality time.
7. One partner may use Facebook more than the other
How often a person uses Facebook can be a point of contention in relationships. One partner spending a lot of time on Facebook can leave the other partner feeling ignored or left out. When it’s so easy to open an app and scroll through a Facebook feed, it’s that much easier to ignore your partner who is sitting right next to you.
8. Partners read too far into each other’s Facebook posts
When a partner is feeling insecure about the relationship, that partner might choose to look at Facebook to try to read into how their partner is feeling. They might see a few likes on an attractive friend’s photos, or maybe read into a text post that makes them seem unhappy, and then jump to the conclusion that their partner wants out of the relationship. It’s easy to spiral into assumptions based on a few interactions that someone had on social media. And because they’ve jumped to a bad conclusion, this partner doesn’t want to come right out and ask if it’s true for fear of the relationship being over. So, they keep stalking their partner’s Facebook and hope things somehow turn around, all of which leads to unnecessary amounts of anxiety.
9. Some couples use Facebook to show off their relationship
Facebook can also be a place to brag when things are going well. And the bigger the event, the more likes and comments the posts will get. This can be a major ego boost that couples might keep striving for. They’ll start doing things precisely for the attention it brings them on social media. But “doing it for the likes” can only bring you so much happiness. Eventually, you will want more, and only real interaction can give that to you.
10. Some partners keep social media secrets
Trust is a major part of any relationship. So, if one partner doesn’t want the other to have the password to their Facebook account, it can lead to a lack of trust. Another possibility is that one partner has a secret account altogether. Whether it’s under a fake name or is hidden well, using social media out from the watch of a partner can be suspect and may be a sign of cheating.
Why facebook ruins relationships: The do’s and don'ts for Facebook use
Facebook isn’t the real enemy of relationships; bad decisions are. You can choose whether to use Facebook for its original intention – to connect with family and friends – or you can choose to use it to cheat or hide things from your partner. Your choices don’t make the site itself “good” or “bad” – but it can be used in ways that can hard a relationship.
Ask your partner for consent to post
When it comes to Facebook or any social networking site, it’s important to ask your partner for consent on what to post if it involves them. You don’t want social networking to put a damper on your relationship. Make sure your partner feels considered before you post something. When you post something online, your friends on Facebook are reading what you write. Revealing online what you do in alone with your partner can put a damper on your relationship. If your partner is okay with what you’re saying, that’s one thing. But if you don’t ask them, that’s another story.
If you’re dating someone, it’s best to ask if it’s ok to change your relationship status online. If someone doesn’t want to be Facebook official, it doesn’t mean they don’t love you. They may just not want to world to know yet for personal reasons.
Don’t fight online
In a healthy relationship, people talk in person about major issues. People who work in academia don’t want their students to see a squabble with their partner online. Imagine an associate professor fighting with their spouse and college students seeing it. That’s not a good thing.
It’s crucial to avoid talking about serious problems with your partner on social networking. If you choose to engage in that behavior, it can come across in a way you didn’t mean it. Be mindful of what you post, and when you feel angry, walk away from the screen, Whether your partner is reading it, or Facebook friends see it, there is no tone in the text. It’s better to discuss emotional matters in person.
Social networking is a place to connect with family, friends, and new acquaintances. There are people who will diagnose people because of the way they behave online. If you’re dealing with a particular issue, such as infidelity, you don’t need people on Facebook to know.
Seeking help
High levels of Facebook usage can lead to depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and trouble sleeping. In fact, multiple studies have found that taking a break from Facebook improves mental health – which in turn can help relationships.
Whether you are experiencing relationship issues or mental health concerns – including social media addiction – due to your use of Facebook or other social media networks, a professional Regain relationship counselor can help. One study on social media addiction found that the addiction can be mitigated by cognitive restructuring, such as through cognitive-behavior therapy, which helps patients identify false beliefs and reframe their thoughts and actions in a healthier manner – such as recognizing how social media usage is impacting their relationships.
