Good Compliments To Give Your Spouse To Make Them Feel Appreciated

Updated January 31st, 2025 by Regain Editorial Team

Daily life can be quite busy, and it may seem like you hardly have any time to give your spouse the appreciation that they really deserve. This is where compliments can come in – even a single comment can be a useful tool for communicating you care about and appreciate your partner. A compliment doesn’t cost anything, it does not have to take a whole lot of time to administer, yet it can do wonders to boost your spouse’s self-confidence and satisfaction in your marriage. Below are some ideas for compliments you can give to your spouse to let them know just how much you love them.

Good compliments to give your spouse: “You are so thoughtful.”

Want to learn how to express appreciation even more?

A little gratitude can go a long way in marriages, and it even can lead to a lower separation rate in couples. So, if your spouse does something kind for you without being asked, don’t let it go unnoticed. Even if it’s just something little, acknowledge the thoughtfulness they have shown you. It may be making you a cup of coffee, doing your laundry, filling the car up with gas so you don’t have to or cooking dinner. The list goes on. Let your spouse know how much you appreciate these things to show them that you see their efforts and acknowledge how they might make your life a little easier.

“You are such a hard worker.”

Building a life together can be exhausting, as can keeping up with daily tasks and responsibilities. The daily grind can get to everyone from time to time, even your spouse, so show your spouse that you know how hard they work for the good of your family by letting them know. It can be a great way to show them their efforts and sacrifices don’t go unnoticed.

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“You look wonderful.”

A person’s body image can influence how they perform in many areas of life. If your partner has a negative body image, it can adversely affect their confidence on the job, satisfaction in their relationships, and even their mental health. You can help support your partner in this area by letting them know they look nice and giving them the confidence they may need to feel good in their skin. 

Of course, your partner doesn’t need to have body image concerns to warrant a compliment like this; simply speaking up when your spouse dons a new outfit or haircut can show that you’re paying attention to the effort they make, and you appreciate this part of them just like any other. 

“I have so much respect for you.”

Want to learn how to express appreciation even more?

Respect can be the foundation of any marriage, but we don’t often verbally express it. This may be because a lot of times, respect is something shown through actions. And while it can be true that actions can speak louder than words in this case, sometimes it can be important to vocalize how you feel. Perhaps your partner makes a decision that makes you proud to call them yours, handles conflicts effortlessly, or puts your wants ahead of theirs when you need it most. Speaking up and letting them know you respect who they are and what they do can be a very personal, unique compliment.

“You are a great spouse.”

The phrase, “You are a great spouse,” might seem cheesy on the surface because can be such a basic thing to say, but it can speak volumes. A good partner may be what your spouse strives to be, day in and day out. Even if this isn’t on their mind, nearly anyone can benefit from some affirmation every once in a while. 

This compliment can show that even if times get tough or you and your spouse encounter challenges, you love and appreciate them for who they are. Our brains can process verbal affirmations much like they would a financial reward, so by delivering a compliment like this, you can make a huge difference in terms of how your partner feels emotionally and psychologically. 

“I admire you.”

The things that make your heart skip a beat or glow with pride can be areas to target for personalized compliments. Maybe you admire your partner’s ability to take care of the kids, cook an amazing meal, or keep a positive attitude even when things aren’t going great. Finding ways to communicate how these traits make you feel and how much you admire them can make for a very powerful, deep compliment that your spouse likely won’t forget.

Fostering healthy communication with online therapy

If you worry your spouse may feel unappreciated or want to find more ways to let them know how much you care about them, it may be wise to talk to someone who can give some outside perspective. 

A couples counselor or therapist can be a great resource for learning new ways to express appreciation and grow closer as a couple. 

The benefits of online therapy

Online couples counseling can make it simple to join sessions either by yourself or with your spouse as needed. You can even attend counseling from the comfort of your own couch, bed, or anywhere else you can find an internet connection. 

The effectiveness of online therapy

Research suggests that online couples counseling can be highly beneficial for those who pursue it. In fact, one study found that 95% of couples who participated in online couples counseling found it to be helpful. No matter your concerns about your relationship, it’s likely that talking to a professional can help you discover how to best support and appreciate your spouse.


There are lots of ways you can show your spouse how much you care, and one of them may be to simply give them a compliment that means a lot to both of you. Sometimes, it’s the thought that counts, so remember to be authentic as you come up with a compliment that makes the most sense for you – your spouse will likely be happy enough just knowing you’ve decided to express how much you love them.

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