How To Become A Happy Person In Your Romantic Relationship

Updated January 31st, 2025 by Regain Editorial Team

In an ideal world, all romantic relationships would contribute to happiness and warm feelings. Sometimes, a romantic relationship lacks certain elements or factors facilitating happiness; in other scenarios, two people in a romantic relationship may be improperly matched. Regardless of the case, it's imperative for people in romantic relationships also to be happy as individuals.

A brief overview of what to look for in romantic relationships

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Struggling to find happiness in your current relationship?

Many people are eager to be in romantic relationships. There's nothing inherently wrong with this; however, knowing precisely what to look for in romantic relationships is deeply important. In many ways, this will significantly contribute to the happiness you experience with your partner.

Each person is unique and has their own thoughts, feelings, values, and opinions. Differences are inevitable when you enter a romantic relationship, and there's nothing wrong with that. 

A person's values determine their choices, how they interact with others, their plans for the future, and so much more. If you and your romantic partner have starkly different values, that will cause problems in the relationship. 

Four ways to learn how to become a happy person in your romantic relationship

Healthy, romantic relationships that last for the long haul generally do so when both people are happy. Of course, nobody is always happy, but you should be happy in your romantic relationship more often than not. The following tips and strategies can help you work towards blending happiness and romance to become a happier person.

1. Don't be afraid to spend time apart sometimes


In romantic relationships, the urge and instinct to bond with one another are often present and quite understandable. However, too much of a good thing can quickly become toxic. Remember, all things in moderation is key. This doesn't mean you and your significant other can't travel together or spend long periods together. Not being afraid to spend time apart on certain occasions means you don't always have to be in one another's company.

There is some truth in the saying that absence makes the heart grow fonder. In both the short-term and the long-term, this contributes to you being happy in your romantic relationship because you have balance.

2. Work through challenges together

All romantic relationships hit rough patches at one point or another. How you deal with rough patches often determines the trajectories of these relationships and the happiness of both parties. Challenges can tear people apart or bring them closer together. How you deal with challenges in your romantic relationship will determine how events play out and whether or not you're happy in your relationship.

In addressing challenges in relationships, providing context is very important. Working through challenges in relationships matters; however, you must consider the nature of those challenges.

If they entail disagreements, not seeing eye-to-eye, or issues of a similar nature, then by all means, work through them for the sake of happiness in your romantic relationship. On the other hand, if the challenges in your romantic relationship deal with mistreatment or abuse, exiting from the relationship as swiftly and as quickly as impossible is imperative. It's impossible to be happy in a relationship where you are mistreated or abused by someone who is supposed to love and care for you.

If you or a loved one is experiencing abuse, contact the Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233). Support is available 24/7.

3. Accept one another as individuals

A significant part of being happy in your romantic relationship involves you and your partner accepting one another as individuals. Each person is unique, and acceptance, or lack thereof, will broadly impact the quality and longevity of any romantic relationship. Differences, in moderation, can be amazing elements that add new dynamics to a partnership. Furthermore, being accepted by your significant other feels good for both parties and allows them to bond.

4. Be faithful

Faithfulness in a romantic relationship breeds happiness for multiple reasons. First and foremost, this allows you to know that you can trust the person you're with and that they can trust you. Secondly, when you're faithful to your significant other, this builds character and helps you strengthen your levels of personal discipline. There will always be challenges and temptations which present themselves in life and romantic relationships; what ultimately speaks volumes about who you are is how you deal with challenges and whether or not you give into temptation.

On the flip side

There's nothing wrong with wanting to become a happy person in your romantic relationship. Healthy romantic relationships consist of happy individuals; however, knowing that you cannot carry an entire relationship alone is important. Romantic partnerships that thrive and succeed ultimately do so because both people are committed and willing to do the work, even when it's not the easiest thing in the world.

The fact of the matter is this: all romantic relationships have ups and downs. There will be good times and bad times, happy moments and sad moments. If you're doing all the work in your relationship and pulling the entire weight of attempting to be happy while your significant other does virtually nothing, that's deeply problematic. Romantic relationships that succeed can only do so when mutual efforts and acts of kindness are present. You can follow each of the four steps listed above, but if you're in the wrong relationship with the wrong person, your happiness is unlikely to last for very long.

Don't rush the process

Struggling to find happiness in your current relationship?

Society tends to place a lot of weight and emphasis on romantic relationships and being in romantic relationships. Again, there's nothing wrong with being with that special someone, but don't rush the process. So many people have been led to believe that they must be in romantic relationships and that something is wrong with them if they're single. This actually couldn't be further from the truth.

As you strive to become a happy person in your romantic relationship, always remember that the person you are involved with will significantly impact your happiness in the relationship. Your partner should also follow the steps listed above.

Sometimes, finding the right person to be in a romantic relationship with takes time and life experiences. Living your life and letting romance find you is sometimes the best protocol. Some of the best romantic relationships can happen when you least expect them and are not wholly preoccupied with romance.

Waiting and holding out for a romantic relationship with the right person is infinitely better than rushing into a romantic relationship with the wrong person and forcing yourself to be happy. Follow your instincts and always remember that various events in life happen in due season and precisely as they're meant to.

Resources for relationship struggles and other issues

If you are dealing with complications in your relationship or struggles in other areas of your life, they can take a toll. Thankfully, there are options for help and available resources to take advantage of. Complications and struggles in life present themselves to all people in various manners; what matters most is the ability to rise above these issues and not ruminate on them or allow yourself to be defeated.

Consider online therapy if you want to learn how to become a happy person

If you are interested in getting help or even having someone to talk to, signing up for online therapy is a great option. With an online therapist, you can attend sessions from the comfort of your own home, so you don’t have to spend time commuting to and from an office. When you sign up, you’re matched with someone who can start helping you right away, and you can communicate with your therapist via online chat, text, email, phone, or video chat. Research shows that online therapy is effective; one review of 14 studies found it’s just as effective as online treatment. To learn more about how online therapy can help you, sign up with Regain.


At the end of the day, challenges don't have to get the best of you. You can face them, conquer them, and come out on the other side stronger than ever. You also don't have to do this on your own. The tools, knowledge, and growth accompanying working with an online therapist are invaluable and paramount to your happiness in life and relationships.

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