Online therapy has been found to be as effective as in-person therapy and can make it easier to get help as you can do it from the comfort of your home at a time that’s convenient for you. For many, it’s also a more affordable option.
Social media in and of itself is not inherently bad. It can, however, cause problems both for personal mental health and relational health. A Regain therapist can help. To get started with Regain, please visit Regain.us/start.
Why does facebook ruin relationships? Why facebook ruins relationships
If the 10 ways Facebook can ruin relationships in the article above are something that you relate to, you know that Facebook can highlight relationship problems for facebook users. It’s not generally Facebook itself that leads to the demise of a relationship. Usually, the platform just highlights something or gives way to a possibility that’s already there. When people make a Facebook account initially, it’s with good intentions most of the time. We often make and keep social media accounts because we want to stay in touch with others, such as those we went to college with, friends and family, and even acquaintances that we’ve known for most of our lives. Social media is beneficial when it comes to this. However, things can turn sour in some cases.
Why is Facebook bad for relationships?
Facebook can spark jealousy. You may see your spouse or partner liking pictures posted by mutual friends, or you may find yourself comparing yourself to the other people on your feed. Social media can also affect relationships sex and family life in the sense that it is a distraction. One way to make sure that your relationships sex and family life don’t suffer due to social media is to limit the amount of time you spend on Facebook and other platforms. Keep track of the amount of time that you’re logged on and be sure to prioritize real-life connections.
Additionally, it’s imperative to notice when social media is impacting your mental health in any way. If you struggle with eating disorders, bipolar disorder, or another mental health condition, you may find that triggering or unhelpful content shows up on platforms like Facebook. Although this is not the case for everyone, if it’s useful for you to do so, it’s important to acknowledge when triggers show up and log off. If you are struggling with a mental health condition such as bipolar disorder, eating disorders, or depression, it’s important to reach out to a mental health provider.
Why does social media ruin relationships?
Jealousy, comparison, and lack of trust can ruin relationships. Social media just happens to run the risk of amplifying those things. It gives us a greater chance to compare ourselves to others. Even if those people are friends and family, social media can make it look like someone’s life is perfect. in the case of relationships, you may find yourself comparing yourself to someone who looks like they have the “perfect relationship.” This can be damaging. You may start to project the idea of a perfect relationship onto your partner, making your partner feel bad about themselves or making your partner feel like they aren’t good enough in your love connection. If social media impacts the way you view yourself or your relationship, it might be time to take a social media break.
It can be challenging to initiate a social media break if you’ve never done it before and struggle with social media addiction. The best idea is to deactivate your account so that you’re not tempted to log on. You may find that you get closer to the people in your life when you deactivate social media. It forces you to talk to them directly instead of checking their page to see how they’re doing, which will give you a more accurate perception of their life and a heightened sense of closeness.
How is social media affecting relationships?
As stated above, social media can breed jealousy and comparison, both of which can affect mental health and relationships. Social media obsession is another thing that can impact relationships. If you’re obsessed with social media, you may find yourself distracted from areas of life that you’d like to be more engaged in, including romantic partnerships. Social media addiction is a very real thing. What social media addiction is, is excessive use of social media that feels compulsive. You may feel dependent on it and even start to feel emptiness or withdrawals when you don’t use it.
Both in a new relationship and committed relationships, issues can arise if every detail of your relationship becomes public domain. If you vent about you and your partner’s arguments through Facebook statuses instead of working through things with them, not only will it take an opportunity away from you and your partner to work through an issue, but it will also give all of your friends and family the ability to form opinions and comment on your personal life publicly. This pattern can get messy and interfere with a relationship fast, so it’s important to stop it before it starts to meddle.
How do I stop Facebook from ruining my relationship?
