Money And Relationships:How Do They Impact Your Dynamic?
Do you fight about money in your relationship? Money issues in relationships are some of the most common problems that couples fight about (or maybe you’re not due to your firsthand experience with these kinds of arguments). That’s because money can be a problem whether you have too much of it, too little of it, or just enough but do not know how to manage it properly. Couples worry about how their finances will impact their lives, but most people don’t think about how relationships and money impact each other. The truth is it can cause many problems for people, no matter what kind of financial situation you are in. Let’s take a closer look at how your money can impact your relationship with your significant other.
Common financial situations
Below are some of the common financial barriers couples may face.
Couples who do not have enough money
Regardless of whether you support yourself, yourself and your partner, or you have managed to add kids to your current living situation, not living on enough money can be a significant source of stress for anyone. People with very little money tend to fight because they don’t know how they will spend their money so that they can properly meet all of their needs, or they don’t know where the money they need in life is going to come from. They worry about how to pay for food and water or how to pay the bills. They worry about the money it takes to live because things become so hard to pay for that they don’t even have necessities, and it causes a lot of stress, which can strain any relationship past its breaking point.
Couples who have enough money but don’t manage it well in a relationship
What can be even more frustrating for some people is having enough money to meet their needs but not having the right skills to properly manage their money, resulting in financial stress when the money is being misspent. The couple doesn’t have enough left over to cover their basic needs. This would be a justifiable reason to be either mad at your significant other or yourself. Still, these issues must be handled with care and strategy to avoid conflicts that don’t produce any change within the situation. Likewise, couples could have enough money and can meet their basic needs but are upset that they cannot lead the lifestyle they want or feel that they are not getting enough out of the money they have left. They could also run into a situation requiring an emergency fund, but the couple may not have developed a savings account over the time they have been together. Whatever the reason for having enough money but not being able to utilize it the right way, this is another scenario that often sparks conflict between two people in a relationship.
Couples who have too much money and don’t know how to spend it
What can be a really surprising possibility for most, however, is that there are people who have a lot of money and still fight about their financial situation as well. Having too much money can be just as stressful and difficult to deal with as not having enough because couples fight about how to spend it. Too often, one person may be spending too much of their cash while one person is spending too little, and they end up with a power struggle as each partner seeks to get more of it to continue the life they’ve become accustomed to. For these individuals, it can be difficult to understand how to live with less money, and they still struggle to figure out how to be happy with what they have. Again, this becomes an issue in which money management is the main issue, and couples need to learn how to track better and allocate their funds to avoid returning to the argument of what they should or should not be doing with their money.
Couples who have financial secrets or envy
As two independent adults in a relationship, attempting to pool your money together may not always work out. Some couples are financially jealous of their partner and have a partner who uses their higher-income to treat their partner as though they are below them or dictate where the bulk of purchases are made and how they are spent. Other couples may have secret accounts on the side and will keep secrets or lie about their finances. As with other aspects of your relationship, you shouldn’t be hiding your money, and you shouldn’t feel jealous about your partner’s achievement. In situations like these, there are undoubtedly underlying issues that need to be evaluated and treated before the financial aspect of the problem can be targeted.
Relationships with financial abuse
When you think about the word “abuse,” what is the image that pops into your head? If you are like most people, you think about an individual who has bruises from several domestic violence cases. For the most part, this abuse is rather prominent in our society. Still, there are other forms of abuse out there, and you may be shocked to discover that financial abuse is one of the many forms that abuse can take within a relationship. The main goal of an abuser is to establish dominance over their victim, and to engage in this abuse financially rather than physically can be far more devastating and far more effective.
In cases where one partner is financially abused, the partner abusing them will often have full control of their finances, meaning that they handle all of their income and purchases and rarely leave any leftover for them. They also tend to dictate whether or not that person is allowed to work, making it harder for them to have their income stream and slowly save up money and build up financial health. If they seek to prevent their partner from leaving them, the abuser may also choose to damage their financial health by signing up for credit cards and plunging their partner into crippling debt. Without credit or consistent income, the person being abused cannot go out into society and provide for themselves, making them dependent on their abusive partner.
It should be said that situations like these are nothing like the other examples provided above. If you are a victim of financial abuse or any other kind of abuse, there are resources out there that can offer you help and help you escape from this damaging relationship situation. There is always hope!
What to do with your relationship struggles
Generally, the arguments and problems that you and your partner have about money are built on something deeper. This means that it is important to dig deeper into your relationship and find the desire to want to work through whatever the deeper problems are, whether it’s trust, communication, or any other common issue that often gets in the way of those in the relationship. Working through those kinds of problems can help you and your partner become more successful financially and emotionally. It can be a great way for you two to learn better ways to deal with your money problems and manage your financial life. After all, if you feel like you’re in this together, it can be a lot easier to talk about the money problems rather than create more problems by fighting.
Whether you are a couple with too much money or perhaps feel you are not good enough, couples make it work with a large amount of money, and they make it work with no money at all. By working together and being on the same team regarding your financial goals and expectations, you’ll be able to be one of those couples who make it work as well. Don’t let money ruin what you have together.
