Feelings Of Loneliness and Mental Health: Why You’re Feeling Alone In A Relationship
A partner is physically present but seems mentally unavailable. Another may be reluctant to speak to their partner about complex topics, fears, or thoughts. Some even alienate their mates so they no longer feel valued or heard.
Whether they’ve been together for two weeks or twenty years, these are just a few examples of behaviors that make partners feel alone even though (and maybe because) they’re in a relationship. If you aren’t sure whether you’re isolated in your relationship, ask yourself:
- Do you feel misunderstood by your partner?
- Does your partner seem dismissive?
- Do you have an open line of communication?
- Do you spend quality time together?
- Does it seem like your partner is frequently distant?
While it can be painful, loneliness in a relationship doesn’t necessarily mean it has to be over. There are many reasons why people behave in ways that isolate their partners, and they’re not always conscious. There are also many opportunities for misunderstanding, and often, poor communication can contribute to feelings of isolation.
Feelings of loneliness: Reasons people feel alone in a relationship
Here are a few common reasons why people feel isolated and lonely in relationships:
1. Communication problems: Why you’re feeling alone in a relationship
A lack of effective communication can lead to problems in a relationship and can cause one or both partners to feel lonely. Sometimes, if couples don’t connect verbally, they may only communicate superficially or stop talking altogether. In these cases, conversations may be one-sided. If you try talking to your partner and it seems they aren’t listening, interested, or paying attention to you, it can make you feel lonely and sometimes like you need to avoid “getting in your partner’s way.”
While we all may feel a little like that sometimes, in a healthy relationship, it isn’t typical to feel like that most or all the time. It’s vital for you and your partner to feel comfortable confiding in one another to maintain a healthy partnership. Many couples with trouble communicating seek help from a professional specializing in relationships and intimacy. Relationship counselors teach couples to open up about their thoughts and feelings and come closer together through better communication.
2. Inattentiveness
Feeling ignored can be isolating and hurtful, whether emotionally, physically, verbally, or in combination.
Does your partner turn their body towards you or away from you when you are speaking to them? Do they seem alert and attentive, or are they slumped and uninterested? Do you feel that no matter what you say to your partner, whether that be a compliment, a genuine question about their life, or thanking them, you will be ignored?
Body language and verbal communication are the two most common ways we communicate, but they’re also the most common ways we misinterpret each other. If your partner behaves as if they don’t care, it may be tempting to avoid them entirely, but doing so is likely counterproductive in finding out how they feel. It may turn out that the reasons for their behavior have nothing to do with you or your relationship.
3. Difficulties outside the relationship
Sometimes people feel alone with their partner because of difficult circumstances outside the relationship that either or both sides aren’t discussing. One of you might have difficulty at work, but you don’t want to bring work problems home. Or perhaps one of you is worried about the well-being of a friend but doesn’t know how to express your feelings.
Regardless of the reasons, the solution again often lies in communicating. Let your partner know that you’ve noticed the distance between you and inquire about what’s going on in their daily life—and if you’re having problems outside the relationship, open up to them about that. Once you begin talking through the issues, you may feel more like a team and better able to communicate in the future.
4. Not spending quality time together, which may impact mental health
It’s common for the demands of daily life to interfere with relationships. When partners have conflicting schedules or outside commitments that make it challenging to spend time together, it can adversely affect marital well-being. This, in turn, can adversely impact each person’s mental health and the quality of life within the family unit.
If you feel alone in your relationship, try to organize more time with your partner doing things you enjoy together. Regularly set aside one evening or day to enjoy each other’s company and reconnect. If your partner seems reluctant to do so, consider letting them know that it’s important to you and find out why. They may not want to be alone with you because they feel discontent in your relationship. Or it can be just as likely that they’re worried about practical matters like spending money on date night or leaving the kids with a babysitter. You may never know unless you open up the communication channels between you.
5. Trust and intimacy difficulties
Trust is a key part of a healthy relationship, but cultivating trust can take time, and it should come from both partners. There are many possible reasons why people have “trust issues,” Sometimes, they don’t originate with their current relationship. Childhood experiences with parenting styles, past relationships, and other variables can significantly impact a person’s ability to trust others. In addition to outside influences, mistrust in a relationship can occur because of infidelity or dishonesty from one or both partners.
