I've Never Had A Boyfriend: How To Know If You Like Someone More Than Just A Friend
It’s common for some people in friendships, particularly long-term friendships, to become attracted as more than friends at some point. But what if you’ve never had a boyfriend, and you’re finding it difficult to tell if your feelings for someone have evolved past friendship? In this situation, it’s important to understand that even the most experienced people can have difficulty identifying their feelings. The potential for miscommunication is just as high for them, too.
For example, Haselton and Buss’s Theory of Error Management illustrates how easy it is to misunderstand someone in the world of attraction. During their research, Haselton and Buss found that men were likelier to interpret a woman’s behavior as signaling interest. In contrast, women were likelier to think that men weren’t attracted to them.
A person’s state of mind or life circumstances can also influence their feelings for others. For example, suppose you’re emotionally vulnerable because you’ve recently been hurt in a relationship or tend to seek romantic attention for personal reassurance. In that case, it can cloud your judgment about your feelings for others.
So how do you know if you like someone as more than a friend—or if they feel the same? While everyone is different in how they experience attraction, there are a few common clues to look for that may provide an answer.
You feel jealous when they flirt with other people
If you feel possessive of your friends and get sad, angry, or resentful when they flirt with others, you may have deeper feelings for them. This may be particularly obvious if your friend has a significant other. If you’re overly critical of or flat-out dislike your friend’s partner but can’t isolate the reason(s) why, it might be a good idea to question your intentions. You may find the animosity you hold against the partner is rooted in your feelings for your friend.
Your mood changes around them
If just the presence of your friend is enough to make you happy when you’re otherwise in a terrible mood, or if thinking about them leads to an outpouring of excitement and emotion, you might like them as more than a friend. Romantic feelings for someone can be complicated, and you may be left to interpret sensations of nervousness paired with longing or anticipation with attachment when you’re around your friend. In such cases, it helps to take a moment to breathe and reflect on how you’re feeling. Try to identify each emotion as clearly as possible.
You spend more time with them than your other friends
If they’re your “go-to” person for most of the activities in your life, even though you have many other friends ready and willing to spend time with you, you may have deeper feelings for them. For example, perhaps they’re your usual study partner even though they’re not in your class. Maybe you spend time together outside of work participating in common hobbies, even though other people in your life have the same interests. Or if you’ve had a bad day and think, “I want to give up on life," they’re the friend you turn to most because they can make you feel better in a way that none of your other friends can. Finding reasons to be alone is also a telltale sign of deeper feelings, for instance, if you attend the same party or group outing and find yourself pairing off.
You want to go above and beyond doing things for them
Whether with small tokens of your affection or grand displays of gratitude, your gestures can provide a clue. The same applies to gestures of appreciation when they do something for you. Often, the purpose of such gestures is to make the person feel special, appreciated, and wanted. When someone makes you feel more “seen” than the other people in your life, it’s worth a closer look.
Everything reminds you of them
If you think about them all the time without a specific reason, or even the most minor things remind you of them, it’s a pretty good indicator that your feelings are more substantial than just a friend's. Pay attention to how many times a day something sparks a thought of them. For example, a love song on the radio or someone you run into on the street with the same hairstyle. Little things like that can lead to larger feelings.
You want physical intimacy with them
Physical intimacy comes in many forms; if you like them as more than a friend, you’ll probably want to be closer to them in any way you can. This doesn’t necessarily have to mean sex; you may want to sit closer to them, you may feel like giving more prolonged hugs, or find little reasons to touch them. Sexually intimate dreams about them may be a more blatant sign of your feelings. If your dreams of this person are vivid and you wake up with intense feelings of attraction, you may want to examine your relationship with them closer.
How do you know if they like you?
Suppose you’ve given it some reflection and are now confident that you like your friend on a deeper level. You may now face the challenge of figuring out how they feel about you. One of the most direct places to begin is looking at your behavior towards them. For example, if they go out of their way to be with you, get physically close to you, or take a particular interest in the things that are important to you, it may be a clue to their intentions.
Here are a few examples of other ways to tell if your friend possibly likes you as more than a friend:
They playfully touch or “preen” you
Preening is the concept of "cleaning up" another person's appearance through little gestures. Examples include picking lint off a sweater, adjusting a tie, and brushing hair out of your eyes. Engaging in physical touch, even on an innocent level like this, often shows an interest in more than friendship.
They actively participate in your conversations
Physical engagement in a conversation shows an interest in the conversation and the person you are talking to. If your everyday conversations seem more intimate because they make it a point to get closer to you than usual or make prolonged eye contact, they may have stronger feelings.
They mirror you
From your posture to how you fidget to more prominent movements, mirroring builds rapport between two people, bringing comfort and familiarity into the conversation. It invites you to mirror back. You may notice that after a while, they also mimic how you stand and move.
