Support While Grieving: Quotes To Help Someone Heal

Updated October 4, 2024by Regain Editorial Team

Someone close to you recently suffered a loss. This could be a loss of a family, a friend, a pet, or someone else they deeply cared about. Sometimes, providing someone support after they have lost someone they care about can be incredibly difficult. You want to help them heal, of course, but you aren't sure how. What can you do to help them feel supported and not alone during this difficult time?

Grief is a difficult emotion to handle, but we’re here for you

When people are going through a loss, they need a trusted support system. They need people to be there to listen to them, cry with them, and to cheer them up. At times, they may want to be alone, which is completely normal. However, make sure you check up on them is very important, as well. You don't want to allow this person to trap themselves in isolation, which is very easy to do when grieving. Being isolated while trying to heal can lead to a poor mental health state and can even indicate signs of depression. So, you will want to send them some encouraging words and quotes to help them heal.

Quotes to help someone heal

No matter who is suffering from a loss in your life, you should be as uplifting as possible. Whether this is your best friend, your romantic partner, your family, or even a coworker. During times like this, even the smallest actions make a big difference. It can feel overwhelming when trying to comfort someone but know anything you can do or say helps the person grieving tremendously.

The quotes you say to someone who is grieving will vary on your relationship with them. If you have a professional working relationship, you will want to be professional but not insensitive to them. On the other hand, if it is your romantic partner, you will want to emphasize how much you care for them. Take a look at the quotes below and think about which ones you will be comfortable with saying to the person grieving.

"Please let me know if I can do anything to give you support."

This quote is one of the best things to say to someone, no matter your relationship with them. If it is your coworker, they will feel less stressed knowing you will be there to catch anything that they let slip through the cracks as they are going through this emotional pain. If it is your friend, this opens the door to call in the middle of the night to have someone listen to them. Giving them the option to tell you how they would like to be supported will be very effective in helping them feel like they aren't alone.


"I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers."

Letting someone know you are thinking about them while they are dealing with a loss is incredibly heartwarming and comforting. If you or the person who is grieving are not religious, you can leave off the prayers part of this quote. However, if they are religious, knowing that someone is praying for you is one of the best feelings in the world. No matter what you say to them, it is a kind gesture and will help them feel supported while they are grieving.

"It's okay not to feel okay right now."

Many people are very hard on themselves when they experience feelings of sadness or anger. The truth is, it is healthy to allow yourself to feel your emotions, especially during times of grieving. If you hear the person in your life saying things like, "I should be stronger than this," or, "I can't believe I'm letting myself get so worked up," remind them it's okay to feel not okay. It's okay to feel sad, angry, and even overwhelmed. Sometimes, the people in your life will need to be reminded of this, and they will need somebody close to them to "give them permission" to feel the way they do.

 "What is your favorite meal? I will drop a dish off at your house, so you don't have to cook tonight."

Sometimes, taking care of daily chores like cleaning the house, going grocery shopping, and cooking are the last things people want to do when adjusting to a major life change. This is why dropping meals off at people's houses during times of need is so common. Other than for grieving, many people make their friends and family food for when they just had a baby or just moved homes. Adjusting to life changes can oftentimes leave no time or desire to cook dinner. So, telling them you would like to drop off their favorite meal is very thoughtful and kind to do. It takes just one daily activity off their plate so they can spend their time healing.

Some research shows foods that are high in fatty acids like fish, soy products, nuts, beans, and olive oil can help to lower levels of sadness while food should not be used as a coping method, as this can lead to unhealthy eating habits and a poor relationship with food, making a dish that is high in fatty acids for your friend may be helpful. Perhaps you can make them a salmon pasta dish with olive oil, as this would be very high in fatty acids, and it is a very kind gesture to make them dinner.

"If you need help watching your kids or pets while you plan the funeral, please let me know."

If you know your friend or family will be planning the funeral, it can be incredibly helpful to watch their kids or pets for them. Many people avoid letting their kids see them upset, so watching their kids while they take some time alone can help them find healing. If they have to travel to attend the funeral, offering to watch their pets can provide a big relief for them.

Other things to do to help someone heal

There are many things you can say to someone to help them heal. However, there are also many actions you can do to help them, as well. As you have likely heard the saying, "Actions speak louder than words," this can be true when helping someone through the grieving process. Some people respond better to acts of service instead of verbal communication, so you will want to do some other things as well.

Hug them

When they tell you about the loss they have experienced, hug them. Giving hugs can increase happiness and reduce stress according to Erica Cirino's blog post on Healthline. With that being said, one of the best ways to show someone you support them is by giving them a hug when they are talking to you about the loss they are facing.

Be with them

Some people prefer not to speak about what they are going through. They prefer to sit in silence and think. While thinking does not take two people, it can become lonely when you are thinking about the loss of your loved one. For this reason, it is incredibly helpful to sit next to someone as they think. Going to their house and turning on a movie with them can be one of the most supportive things you can do for them. It may feel awkward just sitting in silence with someone, but it will be very helpful for your loved one.

Give them a gift

Put together a gift filled with things that will help them relax and will bring a glimmer of happiness to their day. This can be things like bath bombs, face masks, a comedy movie, their favorite candy, and a candle. Anything you know they love to do when taking time to relax can be a great gift to help them remember to take time for themselves.

Check-in with them

People handle loss at different rates and in different ways. Your loved one may be coping well one week, and then feeling overwhelmingly sad the next. This is why you should offer your support by checking in with them every so often. You don't want to go overboard and text or call them constantly, but make a point each week to ask them how they are doing. Send them over one of the quotes listed above and remind them you are there for them. They may not take you up on one of your offers just yet, but being reminded that they have your support can mean the world.

Grief is a difficult emotion to handle, but we’re here for you

Offer to go to counseling with them

If the person experiencing a loss is your romantic partner, it may be a good idea to go to relationship counseling with them. While relationship counseling is often used as a resource for couples who are having difficulty communicating or getting along, it has other great benefits. A counselor can help you understand what to say to your partner as they are dealing with their loss. They can also help your partner communicate how they are feeling to you so you can understand. Counseling can be intimidating for some people, so going with their romantic partner can settle their nerves greatly. Your partner may not be ready to go to counseling right after their loss, which is completely normal. So, wait a few weeks before bringing up the idea so they have time to process their emotions.


Coming up with the right things to say or do when someone you are close with is grieving can be very difficult. Try out some of the things above as the person in your life will feel very appreciated. Remember to be patient with them and understanding, as everyone grieves differently. They may not tell you that they are thankful for your help, as it can slip their mind, but know that they are thankful. When going through a loss, the support from the people you love is priceless.

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