Talking about it when feeling alone in a relationship
Regardless of the reasons, trust issues can make individuals in a relationship feel vulnerable and reluctant to talk about it, potentially harming their mental health and causing further feelings of alienation and loneliness. If you suspect difficulties with trust and intimacy are the root cause of feeling lonely, working with your partner to find the source of those feelings is imperative. The subject may be sensitive and challenging to discuss. Many couples choose to see a relationship counselor to help identify the causes of mistrust, process those feelings, and learn to move forward.
An online therapist can help you feel less alone
Like many things, relationships need attention to thrive. If it isn’t thriving, it can create difficulties within the family dynamic, impact the mental health of everyone involved, and cause feelings of loneliness and isolation. Often in circumstances like these, communication between partners also weakens.
If you find yourself in this situation, it’s essential to understand that you don’t have to feel alone. It’s common for people to blame each other for the difficulties within their relationship, but that’s often because they don’t understand the roots of their conflicts. With the help of a relationship expert, it’s possible to uncover the origins of a couple’s conflicts and resolve them to move forward in a happier, more balanced way.
It can be challenging for some couples to see a counselor due to practical issues such as scheduling limitations, accessibility to therapy in their area, or affordability. Online therapy through platforms like Regain provides an excellent solution to these challenges.
Regain matches couples with licensed, accredited professionals with experience helping people work through relationship challenges. You can speak with a Regain counselor online when it’s convenient for you via phone, text, online messaging, video chat, and more from anywhere with a reliable internet connection. There’s no need to commute to and from an office, and online therapy is often more affordable than traditional therapy without insurance.
Efficacy of online therapy for your mental health
A growing body of research indicates that online couples therapy is as effective as in-person counseling, as well. For example, a 2021 Australian study measured the progress of 30 couples receiving treatment via videoconferencing over six sessions. At a three-month follow-up interview, the couples reported they experienced improved relationship satisfaction and better mental health throughout the treatment schedule and beyond.
Researchers found that the study “provides evidence for couples therapy via videoconferencing as a viable alternative to face-to-face interventions, especially for those couples who may not have access to the treatment they require.”
Feeling alone in a relationship is sometimes painful. Still, the proper support may help you repair communication breakdowns, resolve the issues at the root of your feelings, and cultivate a healthier relationship with your partner.
What does it mean to feel alone in a relationship?
Feeling alone in a relationship is challenging, and it can be not very clear, too. That said, it’s possible to move past this and stop feeling lonely in many cases. If you feel lonely in a relationship, several things could be going on. If you’re feeling lonely, check-in with yourself and see if any of the following things are going on:
- You feel lonely because you feel misunderstood by your partner.
- You’re feeling lonely because your partner brushes you off.
- You feel lonely because you don’t have an open line of communication.
- You’re feeling lonely because you aren’t spending quality time together.
- You feel lonely because it seems like your partner is distant.
Conversing with your partner to address feelings of loneliness
If any of the options above resonate as a potential reason that you’re feeling lonely in your relationship or are feeling lonely in a relationship, the first step is generally to have a conversation with your partner. For example, if you feel lonely or experience feelings of loneliness because you feel misunderstood, you might talk about what makes you feel misunderstood with your partner using non-blaming language. If you have a healthy relationship, it’s probably not intentional that you feel misunderstood on your partner’s end. In a healthy relationship, your partner wants to understand. As you start to connect and understand each other on the level you need, the sense of loneliness will likely disappear. If you don’t stop feeling lonely, there may be an additional factor to confront.
What are the signs of a broken relationship?
Here are some signs of a struggling relationship:
- You feel lonely or misunderstood around your partner.
- You argue frequently.
- Your arguments are volatile.
- You don’t communicate.
- There’s little to no affection in the relationship.
Things to do when feeling lonely
If you’re grappling with a broken relationship, there are some things you can do. Couples counseling or marriage counseling is an excellent place to work through feeling lonely in relationships and other potential relationship issues. Marriage counseling or couples counseling can help couples increase affection, communicate more effectively, learn conflict resolution skills, and learn to support and understand each other better, among so many other things. To find marriage counseling or couples counseling in your area, search the web for “marriage counseling near me” or “couples counseling near me,” use an online directory to find someone who offers marriage counseling in your area, or see what your employee assistance program offers in terms of marriage counseling or couples counseling. You can also see an online therapist for marriage counseling or couples counseling.
Is it normal to feel off in a relationship?
If you feel off in a relationship, it is a sign that something’s going on. It could be that something’s off in the relationship itself, or it could be that something’s going on personally. If you feel as though something is off, ask yourself why. Is it feelings of loneliness? Are there signs of cheating or dishonesty? Once you know, you can address it.
