Looking For A Great Relationship? Positive Character Traits A Partner Should Have
Have you ever noticed that certain people are natural caregivers? You will notice this trait in people who work in careers that require them to care for people—daycare providers, elder care providers, nurses, doctors, veterinarians, social workers, and the like. Caregiving is a character trait that most people possess in some quantity, and it's just one from a list of positive character traits that you might value in a potential partner. Everyone likes to be taken care of to some degree!
The character qualities that people possess are a reflection of how they think, feel, and act. If you're looking for a great relationship, it's important to look at the good character traits of a potential partner. In this article, we’ll explore character traits you might see in people who are in healthy relationships.
What does it take to have good character?
Nearly every individual has at least some good character qualities. To some degree, whether a particular character quality is positive or negative is somewhat subjective. Dr. Christian Miller, an expert on character, explains two main kinds of character traits. People may have traits that have to do with being morally good or morally bad. There are also character traits that have nothing at all to do with being morally good or bad.
If we look at the character quality of honesty, we could say that honesty is a character trait of a good person, while dishonesty is the character trait of a bad person. In much the same way, being innovative is a character quality that could be used for good or bad. An innovative person might invent something amazing or uncover something incredible. A different person might use the character quality of innovation for a bad purpose, such as hacking into someone's computer or committing fraud.
Part of a person's character has to do with their morals or core beliefs. Moral virtues are character traits like compassion, integrity, justice, honesty, empathy, ethics, and forgiveness. These are character traits that we should try to develop in ourselves and look for in others, especially those we desire to have good and satisfying relationships with. On the flip side, there are moral vices like resentment, cold-heartedness, discourteousness, dishonesty, injustice, and bitterness. These are virtues that we don't appreciate in others. There may be a few vices that cause you to draw the line with having a relationship with someone who has one or more of them and has no desire to change.
It's also important to consider that it's not fair or prudent to judge good moral virtues by one or two events. It's only fair to be the judge of good moral character when it's been sustained by good decisions over time. That doesn't even encompass good character alone. Good character traits need to be represented by good moral choices in all facets of an individual's life. Those traits are ingrained even deeper when a person can be honest with themselves about the quality of their own character.
Another factor that affects good character traits in a person's motivation. Character traits aren't necessarily virtuous if they're motivated by fear, rewards, or good favor in the eyes of others. For example, if you bake your mother-in-law her favorite cake because you want her to like her, that doesn't demonstrate virtuous character on your part. However, if you baked her a special cake because you wanted her to feel special, it would act as a virtuous character. Essentially, good virtues are represented by things that don't benefit the person with good moral character. They don't lie or steal because they value the truth and justice.
Regardless of an individual's reputation, most people have at least a few good virtues to improve on. When you don't know someone well, it's wise to assume they don't have particular character traits, either good or bad, until you have an opportunity to witness how they make decisions and interact with others over time.
As if the topic of character qualities wasn't complicated enough, there's one more thing to consider. Character traits can and do change as we go through various life experiences. Progress may be slow and gradual, but the character can be improved either by consciously working on it or as a manifestation of our life's events. People are a work in progress, so don't be so quick to write someone off simply because they have one or more character flaws. You likely have a few yourself.
Are character qualities an indication of happiness?
In answering this question, research tells us that a few personality traits correlate to happiness and well-being. In an article by Melody Wilding, LMSW, she refers to a study conducted by positive psychologists who sought the connection between happiness and positive character traits. They found five personal paths to well-being, including enthusiasm, low withdrawal, industriousness, compassion, and intellectual curiosity.
Their study showed that people who outwardly expressed enthusiasm, and had a positive outlook on life, genuinely loved themselves and those around them. Happy people aren't prone to being anxious, and they don't worry much about others think. Productive, conscientious people are happy, especially when they're busy. It's no surprise that compassionate, care-giving people also fell into the category of happy people. We don't often think of curiousness as being a good character quality on its own. Still, it makes sense that people who are genuinely interested in others, how they live, and what they think are open to getting to know people, which is certainly an admirable character quality for a healthy relationship.
A-list of positive character traits to look for in a partner
The following list of positive traits to look for in a spouse or for a long-term partner.
Be aware that there may be a potential partner out there for you who is also looking for many of the same qualities within you. It can be difficult to improve these qualities in yourself, but you have only positive things to gain by putting in the effort. Here are some good qualities every relationship should have.
People with good self-discipline think things through to make wise choices rather than acting on impulse. They have strong willpower and a good sense of self-control.
Having honesty means telling the truth even when it may hurt someone else and when it's not convenient. Honesty in a person means that they live honestly, reflecting in their thoughts, deeds, relationships. Honesty is an important character quality because it gives people a reason to trust you.
Having integrity means that you stick to your principles even when they're not popular. People with integrity have strong morals and solid core values, and they won't stray from them no matter what.
Respectful people are a delight to spend time with. They treat everyone with genuine kindness and courteousness. They also reflect respectfulness by what they don't say and do. They're not selfish, rude, or verbally inappropriate.
Humble people don't consider themselves better than anyone else. They are confident in themselves and refer to themselves modestly. They don't expect more than they deserve and are grateful for everything they have.
Being loyal means being faithful and devoted to those you care about. Loyal people are typically loyal at home, at work, and to their country, and in their friendships and romantic relationships.
Bravery is often underestimated as a character quality. It takes courage to stand up for who you are and what you believe. Courage is a wonderful quality to have when you or someone else is in danger, pain, or distress. Having courage demonstrates the toughness of the mind and spirit.
