Feeling Grateful: How Practicing Gratitude And A Gratitude Journal Help Mental Health
Being thankful is an easy habit to form, but it presents many powerful benefits for both the mind and body. Not only is it the foundation for a well-lived life and sound mental health, but it also helps us create and maintain strong and close relationships with others. It especially works wonders for those in romantic relationships and is a key ingredient if you want to increase the level of happiness in your partnership.
The potential benefits of feeling grateful on overall health
The power of feeling grateful: boosting mental health and well-being
Moreover, grateful people have higher levels of self-esteem and self-worth. Instead of feeling the need to compare their lives to others and become resentful and bitter, these kinds of people choose to be grateful for what they do have rather than what they don’t. What’s more, they can celebrate the successes and achievements of those around them generously.
How practicing gratitude may strengthen relationships
However, one of the most significant benefits of gratitude is its power to strengthen and deepen romantic relationships. People who practice gratitude are more satisfied in their relationships and enjoy happy and healthy connections with their partners. One study found that feeling grateful is like the equivalent of a booster shot in a romantic relationship. Another study revealed that couples who reported feelings of gratitude to one another were more likely to stay together in the future. Gratitude interventions, such as expressing thanks more frequently, have been shown to significantly improve relationship satisfaction.
It’s clear that focusing on feeling grateful forges more intimate relationships, attracts more positive relationships, and, by implication, creates fewer feelings of loneliness and isolation. When you choose to be grateful, you attract people toward you like moths to a flame. Why is that? When you manage your own emotions and moods, you increase your positive engagements with yourself and the world around you.
How to express gratitude in a way that supports your mental health, from a gratitude journal to affirming words
Show your appreciation and practice being grateful every day
Feeling grateful means showing a gesture of thanks every time something helpful is done for you, no matter how mundane or menial it may be. If you practice feeling gratitude daily, it can transform your relationship and improve emotional intimacy. Once you stop giving thanks for the daily chores your partner does, like folding laundry, the other person can easily start to feel unnoticed or undervalued. Showing appreciation can be as simple as saying thank you or offering to give them a massage. Incorporating gratitude into your daily life can improve your emotional health and strengthen your relationships.
Find inner peace through practicing gratitude
Focusing on the present moment and appreciating the small gestures can significantly enhance your sense of gratitude. Better yet, get to know each other’s 5 Love Languages so you can more accurately and effectively show your gratitude and love to each other every day. Practicing gratitude can also bring a sense ofinner peace, reducing stress and strengthening your connection with others.
Write in a gratitude journal to explore your emotions
Express gratitude with random acts of kindness and thoughtfulness
Feeling grateful doesn’t just mean saying ‘thank you,’ but coming up with creative ways to show your partner that you value them. Pick up their favorite coffee on a whim, take them out on a surprise date, or give them an unexpected gift. You can also offer to cook them their favorite dinner after a stressful day at work. The small things are often the most meaningful and memorable, and they will show your partner just how much you care.
Practicing gratitude in a relationship
Practicing gratitude in a relationship can affect both the quality of your connection and your own well-being. Here are a few ideas on how to do this.
Practice feeling grateful even for the small things
Create rituals to maintain gratitude
Give genuine compliments frequently to nurture positive emotions
Praise people for who they are, as well as what they do
Say good things about your partner in public
Always go back to “we” after a success
Accept and love your partner for who they are
Gratitude is one of those peculiar values where it doesn’t take much effort to bring about transformative, life-changing benefits. It goes without saying that practicing gratitude won’t make your relationship picture perfect or trouble-free by any means, but it will give you perspective and help you see the goodness and beauty in life and your partner. By taking the time to show your appreciation to your loved one every day and keeping in the forefront of your mind all the blessings in your life, you can lead a fuller and happier life with deep, intimate relationships as the foundation.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs):
Is being grateful a feeling?
Yes, feeling grateful is the emotion of showing appreciation for something done, said, or received. Grateful is a similar feeling to thankful, and to feel grateful is a positive feeling triggered by some event. Feeling grateful is also one of the most common feelings that a person may experience, and a grateful brain tends to feel and express gratitude for more than a non-grateful brain.
What is the difference between being thankful and feeling grateful?
Feeling grateful are two similar feelings, though slightly different. Grateful people express feelings of gratefulness by showing appreciation for what one has rather than one wants. The big difference between being thankful and grateful is that feeling thankful is characterized by acknowledging your thanks for something someone has given you. With this said, feeling grateful and feeling thankful are so similar that many people use them interchangeably. Both are positive feelings, and being grateful implies appreciation, which is quite similar to thanks in many regards.
What are 3 things you are grateful for?
There are a number of things anybody may be feeling grateful for at a given moment. Grateful people typically feel grateful for good health, good friends, and their job above all. With that said, feeling grateful about virtually anything is possible. From perspective, many people feel grateful for the weekend and a reprieve from work. Others grateful people appreciate their pets or family. Some people often feel grateful for having a bed to sleep in and a roof over their heads. Many people strive to feel more grateful for their things rather than focusing on what they do not have. There is no right or wrong when deciding what you are grateful for, and the choice is entirely subjective.
What makes a person grateful?
In general, grateful people tend to focus on others rather than getting caught up in their own internal affairs. Grateful people usually have an outward focus on things that make them feel appreciated. Feeling grateful is about showing appreciation for even the smallest of things that have been done or given. A person who feels grateful may show their gratefulness in different ways, such as purchasing a coffee the next time you are together or simply telling you how much they appreciate something. In short, a person feeling grateful is aware and appreciative of the people and actions around them.
How do you describe feeling grateful?
To describe feeling grateful is difficult considering that people feel and express gratitude in several different ways. However, most people who feel grateful claim they feel fortunate, lucky, humbled, or even blessed. In general, feeling grateful is about acknowledging any appreciation you have for a situation. Feeling grateful is a warm and personal kindness that a person feels and can be expressed to others. If you are feeling appreciative of a situation, you are more than likely feeling grateful as well.
Is it correct to say grateful?
What things make you feel grateful?
How do I feel grateful for life?
How do you say you are grateful?
What is another way of saying grateful?
What is grateful thinking?
How can I be grateful for life?
What is a good sentence using grateful?
How do you say humbly grateful?
What does sincerely grateful mean?
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