Is it love, or am I just feeling lonely?
If this question crosses your mind, it’s an essential one to ask yourself. Be honest with yourself about your answer, too. If you just entered a new relationship and aren’t feeling excited about it, it could very well be that you are lonely. You might even feel a lingering sense of loneliness or a gut instinct that tells you that the person you entered a new relationship with is not a person you actually want to be with. If it’s a long-term relationship, you might also be staying with someone out of the fear of being lonely or out of a sense of loneliness that you’re worried will worsen if you break it off. Only you can truly answer this question, but it is a very important question for self-reflection. Feeling alone in a relationship can be painful. No matter what the outcome is with this particular relationship, you deserve to stop feeling lonely and have a fulfilling partnership moving forward.
How do I break up with someone I love?
If you’ve decided to break up with someone you love, first, remind yourself that you’re strong. You’re doing what’s best for you, and that’s something to be proud of. Of course, you will have to work through the tangible aspects. For example, if you live together, you will have to think about your next steps. As far as the actual breakup goes, be honest with your partner without being cruel or blaming them. You don’t have to go through a list of everything that’s “wrong” with them. If you’re leaving someone you love, it could be for a variety of reasons. For example, it could be a lack of compatibility, which does not always mean an absence of love. Maybe, your partner wants kids, but that isn’t what you want. If that’s the case, tell them. Remember that no one is perfect; even the greatest relationship expert will face relationship issues from time to time. Marriage counseling isn’t the only option for those facing relationship problems. You can also see a therapist or counselor for individual counseling as you work through and process the breakup. Marriage counseling can help you work through many relationship concerns, and it’s an excellent option to try first if you want to stop feeling lonely in your relationship. You may also want to speak with a relationship expert to make sure there’s nothing you can do to salvage things and have a fulfilling, healthy relationship with the person you love. It’s a perfect option for anyone wondering, “can I make this relationship work?” A counselor or therapist can help you stop feeling lonely and make your relationship work in some cases, and if it doesn’t, it can make you feel more confident about your decision, regardless of what you end up choosing to do.
Is it better to be alone than in an unhappy relationship?
In many cases, people conclude that it is better to be alone than to be unhappy. This is particularly true if you’ve tried to work it out to no avail. You must have a healthy relationship above all else, and if you are not happy, it will strain the relationship. Again, if you’re feeling lonely in a relationship or are feeling unhappy in a relationship and have decided that you want to make the relationship work, couples counseling can help. Regardless of if you’re feeling alone in a relationship or another concern, such as a lack of intimacy, communicating with a licensed professional’s support can be incredibly beneficial, and research shows that it works. No matter what you decide to do, you deserve a healthy, happy partnership where you don’t feel alone.
How do you deal with feeling alone in a relationship?
For some people feeling alone in a relationship can be challenging, but there are different ways to address it. You can start by having a productive conversation with your partner to understand each other's emotions and expectations. You can spend quality time together, whether it's at the dinner table, taking a walk, or trying new things to build a deeper connection. Remember, you're not responsible for filling every void, engaging with friends or a trusted family member for support can be helpful, and realizing that loneliness can sometimes help us grow emotionally is important.
Why does my relationship feel empty?
An empty feeling in a relationship can happen when physical intimacy or meaningful conversation starts to fade. It’s important to realize that both partners must engage emotionally and physically to stay connected. Take a moment to reflect on what you both expect and communicate openly to find a path forward. Don’t be afraid to bring back the fun and surprise through shared activities, playful moments, or simply enjoying time together while eating or relaxing.
When should you end your relationship?
You should consider ending a relationship when both partners no longer feel emotionally or physically connected. If efforts to solve conflicts or fill the emotional gaps consistently fail, it may be time to reassess. Relationships are supposed to bring support and joy, not constant stress, so take a moment to reflect on whether it aligns with the life you want in this world. Staying calm and honest during this process can help you make the best decision for your well-being.
Why do I feel unloved by my partner?
Feeling unloved by your partner can stem from a lack of physical or emotional connection. In a busy world, it’s easy for partners to lose sight of the need for intimacy and play. Open communication about your feelings, including how affection and sex are expressed, can help bridge the gap. Relationships thrive when partners and couples feel valued and cared for in small and meaningful ways.
Why am I so unhappy in my relationship?
You may feel unhappy in your relationship if your emotional needs aren’t met or there’s a lack of communication and connection. It’s important to reflect on your feelings and discuss them openly with your partner to understand what might be missing.
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