The character quality of perseverance indicates a sense of determination to continue along the course that you believe is right even when others disagree or try to persuade you otherwise. People with perseverance don't give up, even when the going gets tough.
Being responsible means that you're willing to be accountable for your speech, actions, choices, and behavior. Responsible people are willing to accept the consequences of their actions.
Being a good citizen means that you work towards being a positive part of a community. Good citizens volunteer, obey the laws and do more than their fair. They're committed to bettering the community that they live in.
Improving your own character traits a potential partner should have
When you find that person with many of your top preferred character qualities in a partner, you might consider improving a few character qualities together. Pick a few of the weaker character traits for both of you and focus on improving them daily for several weeks. Write down the actions that each of you can take to progress towards your goal and record your progress as reflected in your personal and professional lives. This is a good exercise for a couple to work on in couples therapy.
What are some positive character traits a potential partner should have?
Positive character traits can range based on the person. Positive character traits will be subjective (based on what you personally view as valuable personality traits).
For example, if you value reliability and honesty, those are examples of personality traits you would look for in a friend or romantic interest. Likewise, if you value empathy and compassion, you might feel as though those who are empathetic and compassionate have positive character traits.
The type of person who will compliment your personality and treat you with respect will likely embody examples of positive personality traits that you find essential.
When identifying your own positive character traits, it can be helpful to consider what others may have noticed about you in the past. Of course, the opinions of others aren’t everything, but it can give you a better idea of how you’re perceived and what adjustments, if any, you might want to make to come across as kinder, more professional, etc.
What are 5 positive character qualities?
Examples of positive personality traits and qualities can include:
- Loyalty
- Humility
- Responsibility
- Integrity
- Trustworthiness
Character qualities can be displayed in a variety of ways. For example, one person might display loyalty by consistently checking in on your feelings. Another person might demonstrate loyalty by showing up to your events.
Likewise, someone might showcase their character quality of responsibility by constantly concerning themselves with others. Another person might showcase their positive character quality of responsibility by setting themselves up for success.
What are some good traits?
Examples of personality traits will be subjectively deemed “good” or “bad” depending on the person. For some, these examples might be considered negative traits. But to others, those same traits might be regarded as positive.
Generally speaking, examples of good traits or good characteristics include:
- Sassiness
- Perseverance
- Outspokenness
- Trustworthy
- Kind
- Empathetic
- Responsible
- Loyal
- Humble
- Self-Aware
- Selfless
What are some bad traits?
Just like good traits, bad traits can be subjective.
Generally speaking, most people might view the following traits as unfavorable:
- Dishonesty
- Fickleness
- Unreliability
- Rudeness
- Selfishness
- Judgmental
Those with bad traits might behave in ways that are generally frowned upon. In a worst-case scenario, someone with negative traits might also choose to lie, steal, and hurt others, even if unintentionally.
What are my best traits?
Figuring out what your best traits are can be difficult at first.
If you have close friends or family that you trust, you can ask them to their thoughts about your best traits. Once you get an idea of the good other people to see in you, you might feel more confident to decide your best characteristics for yourself.
A list of positive traits for yourself will likely continually develop with time as well. As you grow, your traits can become more robust and more apparent. To get more examples of personality traits in the professional sphere, you can consider consulting peers, colleagues, or supervisors for honest input.
What are your 5 best qualities?
Any person’s five best qualities might be different from those around them. Likewise, any person’s perception of self might be different than how others perceive them.
If you’re looking for a list of positive character traits, or examples of personality traits, it can help brainstorm and experiment with using extensive vocabulary. Sometimes having the words to describe yourself and others is all it takes to get closer to your personal identity and values, and it can be helpful professionally to have a good grasp on your strengths.
What are the 5 qualities of a professional?
Typical qualities you might notice in a professional environment can vary depending on the industry. Overall, most industries value an employee who is communicative, punctual, empathetic, takes direction well, and is willing to learn.
Each employer might further distinguish their individual preferences regarding the top five qualities of a professional. For clarity on your personal position, ask your colleagues or supervisor for details.
What are some godly character traits?
Examples of personality traits that resemble those of a god are not always positive. For instance, people described as having a “god complex” are usually viewed as acting more important than others and failing to recognize the significance of other people’s lives.
Instead, examples of personality traits of those who are genuinely kind and seemingly holy might be called “saintly.” In most cases, this is used to describe people who seem not to harm. Other good attributes or traits might include:
- Innocent
- Paternal
- Hopeful
- Powerful
- Strong
What are some unique qualities?
Examples of personality traits that might be considered unique can include phrases such as “quirky,” or “hyper,” or “talkative.”
Unique qualities can sometimes seem like inhibitors, especially in childhood, but in many cases, unique qualities can make a person who they truly are. Any individual’s opinion of “unique” is also subjective, just like any other list of positive character traits.
What are personal qualities?
Personal qualities are things about an individual—how they look, act, carry themselves, communicate, etc. —that show something important about who they are.
Both negative and positive character traits define how you think, behave, and relate to others. Knowing your personal qualities can help you understand why you value personal qualities in others as well.
Examples of personality traits can include caring, thoughtful, energetic, and attentive, to name a few. You can begin to identify your personal qualities by noticing what you value in others and noting what habits and behaviors you try to display regularly.
What is the best trait to possess in a relationship?
What keeps a relationship healthy?
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