They always put their best foot forward
Do they seem to put more effort into dressing well and maintaining personal hygiene when you get together? Do they go above and beyond to be there for you whenever you need them? “Showing up” for someone is one of the best ways to show that you like them. Your friend may offer to do favors, buy dinner, or walk you home—even if it isn’t necessary. If their kindness and generosity go beyond being a good person, they may have a particular interest in you.
Online support for navigating the dating world
Interpreting feelings between people can be challenging. If you don’t know if you like someone as more than a friend, you may ask the people in your life that you trust what they think. You may look at how your feelings manifest in your behavior. You may even search through your social media interactions to look for clues as to whether you hold mutual feelings for each other.
Managing and learning how to communicate your feelings for someone clearly can be a big challenge. In these cases, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed or unsure of yourself, and you may wish to seek advice on how to proceed. Although support from friends and family is a great place to begin, some people feel more comfortable speaking with someone unbiased and not personally invested in the situation’s potential outcome.
If this is your situation, online therapy through platforms like Regain is an excellent solution. Virtual therapy sessions through Regain can be booked according to your schedule. You can speak to your counselor from the comfort of your home (or anywhere with a reliable internet connection) via text, phone, online chat, and video chat. The direct link with a counselor allows deeper discussions about your feelings and experiences. It’s also an excellent opportunity to ask questions and seek advice on dating and intimacy issues.
Not only is online therapy convenient and often more affordable than traditional therapy, but it’s also as effective for helping people cultivate stronger self-esteem to better navigate the sometimes-complicated world of relationships and dating. For example, a 2020 pilot study measured the effectiveness of online therapy for treating a group of 52 adolescents with mental health issues to assist the participants in cultivating greater self-esteem.
The researchers found that the treatment group “showed significantly higher levels of self-rated self-esteem compared to the control group at post-treatment. Further, the treatment had significant positive impact on secondary measures of self-esteem, self-compassion, quality of life, depression and anxiety. The results of this pilot-RCT suggest that ICBT can be effective for treating low self-esteem in adolescents, decreasing depression and anxiety levels, and increasing quality of life.”
When you’re ready to become proactive and take better control of your romantic life, online counseling can be highly effective. Reaching out to a Regain professional is the first step.
Is it weird to be 21 and never have a boyfriend?
Finding someone to enter into a relationship with is personal and takes time. While some people begin dating in high school or earlier, there is no right or wrong timeline for finding love. Many people begin dating because they feel like they have to or it’s what everyone else is doing, so they might as well give it a try. However, when dating a girl or a guy who doesn’t know what they actually want out of a relationship can be frustrating and lead to detrimental consequences for the relationship.
People oftentimes feel pressure to conform to societal pressures to date when they are not ready, so by waiting to begin dating a girl or a guy and taking time to figure out what it is you want out of a relationship, you are actually doing your future partners are favor. Your choice should not be construed as being “weird” or “strange,” rather, it is more of a sign that you have not felt ready to commit yourself to another person and have made the choice to wait until you felt ready. Relationships are a lot of work and if you aren’t able to focus on your partner in the way you would otherwise hope to, it likely isn’t the right time to start dating and could be one of the reasons you have not dated previously. However, if your focus has been elsewhere and you now feel ready to date, you should. Dating a girl who has never had a boyfriend shouldn’t be seen as weird as it’s an opportunity to connect with someone on a deeply personal level that they have yet to experience with someone else. It is also a sign of maturity because you haven’t rushed into a relationship just because it seemed like “everyone else was doing it.” Waiting until you’re ready to be in a relationship that you are able to fully commit yourself to shows emotional maturity and shouldn’t be seen as weird.
Should I tell him I've never had a boyfriend?
When you start dating someone, it’s entirely up to you as to whether you want to tell them that they are dating a girl who has never had a boyfriend. By confiding in your partner, you will be able to your concerns about having a boyfriend for the first time and your partner will be able to any concerns they might have about dating a girl who has never had a boyfriend. Dating a girl who has never had a boyfriend is a blank slate that allows you to enter the relationship freely without any expectations from past relationships. The two of you will have the opportunity to set expectations for what you want out of your relationships, as well as set boundaries. It’s a personal decision to decide whether you have never had a boyfriend. However, by doing so, you are strengthening your trust and connection as well as increasing your communication, all of which are beneficial to the long-term success of your relationship.
Is it OK to never find love?
Romantic love involves feelings of intimacy, passion, and even temporary euphoria for another person.
MRI scans show that romantic love has a distinct neurochemical and hormonal profile that can affect functional reasoning, which is why a new romantic love can make you disregard logic, skip responsibilities, and overlook flaws in the person you love. Romantic love is great, but it is not the only type of love that exists. Friendships and familial relationships can be deeply satisfying to the point where romantic love might not feel all that necessary. Devoting yourself to another person and developing a deeper connection that is needed to fall in love takes a lot of time and energy. When you’re in a place where you are unable or unwilling to put in the necessary work for the relationship to develop or have yet to figure out what it is you want out of the relationship, it’s normal to want to pump the breaks on dating and to wait to find love. You might not be in a place emotionally to fall in love with another person, or you might want to focus on other things, such as your career before you devote the necessary time to finding love.