With this in mind, the question often becomes, what are you supposed to do next? Well, there is often one of two paths. If your partner and you are level-headed people who can often work through your conflicts, one option available is to handle it on your own. In this day and age, the internet is ripe with financial resources and dedicated websites geared towards people who are having trouble handling their money properly. Sit down with your partner and spend some time going through these resources, setting a list of personal and couple goals, and then crafting a plan that will help you reach financial freedom and success. Some people are more than capable of making this happen, and the right attitude and work ethic will achieve these goals.
However, if you are the type of couple that fights over financial issues constantly and isn’t seeming to get anywhere in the argument, you are unlikely to be able to make the above happen seamlessly. In this case, you would be best off reaching out to a professional counselor who has experience with couple’s counseling and has extensive experience dealing with couples with financial issues. Through this observer and valuable resource, you can have an extra person who will help mediate the conflicts you are dealing with, provide you with tools that will help you tackle your current financial problems, and set you up for success in the future.
If you and your partner seem to fight about money a lot, you’re not alone, and you shouldn’t let it become your new normal within your relationship. Instead, find a therapist who can help you dig deeper and figure out what you need to do next to overcome your problems. By talking with a therapist, like those available from Regain, you’ll be able to improve your relationship and maybe even start on a plan to fix your money troubles. Figuring out how to talk about money won’t make the problems go away, but it will make your problems seem easier if you’re on the same page and on the same team. Help is just a click away!
Can money ruin a relationship?
Money issues can certainly put a strain on a relationship. There are many ways this can happen. Money mistakes in a relationship can range from dishonesty about spending, one or both partners’ difficulty with managing money, and differences in views on money (how much should be spent versus saved). However, a relationship's money difficulties can be managed and worked through to find common ground about money and relationships. Married couples who talk about money or see a counselor about their relationship problems and views on money are much more likely to salvage their relationship.
How do you deal with money in a relationship?
Dealing with money and marriage can be a difficult task to navigate. That’s why managing money as a couple and talking about money is essential. Here are some tips to help you deal with your relationship’s money:
- Get On The Same Page And Find Some Common Ground On Managing Money: Many people view both money and marriage differently than their partners. But this doesn’t mean that you can’t find compromise even if you don’t have the same views on finances and relationships. Talk about your boundaries in saving and spending and listen to and honor your partner’s.
- See A Counselor About Money And Marriage: ReGain is a great resource to help you find a trusted observer to guide your relationship's money dilemmas.
- Read Books About Money And Marriage Together: Another great resource can be found at your local library or bookstore. There is a wealth of published information on how to manage money and relationship issues surrounding it.
Check out this article for more specifics on money issues and how to start a conversation about your views on money with your partner.
Does money matter in a relationship?
Yes, money matters in a relationship because it influences lifestyle choices, shared goals, and financial stability, which are essential for a healthy partnership. Communication about finances helps avoid misunderstandings.
Why is money important in a relationship and dating?
Money is necessary because it reflects values like responsibility and priorities, which can affect compatibility. It also plays a role in creating more opportunities for shared experiences and managing plans.
What percentage of relationships fail due to money and relationships issues?
Studies suggest that 20% to 30% of relationships fail due to money-related conflicts, making it a common cause of breakups. Financial stress often leads to arguments and unmet expectations.
Should relationships be 50/50 financially in money and relationships?
Not all relationships should be split 50/50 financially. In fact, many couples decide on a split that is relative to their respective salaries, which are not always the same. MarketWatch states that there is no “perfect” or universal financial split for all relationships. Many dating or married couples might not make the same amount of money as their partner and choose to split expenses in a way that reflects that difference, while some couples only feel it is right to split things halfway. Overall, to avoid money issues in your relationship, it is important to decide things as a team. Money issues tend to arise when both money and marriage are not discussed or negotiated with both partners’ interests in mind. Your money and relationship are unique and require a unique decision that only you and your partner can make.
How do you avoid money problems in a relationship while dating?
To many, money and marriage are two important parts of life that don’t always mix well. But avoiding money issues and navigating money and marriage together can be a daunting task. Here are some ways to avoid money issues in a relationship:
- Talk openly and frequently about purchases
- Negotiate how to split expenses
- See a counselor or financial advisor
- Don’t let small money mistakes be a dealbreaker
- Bring up money issues calmly and solve them rather than argue
Whether you’re dating or in a long-term relationship, open communication and a team approach to finances can make all the difference in preventing money conflicts.
What is the #1 reason for divorce?
According to experts in research, the number one reason for divorce is arguments and differences surrounding money and finances. Money and marriage do not always make a happy couple, so it is important to take steps with your family relations to avoid a potential divorce. Marriage and finances can be difficult to navigate alone, let alone when they are all intertwined. It is necessary to get on the same page with your partner about money, and marriage will be a lot easier. To do this, you should be having open money marriage conversations regularly. You can also see a financial advisor or counselor to help mediate these conversations about money and marriage.
How can money affect a relationship?
Money can bring couples closer when managed well but can also create tension if there are mismatched values or poor communication. It can shape trust and long-term stability in a relationship.
Why is money a problem in relationships?
Money becomes problematic when couples avoid discussing it, have conflicting spending habits, or face financial stress. Without honest conversations, misunderstandings can escalate into bigger issues.
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