Eight Alpha Female Characteristics
In society, alpha females are generally regarded as dominant, ambitious, assertive, career-oriented, and confident women. Although you may have heard the term “alpha male” more commonly, the term "alpha female" has become more popular and more frequently used as women venture out, pursue their own goals, and work hard to achieve success and prominence in society. Many women who are considered alpha women carry themselves in such a way as to convey conviction, determination, and a passionate interest in accomplishing their ambitions.
Understanding what makes an alpha female
As alpha females gain more attention and traction in society, people are curious. What makes someone an alpha woman? How does a woman become an alpha? How do you tell an alpha woman apart from others? These are all great questions, and they can all be answered by having a thorough understanding of alpha female characteristics.
A close review of alpha woman characteristics
Understanding the characteristics associated with alpha females can offer a stronger understanding of alpha females as individuals. Below are some of the common characteristics associated with alpha females, keeping in mind that they may also apply to other women as well.
Alpha females tend to be highly independent and self-sufficient. This comes from an interest in making things happen for herself and having the autonomy to make moves as she pleases. An alpha female's independence is likely to manifest as she moves through the world, pursues various endeavors, or sets goals for herself. Being independent doesn't mean that an alpha woman will decline to confide in others or have a supportive network; however, independence in an alpha woman means that she's not afraid to branch out and do her own thing.
Confidence is another key characteristic of an alpha woman. This characteristic is often the key to why alpha females tend to find themselves in roles of leadership, business ownership, and the like. Because an alpha woman has confidence in who she is and what she's capable of achieving, she's not afraid to take a risk, bet on herself, and put herself out there to achieve greatness. Many people will admire and sometimes even envy the confidence an alpha woman carries with her wherever she goes.
Ambition and being an alpha woman generally go hand in hand. Many alpha females aspire to do well for themselves, make a mark in their respective professional fields, and fulfill their true potential. Sometimes, people are taken aback or surprised by the amount of ambition an alpha woman possesses, but an alpha female never lets this derail her.
Ultimately, an alpha female's ambition comes from her self-awareness and the knowledge of all she can accomplish. Having the drive, determination, and ambition to succeed in life allows alpha females to reach milestones reserved for highly motivated individuals.
Alpha females may often be seen as outspoken or opinionated. The drive and motivation to speak her truth comes from an alpha female's interest in having her voice heard, having a seat at the table, and ultimately making a difference in the world.
Alpha females tend to be very strong believers in the saying, "Do it with passion or not at all." In work, relationships, and throughout life in general, alpha women tend to be deeply passionate about the individuals, causes, and matters they deem important. The passion of this nature tends to manifest in the willingness to take risks, try new things, and otherwise go to lengths that others might avoid. When alpha women are committed to something, they tend to go all-in without apologizing for it.
When alpha females set out to do something, they are not easily swayed or distracted. This leads to steadfastness, allowing alpha females to take care of business and make moves to benefit themselves. Never giving up, remaining committed to a cause, and moving through this world with purpose are attributes that allow alpha women to stand out from the rest of the crowd. An alpha woman's steadfast and determined nature on a mission can inspire and energize others, even if they aren't openly forward about it.
Alpha women find themselves in leadership positions on many occasions. In many cases, this occurs naturally due to the aura and energy which she gives off. More often than not, alpha women lead and inspire others through their words, actions, behaviors, and mannerisms. It's not uncommon for others to subconsciously look to an alpha woman for help or pointers in specific areas of their lives. In many cases, an alpha woman may be asked for advice or feedback, particularly if the subject at hand deals with her areas of expertise.
An alpha woman knows that part of being an alpha means taking responsibility for her actions. This means that she follows through on her word, doesn't flake on commitments, and owns up to things when she makes a mistake. An alpha woman never makes excuses or passes the buck onto others when situations fail to go according to plans. Moving through the world as a responsible human being ultimately helps an alpha woman gain the respect of others and reach higher levels in life.
Taking on the world as an alpha woman
The world is constantly changing and evolving in a variety of ways. Taking on the world as an alpha female can help women overcome unique challenges, develop high self-esteem, and know that they're capable of anything they put their minds to. Independence, responsibility, confidence, and other characteristics associated with alpha females can be valuable to women from all walks of life.
Living life as an alpha woman can be amazing, but some folks may be intimidated or threatened by this. Alpha females don't usually fit into a box and aren't afraid to challenge the status quo. Not everyone is OK with this, especially individuals who believe that women's lives should be reserved for certain roles and activities.
Ultimately, every woman has the power to find her inner alpha woman and live life on her terms. Throughout history, women have overcome immense challenges and difficulties so that women of today can have choices, live as alpha women, and pave the way for women of the future. As more and more alpha women make their mark in society, this will hopefully show more and more women that ambition, dominance, and confidence are admirable traits for anyone.
The right support systems for alpha women
Even the best of the best alpha females need help and support sometimes. Everyone has their good days and their bad days, but the right network and support systems can make an enormous difference during challenging times. In many cases, the supportive network of an alpha woman contributes to her growth and allows her to learn and further strengthen the characteristics that make her who she is today.
One of the most important things to remember is that no person is an island unto themselves. Sometimes, people believe that the strength and power of alpha females mean that they never need anyone. Alpha women may stand out from the crowd and serve as role models to others, but alpha women are still human. They still make mistakes and occasionally need help to push through a challenge. The ability to acknowledge when support is necessary can be of value to everyone, regardless of whether or not they're alpha women.
