8 Signs You Are Being Taken Advantage Of: Protecting Your Mental Health

Updated March 16th, 2025 by Regain Editorial Team
”Removing yourself from a situation where you are being mistreated starts with the belief that you deserve and will find a partner who offers respect and love. Being taken advantage of by someone who you care for can be devastating, but there is help available to cope with the many feelings that can be associated with distancing yourself from this painful situation." - Nicholas DeFazio, MRC, LPCC-S, LICDC

Being in a relationship with a special woman can be a rewarding experience—one in which mutual respect and fairness are paramount, and you both give and receive in equal amounts. However, in some relationships, an unfair dynamic develops, and one partner exploits the other’s kindness or devotion to get what they want. It’s not always easy to know when your girlfriend or wife is using you in this way, though.

If you think that there may be an imbalance in your relationship, it can help to know how to identify common signs you are being taken advantage of or indicators of exploitative behavior so that you can address the situation and create a more balanced, healthy relationship. Recognizing this advantage may be easier when participating in celebrations like those for Kindness Day, which encourages kindness and fairness in all our relationships; however, true kindness is rooted in mutual respect and balance, and should be present in your relationships year-round. To that end, we’ve put together a list of eight signs your partner is taking advantage of you. 

Red flags to watch out for

Often, the very kindness that your partner is exploiting is what makes it hard for you to see that she is being manipulative. You may be so enamored of her that you ignore red flags that indicate a one sided relationship; or you might believe that things will change over time, so you don’t address the situation. If you suspect your partner is taking advantage of you, continue reading to learn about behaviors that may signal such a relationship imbalance. 

They withhold affection

One of the easiest ways to spot exploitative behavior is to notice inconsistencies in how your partner interacts with you. Does her typically staid attitude toward you turn loving or flirtatious when she needs a favor? Emotional manipulation is an effective way of taking advantage of someone’s feelings—and withholding affection is a common method people use to achieve this manipulation.  

You might notice this type of behavior when your partner doesn’t get her way. She might be happy and attentive when she wants something, but then indifferent or even angry if you don’t respond favorably. This indicates that she is using your desire for affection for her own gain. In a healthy relationship, attentiveness and love are not contingent upon the fulfillment of one partner’s wishes.     

They let you pay for everything

While it is normal for one partner to foot the bill the majority of the time in some relationships, if your partner never offers to pay, this can be a clear sign that she’s using you. Some people take advantage of their partner’s generosity by letting them cover all the meals, travel, dates, and other expenses they incur together, without setting healthy boundaries around finances. 

Depending on your specific relationship, your wife or girlfriend may believe that you’d prefer to pay for things; or she may be uncomfortable bringing up the subject of money. But given modern dating norms, if she’s not trying to pay for any expenses, she may be taking advantage of your kindness. While you may initially feel appreciated for paying for things, it can be helpful to notice if you begin to feel obligated to cover everything.

They don’t pay attention to you

a couple sitting in bed facing away from each other. one is considering signs you are being taken advantage of.

Want to address an imbalance in your relationship?

Does it ever feel like your partner isn’t listening to you? Does she want both of you to focus on her life to the exclusion of yours? If your wife or girlfriend doesn’t listen to you or try to be part of your world, this could be a sign that she has ulterior motives or that you are in a one sided relationship.   

In healthy relationships, partners practice providing support by listening to and empathizing with each other. It can be hard to share your life with someone else; so, if you’re putting yourself out there, and your partner isn’t responding, the relationship can feel one-sided.  

You may notice that your wife or girlfriend is disinterested if she forgets important facts about you, such as your favorite hobbies, details about your career, or your birthday. She may also check out when conversations turn to what’s going on in your life. If you’re putting energy into getting to know your partner on a deep level, but she isn’t doing the same, it may be time to set boundaries and ask yourself why that is. 

They only want things their way

You can often tell that a relationship is in harmony when each partner is willing to engage in activities that the other likes, even if they don’t particularly enjoy those pursuits themselves. If, however, you are consistently giving and doing things your partner wants to do, but she doesn’t reciprocate, an imbalance likely exists. 

