Best Conversation Starters With Your Girlfriend If You Struggle To Connect
Do you find that conversation doesn’t always come easy, even when you’re with your girlfriend? It may be that you are more of an introvert and have a hard time initiating conversation, or maybe you just aren’t sure what to talk about. If you’re looking for conversation starters with your girlfriend, below are options to help get the words flowing.
Why it can be hard to connect
There are many reasons why it can be a struggle for a couple to talk with each other. Surface-level conversations and small talk can be easy for some, but difficult for others. If you are still new in your relationship, you may be afraid to say things that your girlfriend won’t like. You don’t want to offend them, so you’re careful about what to say. This can make it hard for you to say anything.
If you don’t know each other that well yet, it can feel like you’re talking about the same things repeatedly. If you don’t have a lot in common, this can be another reason why it’s difficult to find new topics to talk about. On the other hand, if the newness of your relationship has worn off and you already feel like you know just about everything there is to know about your girlfriend, you may not know what to say to keep the conversation flowing.
“Getting to know you” conversation starters with your girlfriend
When you’re just starting to date, you might want to keep the conversation on more of a surface level. This isn’t usually the time you’re going to want to quiz them on their plans for the future and how serious they are. Going too deep too fast can scare people away unless you’re both on the same page and moving at a similar speed. Here are some getting-to-know-you conversation starters that you can use with your girlfriend:
- Who is your favorite person in the world, and why?
- What makes you feel the most alive?
- What’s something you’ve always wanted to do that you haven’t done before?
- What’s your flavor of choice for ice cream?
- Are you a cat person or a dog person?
- Do you like to be spontaneous, or do you prefer to have a plan?
- Where’s your favorite place to go on vacation?
- Do you have any siblings?
- If you could have one superpower, what would you want it to be?
- Have you always wanted to have the job that you do?
- What are your favorite hobbies, or what do you like to do in your spare time?
- What’s a hobby that you would want to try that you never tried before?
Conversation starters to go a little deeper
You may find that your relationship is having a hard time going to a deeper level. You enjoy spending time with your girlfriend, and the two of you are connecting on some levels, but you know that it’s time for the relationship to start to progress, and you don’t know how to go about it. These are some conversation starters that you can use to get to know each other more and strengthen your relationship.
- What do you think a successful relationship looks like?
- What did you think of me when we first met?
- What’s your biggest fear?
- If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?
- If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
- What’s your relationship with your parents like?
- What’s the most embarrassing thing that you’ve ever done?
- Are you a spiritual person?
- What’s your favorite memory from your childhood?
- What’s your least favorite memory from your childhood?
- What’s one thing that you wish you could improve our relationship with?
- What are your biggest struggles that you’re facing right now?
- What makes you feel the most loved?
- If you could change anything about your past, what would it be?
Conversation starters to help you plan for the future
If you’re to the point in your relationship where you believe that there is a long-term future together, it can be important to have some key conversations before going all-in. However, some of these conversations can be difficult to have, especially if you have differing opinions.
These conversation starters can help you plan for the future with your girlfriend:
- Is getting married something that you see for your future?
- Do you want to have children someday?
- Is your job something that you want to do long-term?
- Are there any other places that you would like to live in?
- If we have children in the future, do you want one of us to stay home with them instead of daycare?
- What’s your financial situation like? Do you have debt from credit cards or student loans?
- How would we handle our finances together as a couple?
Things to talk about besides the two of you
Not all your conversations have to be about the two of you. If you’re struggling to come up with things to talk about, you can talk about general topics and things that are going on in the world. This could include things like current events, the latest sports news, new music, and more. If you and your girlfriend have been trying to sort through problems in your relationship, sometimes these types of conversations can give you a nice reprieve.
Don’t avoid the difficult conversations
Some topics can be difficult to talk about with your girlfriend. However, these conversations are usually the ones that are the most important to have for the longevity of your relationship. For example, things like money, sex, and expectations might not be the most fun conversations to have, but they can also be the most crucial ones to avoid conflict and mismatched expectations. Particularly for long-term relationships, you typically want to make sure that you and your girlfriend are on the same page in these essential areas of life. Having a successful relationship as you move forward can be dependent upon your ability to discuss difficult topics.
Silly conversations matter too
While it can be important to make sure that you’re having tough conversations in your relationship as you get to know each other and get ready to move your relationship forward, it’s also okay to have silly conversations. A good sense of humor is a positive quality that many people find attractive.
Take the time to enjoy the conversations that you have with your girlfriend. If every conversation were deep and had ulterior motives of getting to know each other better or planning for the future, it could get tiring. Below are some silly conversation starters that you can use to have a fun conversation:
- If you just won a lifetime supply of anything that you wanted, what would it be?
- If you were going to be stranded on an island and bring five things with you, what would they be?
- Would you rather have to eat all your food hot or cold?
- If you could pick any point in history to be alive, when would you choose?
- If you could choose any name for yourself, what would it be?
- How much money would it take for you to lick the inside of a dumpster?
- Would you rather have to keep your arms straight or your legs straight?
- Would you rather go to Disneyland or Disney World?
- If you could invent anything, what would it be?
- Would you rather be able to find all your missing socks or all your missing Tupperware?
- If you had to change your hair color, what would you choose?
- Would you rather have to skip everywhere that you went or walk backward?