Find support for navigating the world as an alpha female
Alpha females have many characteristics which set them apart and allow them to succeed. However, challenges, obstacles, and difficulties impact all people, and they do not discriminate. General information and feedback can be helpful, but professional care that is uniquely personalized to your needs is necessary in many cases. In these types of situations, working with a therapist is highly advised. Not only can a therapist serve as a reliable confidant, but they can also get to know you and provide unique food for thought that pertains to your particular situation.
Therapy for Alpha women
No matter who you are or which characteristics you possess, therapy can be beneficial on multiple levels. If you're interested in personalized, professional care, then you may want to sign up for online therapy with Regain. Regain is an online platform that can connect you to a licensed therapist uniquely qualified to help you through any of life's challenges. Just fill in a questionnaire to get started. Regain even offers the option of couples therapy, if you and your partner want to seek help together.
Alpha females, like many other people, are busy. Online therapy can be a convenient option when seeking help. Support can be given via text, telephone, or video chat and can be synchronous or asynchronous. Each one of us has lives, obligations, deadlines to meet, and much more. The ability to work online therapy sessions into your life on your terms takes away the pressure of having to travel to a designated office space every week.
No matter who you are or what you're up against, you can overcome it. Online therapy allows you to have the tools to rise above challenges, grow from them, and live a life that generates happiness and personal fulfillment.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is an alpha woman?
An alpha woman is generally regarded as a strong, independent, ambitious woman who isn’t afraid of challenges or systemic obstacles.
"Female alpha" is a relatively new term that stems from the traditional alpha male/beta male dichotomy. More than ever before, women in the modern world have the ability to achieve their wildest ambitions, and many women are doing so. In the process, these women may acquire the title of “female alpha” because they take charge of their own lives and decisions.
Common traits of an alpha female
Female alphas aren’t all the same. Each woman is unique, different, and strong in her own way. However, there are some common traits that tend to be associated with female leaders. Some examples include:
- Independence. Alpha females tend to be able to make things happen on their own without relying on other people. Of course, this doesn’t mean that they don’t have personal relationships or cannot confide in others. Instead, when it comes to their own accomplishments and goals, they are more likely to make choices that allow them to be self-sufficient.
- Ambition. Alpha women almost always have significant goals and the ability to go out and accomplish those goals. They know what they want in life, making a solid plan to fulfill those wishes.
- Confidence. An alpha female believes that she can accomplish anything she sets her mind to. Of course, there are such things as unrealistic goals, but the alpha woman has the ability to set realistic, ambitious goals, as she usually has the confidence in herself necessary to achieve them.
What are the characteristics of an alpha personality?
An alpha personality may manifest itself differently depending on external factors like profession or living situation. However, there are common traits that both alpha males and female alphas tend to exhibit.
- Independent. An alpha personality usually allows someone to be self-sufficient and not rely on others to achieve their goals.
- Ambitious. Both young or veteran alpha personality types are almost always looking for new goals and accomplishments. They are ambitious and don’t limit themselves to what might appear easy.
- Confident. Alphas have the confidence in themselves necessary to achieve meaningful goals.
- Passionate. A strong alpha needs to be passionate about their work and goals to accomplish them.
- Steadfast. An Alpha usually feels strongly about their beliefs and will stay true to who they are. They aren’t easily swayed by the opinions of outsiders and have strong confidence in their own beliefs.
- Dominant. Both female leaders and male leaders alike may need to be dominant in some sense. This doesn’t necessarily mean scary or mean; it can simply mean being firm and serious with others in the workplace, advocating for yourself, or sticking to your own thoughts.
- Responsible. Alpha personality types are generally able to take responsibility for mistakes or mishaps. Taking responsibility for our actions allows us to adequately reflect on them and genuinely avoid making similar mistakes in the future. Responsibility (and reliability) is a great leadership trait to have.
Are there alpha females?
There are certainly alpha females in the world and the workplace, and they are becoming more and more prominent as systemic sexism becomes more and more unacceptable.
The term “alpha male” was initially coined by David Mech in the 70s. Since then, it has become a common term to describe a type of male. “Alpha female” and “alpha woman” are relatively recent terms used to describe women with ambition, determination, and the resolve to get things done.
Female leaders have, of course, been around for all of human history. The term alpha female is simply a modern way to describe a female leader, usually in the context of the traditional workplace.
There are a few defining characteristics that most alpha females have. These generally apply to alpha males, too. These characteristics include:
- Ambition
- Confidence
- Independence
- Passionate
- Dominant
- Outspoken/opinionated
- Steadfast
- Responsible
These traits may manifest themselves differently depending on the specific female alpha and the work environment that they are in. Each alpha woman is different, and individual factors like personality can also impact how an alpha woman behaves.
What are sigma males?
Most people have heard of alpha and beta males, but fewer people have heard of a sigma male, a relatively new term.
A sigma male is essentially an alpha male who chooses to be introverted, quiet, and independent from the “pack.” While alpha males tend to want to control the room, along with other areas of their lives, a sigma male may choose to wait quietly in the back and assert dominance in other ways.
Alpha males tend to be boisterous, loud, and confrontational. On the other hand, sigma males tend to be more thoughtful, and quiet, and provide value differently. While an alpha male may run a meeting, it might be the sigma male who comes up with the most important idea during the meeting.
What does alpha mean?
Alpha is a colloquial term used to describe a leader who is hyper-aggressive or dominant in their behavior.
This term can have good connotations when somebody is ambitious, confident, independent, and a good leader. It can also have negative connotations, though. This occurs when alpha describes one who is overly aggressive, dismissive of others’ opinions, and a bad leader.
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