A person who is using you may take advantage of your kindness and flexibility by consistently eschewing your favorite activities in favor of her own. While it’s okay to engage with her interests frequently—even the majority of the time—if you find that she consistently shoots down your suggestions so that she can have her way, this is a red flag. 

They aren’t emotionally invested

A partner's lack of emotional involvement is one of the primary characteristics of a partner being taken advantage of. Do you feel a strong sense of longing when you’re away from your partner that she doesn’t seem to reciprocate? Or do you express your feelings with her often, but find that she is unwilling to do the same? If you realize that you’re more emotionally invested in your relationship, this may be an indicator that your partner is taking advantage of you.

Your girlfriend or wife may signal a lack of emotional intimacy with you by failing to engage with you when you discuss your relationship or your emotions. She may try to avoid serious topics entirely or change the subject if you ask her about her feelings, rather than engaging in direct communication. 

It’s possible that your partner isn’t used to expressing her emotions or doesn’t know how to open up. But it’s also possible that she’s allowing you to become more emotionally invested so that she can have more power. In a mutually beneficial relationship, both partners put themselves out there emotionally

They don’t take responsibility

If your wife or girlfriend is unwilling to apologize and rectify the situation when she’s at fault, this can be a sign of a problematic relationship dynamic. It can be uncomfortable to admit that you’ve made a mistake, but taking responsibility for your actions is a show of self respect and reciprocal respect that is often crucial to a partnership. 

You might notice that your partner is engaging in this kind of behavior if she frequently deflects the blame from herself onto you or others. She may also get defensive when you point out that she’s had a misstep, which can lead to conflict and tension. In this situation, your partner may be using you to avoid responsibility in her life. Individuals who have selfish tendencies often form relationships with people who will not hold them accountable for their actions. 

They exclude you from their social circle

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Do you find that your wife or girlfriend doesn’t introduce you to friends, family, or coworkers very often? A partner who is taking advantage of you may not want you to have connection to the people in their social circle. This could be an attempt to keep others from seeing the way she treats you; or it could be a way of exerting control over you. Additionally, if she’s been dishonest in order to get her way in the past, she may be worried that the truth will come out when you spend time with her friends and family.  

They are seeing someone else

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Want to address an imbalance in your relationship?

Research suggests that infidelity is linked with certain personality traits, including low conscientiousness, which is primarily characterized by selfishness. If your partner has cheated on you in the past, this can be a serious indicator of a one-sided relationship, especially if it’s happened more than once. She may be taking advantage of your forgiving nature and love for her; or she may be using you to fulfill her emotional needs while forming physical relationships with others.  

How online therapy can improve your mental health

Studies show that online couples therapy can help partners address challenges that lead to dissatisfaction in relationships, such as unfair relationship dynamics. For example, in a study of 151 couples experiencing distress in their partnership, researchers found that online therapy significantly improved negative aspects of participants’ relationships, and that these results were sustained a year after the end of the program. The study also mentions the increased affordability and accessibility provided by online couples therapy when compared to in-person counseling. 

Addressing signs you are being taken advantage of

Online therapy is a convenient and cost-effective way to address selfish behavior or similar concerns that are affecting your relationship. With an online therapy platform like Regain, you and your partner can work through challenges related to being taken advantage of in your relationship remotely, through video call, voice call, or in-app messaging. Online therapy is also an affordable option—Regain memberships start at $65 per week (billed every 4 weeks), and you can cancel anytime. 


Being taken advantage of by a significant other can be painful; it can hurt your self-esteem, make you less trusting of others, and impact the well-being of future relationships. However, by recognizing this behavior and working through it, you can ensure you’re safeguarding your mental health and avoiding exploitation. If you’d like further support addressing someone being taken advantage of in your partnership, consider reaching out to a licensed therapist online. With the help of a professional, you and your partner can foster a healthy, mutually beneficial relationship.

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