While someone who isn’t in the right headspace to find love might eventually go on to find love, a person who is aromantic likely will not. An aromantic person means that you don’t get romantically attached to others, though you may develop sexual attractions. People of any sexual orientation can be aromantic. While aromantic people might not strive for romantic love, they are able to form deep, emotional connections but are content with platonic love and other close relationships.
People choose to find love or not find love for many reasons. It’s entirely personal and should be up to each individual and nobody else.
Is it weird to not want a relationship?
Relationships are a lot of work and entering into one is a personal choice that should not be dictated to by societal pressures or expectations. Some people just don’t see a need to be dating a girl or a guy at the particular stage of life that they’re in. Other people choose to not begin dating a girl or guy because they have other things they want to focus on, such as their career.
Other reasons may choose to not begin dating a girl or guy could be because of past trauma or not wanting to compromise on their values. If you have previously been in a relationship that was emotionally abusive or just simply draining, you might not be in a place to begin dating again. Taking the time you need to heal is important so that when you are ready to begin dating again, you’ll be able to fully devote yourself to the person without worrying about your past relationship. Similarly, entering into a relationship means giving a piece of yourself away to another person. While it doesn’t mean that you’ll never be able to do anything for yourself ever again, it does mean that the ability to be selfish dissipates.
If you are experiencing trauma, support is available. Please see our Get Help Now page for more resources.
You may choose to not begin dating a girl or guy because you enjoy keeping your emotions to yourself, or you might be insecure or have low self-esteem. In these instances, it’s important to dive into the reasons why you feel this way. Enlisting the help of a therapist might be beneficial so that you can begin to work through why these feelings are preventing you from wanting a relationship.
There is nothing wrong with not wanting to be in a relationship, but it is helpful to understand the reasons behind why you say you don’t want a relationship so that you are able to be in touch with your feelings and make sure that it is a choice that you are making for yourself as opposed to allowing your feelings and concerns to prevent you from entering into a relationship.
Is it OK to not want to date?
When you’re single, it might feel like everyone around you is dating. Couple that with the constant questions of “When will you date again?” or “Why are you single?” and it’s enough to drive you crazy. However, dating because everyone else around you is doing it is not a good reason to begin dating again. Being single for your own personal reasons is a beautiful thing that should be celebrated and yes, is completely ok. Dating takes a lot of time and energy, and sometimes, there are other things in life that we would rather devote our attention to. While many people assume that being in a relationship is the same as being loved and cared for, that’s not always the case. In fact, just because you’re in a relationship, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll be happy or that your feelings are reciprocated. Dating is just not always something that everyone wants to do, and you shouldn’t feel like you have to justify why you are choosing not to date. Another thing to keep in mind is just because you don’t want to date right now, doesn’t mean that you’ll always feel that way. You might go through periods of time where you want to get back out there and try again, or you might not. Either way, dating is a completely personal choice, and the decision as to whether or not your date is yours and yours alone.
Is it normal to say, "I've never had a boyfriend," even as an adult?
It is totally normal. Everyone's life takes a different path, and relationships don't happen on a fixed schedule. Some people are busy building their careers, traveling, or figuring out who they are before diving into a relationship. Others might just not have met the right person yet. It's not a reflection of your worth—it's just where you are right now, and that's okay.
How common is it for someone to feel like they’ve never had a boyfriend compared to others their age?
It's more common than most people realize. Plenty of people haven't been in a relationship by a certain age, even if it feels like everyone around you has. Life circumstances, personality, or even just not prioritizing romance can all play a role. If you feel like, "I've never had a boyfriend," you're not alone—it happens to more people than you might think, and it's nothing to feel embarrassed about.
Why are some people always single?
Some people stay single because they enjoy the freedom and focus that comes with it. For others, it might just be about not meeting someone who clicks with them on a deeper level. Life gets busy, and dating doesn't always feel like a priority, especially if you're working on personal goals or healing from past experiences. It's not a bad thing to be single—it just means you're waiting for something that truly feels right.
Why do some people never love?
Love is complicated, and not everyone experiences it in the same way. Some people struggle with trust or vulnerability, while others just don't prioritize romantic relationships. For a lot of people, it's less about "never loving" and more about not finding the kind of love they want or need. And that's okay—love doesn't define a person's value or happiness.
Why do some people never meet a partner?
There's no single reason. Sometimes, it's about timing, or maybe someone's life is focused on other things, like work, family, or personal growth. For others, meeting a partner might feel harder because of their environment or social circle. And some people are just more personal or selective about who they let into their lives. If you haven't met a partner yet, it doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you—it just means the story isn't written yet.
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