Online counseling with Regain
When two people are struggling to communicate with one another, there could be several issues at play. If you and your girlfriend have different communication styles or just don’t know how to connect anymore, it can be difficult to have productive conversations. Regain is an online platform that can offer couples counseling to you and your girlfriend and help you get to the bottom of your communication problems. Working with a Regain therapist is often simpler than meeting someone in person. You can connect over phone calls, video chats, or in-app messaging at a time that works for both of you. Even if you and your girlfriend have different schedules or have a long-distance relationship, you can still go to therapy together by utilizing Regain’s services.
The efficacy of online counseling
Couples struggling to communicate efficiently could benefit from online counseling, according to this study. Researchers found that couples therapy delivered via videoconferencing proved to be an effective alternative to face-to-face interventions. This was particularly true for couples who otherwise couldn’t find the support they needed to heal and move forward together. Other results of this study showed improvements in relationship satisfaction, mental health, and other outcomes over a span of time.
There are many ways you can grow closer to your girlfriend, one of which can be through close, intimate, and regular conversations. Staying continually curious about your girlfriend’s life can help each of you connect on a deeper level, which can increase the level of satisfaction within the relationship. While conversation starters can be beneficial for growing in intimacy with your significant other, other aspects of communication can be just as important. Online couples therapy can be a valuable resource for those wanting to improve their communication skills, whether it be active listening, body language cues, or delivering a message with clarity and a kind tone.
How do I keep a conversation going with my girlfriend?
One of the most effective ways to keep a conversation going is to ask questions. No matter how long you’ve been together, there’s likely always going to be something new to talk about. If you’re having trouble getting a conversation started or keeping a conversation going, there are a couple of things you can do. You might ask your girlfriend deep questions, play a game of 20 questions, or take a couple’s quiz, for example. These can all be productive ways to bond and get talking. Putting effort into communication shows your girlfriend you’re interested in what they have to say and that you want to maintain a connection in the relationship.
What are interesting topics and conversation starters to talk about with your girlfriend?
It can be important to have fun conversation topics, interesting conversation topics, and deep conversation topics to discuss with your partner. Some things you might bring up include goals you’d like to achieve individually or as a couple, dates you’d like to go on or experiences you’d like to have together, things you appreciate or admire about each other, or what brings the two of you joy in life. Checking in with your girlfriend regularly to see what’s going on in their mind can help the two of you stay connected. If something’s upsetting them or weighing on them, give your girlfriend a listening ear. Try to ask your girlfriend questions use active listening skills to show that you care. If you’re working on communication as a couple, this is something you might work on doing more frequently together.
How do I keep a conversation going with my girlfriend over text?
Asking your girlfriend questions can be one of the most efficient ways to keep a conversation going, whether that’s over text or in person. Bring up topics of conversation that can be expanded on and use open-ended questions.
What are some topics to talk about in a relationship?
You can choose to talk about almost anything in a relationship, depending on the comfortability of the individuals involved. More serious conversation topics for those in a relationship may include talking about showing one another affection and support, how to navigate conflict within the partnership, your goals as a couple, and what you want for your future. Fun topics or bonding opportunities might include but certainly aren’t limited to “how well do we know each other?” questions and discussing current trending topics and events. It can also be important to talk about daily life. How’s work going for your partner? Is there anything fun they’d like to do soon? What’s a meal they’d like to enjoy together? You might even make a bucket list together, whether those are individual bucket lists or things you’d like to do as a couple.
How can I talk romantic?
First, it can help to consider where the relationship is at and where it’s headed. Speaking romantically can look different for a long-term couple than it might for two people who are just getting to know each other. Flirting and giving compliments can be effective, whether this is a new romantic connection with reciprocal interest or an established connection. If it’s a partner, you might consider telling them what you appreciate about them. Try to be specific. For example, you might tell a partner or spouse that you admire their intellect, drive, empathy, and creativity. This can be a highly romantic thing to do because it shows that you don’t take them for granted and helps foster affection in the relationship.
How do I make her laugh?
It may vary based on your sense of humor and hers. That said, there are several ways to make a person laugh, and a good sense of humor can be an incredibly charming trait. You may ask a funny question, show her a funny photo, video, or meme, or make a joke. Many people find it attractive when others don’t take themselves too seriously.
What questions make a girl blush?
Asking rhetorical questions, such as “why are you so beautiful?” “why are you the coolest person ever?” or “how did I get so lucky?” have the potential to make a girl blush. Avoid asking potentially embarrassing or personal questions without consent to make a person blush. Conversation topics should be comfortable for everyone involved. If this is someone you’re just getting to know, you may need to establish a stronger, closer relationship before trying to make them blush.
What are 21 questions to ask a girl?
Here are 21 questions you can ask a girl or anyone else you’d like to connect with:
- If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
- What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
- If you could sit down with your younger self, what would you tell them?
- What are you most passionate about?
- What’s your favorite season and why?
- What’s an experience that shaped who you are as a person?
- What are your top three favorite foods?
- What do you like to do on a rainy day?
- If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money?
- Are you more of an introvert or extrovert?
- What are some of your favorite simple joys?
- What TV or movie character that you relate to the most?
- Are you more or a morning person or a night person?
- What are some of your most treasured memories?
- What are some of your favorite books?
- In your opinion, what are some of the upsides and downsides of technology?
- Do you enjoy visual art?
- When you’ve had a hard day, what do you do to relax?
- What do you do in your free time?
- How many different places have you lived? What was your favorite?
- What’s the greatest compliment you’ve ever received?
Note that the right topics and questions to talk about and ask may vary based on where you’re at in a relationship. For those in a long-term relationship, more personal questions and deep conversation topics may be suitable, whereas ice-breaker questions might be more appropriate for a first encounter.
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