First, limit your use of the platform. Think about why you’re on Facebook and why you made your account in the first place. Is there a reason to keep your profile? Do you have old friends or classmates you’d like to stay in contact with, for example? Are you on Facebook for fun groups related to hobbies you enjoy? If so, use it strictly for those things. Don’t compare yourself or your relationship to others, and stop scrolling when the behavior starts. Take concerns about your relationship to your partner directly instead of asking for opinions online, and consult a couples counselor for help if you need to. Additionally, don’t be afraid to deactivate your account if it’s something that could benefit you. Sometimes, disengaging entirely is best, especially if you’re frequently tempted to use social media in an unhealthy way.
Can social media break up a relationship?
Generally, it won’t be social media itself that tears up a relationship. If you catch your partner being unfaithful on social media, the issue is not social media. Instead, it’s the fact that your partner is cheating. There are various ways that social media can impact a relationship or influence a breakup. These include arguments over the amount of time spent on social media, arguments over who you talk on social media, arguments over posts that you make, the tendency to vent about your relationship on Facebook rather than talking about it with your partner, jealousy, comparison to others, and more. Take a look at the roles social media plays not only in your life but in your romantic relationships. Do you a lot of your fights revolve around social media? Do you struggle with excessive social media use or feeling like you’re addicted to social media? If you answered yes to either of those questions, it’s probably time to take a break from social media platforms like Facebook and potentially seek help from a professional such as a therapist or counselor.
What is the disadvantage of Facebook?
Sometimes, people say things online that they wouldn’t say in person just to get a rise out of others. For example, a troll might make sexist comments about not understanding women or sexualize a woman in a way that’s unwanted by the woman. People might do things for shock factor or start arguments just to start them. That’s only one potential disadvantage of Facebook and other social media platforms, however. Other potential disadvantages of Facebook are comparison, envy, feeling like you aren’t good enough or attractive enough, and having a place to keep virtual tabs on your exes and their lives, which can make it hard to get over a past relationship. In romantic partnerships, social media can start fights. For example, if your partner struggles with jealousy or not feeling like they measure up to others, and they see you liking someone else’s picture, they may get jealous or angry. Additionally, someone could cheat using social media. These are examples of ways that social media can bring underlying issues to the surface.
Does social media create unrealistic expectations of relationships?
On social media, you will find an abundance of unrealistic expectations. Unrealistic expectations aren’t just perpetuated by celebrities or influencers, but also by people you know in real life. For example, you might notice people posting pictures where they look perfect when, in reality, they are photoshopped. Relationships are comparable to this phenomenon. Although you can’t necessarily Photoshop a relationship, you can post only the best parts of it; the “highlight reel,” if you will. People don’t post about the mundane nights spent in front of the TV, and most of the time, they don’t post about disagreements. Instead, they post vacation photos and work or life accomplishments. Publicizing innocent arguments instead of talking about it with your partner can be an issue in and of itself, but regardless, they are part of the whole picture in real life. It’s easy to forget that we might not be seeing the whole picture of someone else’s life, especially if they work to portray the image of a “perfect” life or relationship. When you look at social media, just know that there’s so much that can be going on behind closed doors and that it’s not an accurate representation of anyone’s life.
How many relationships fail because of social media?
It’s hard to say how many relationships fail because of social media specifically be because if they fail and social media is the catalyst, there’s usually something else going on, such as cheating. It just happens to be found out on social media. However, some professionals say that Facebook has become a dominant cause of separation in marriages. You don’t need to get off of social media entirely if you know that you have the potential to use it healthily and want to keep your account. Just be aware of how you’re using it and how it’s affecting your mental health and relationships. Remember to spend time off-line with your loved ones and stay aligned with your real-life values. If you’re concerned about your personal social media use or the effect it is having on your relationships, whether those are friendships, familial relationships, or romantic relationships, it’s important to seek the help of a mental health professional. Search for a provider online or in your local area to find the best fit for you.
What should you avoid when you're on Facebook?
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