The History Of Catcalling: Meaning, Motivation, And Intentions
Catcalling is familiar to most adults today. Whether the catcall is a wolf-whistle sung by a group of people or words supposedly complimenting someone’s body, most people have been or know someone who has been catcalled. Reactions to catcalling are multifaceted and diverse, but it is not a positive habit to participate in or take up. When you catcall someone, it may make them incredibly uncomfortable, and it is a form of harassment regardless of intent or response. Despite the different reactions to catcalling currently circulating throughout the internet and daily interactions, some research bodies have developed concrete notions concerning catcalling and the harm that it can create - both for the target of the catcalling and those who catcall. Where does catcalling originate from, and what should you know about it today? Keep reading to find out.
What is catcalling?
There are different types of catcalling, but the two most common forms are wolf-whistling (a two-note whistle containing an initial high note, followed by a low note) and shouted compliments. By its very nature, catcalling is a form of objectification; catcalling is not used as an indicator of a person’s wit, intelligence, presence of mind, or innate goodness, but as a means of demonstrating that a person’s physical appearance is in some way alluring or appealing. Catcalling does not have to use callous or crude language to be considered obscene or offensive. It is frequently physical or sexual and is more often employed when people are in pairs or groups, rather than when they are alone. That said, solitary individuals are certainly also capable of the practice.
Associating the history of catcalling with men
People of all genders can catcall, but the practice is typically and historically associated with men. As is often the case with sexual harassment, some women are guilty of demeaning and objectifying men. Still, statistically, men often engage in the majority of objectification. One of the most common ways men objectify women is indeed through catcalling, a behavior that many people report having experienced in childhood and adulthood.
Catcalling: A history
The exact origin of catcalling remains somewhat ambiguous, but there are some theories about where the practice began to gain traction and how the term itself came about. Most attribute the popularity of catcalling to the work of Tex Avery, a man known for his groundbreaking cartoons. The most prominent origin of catcalling in media (and, consequently, in American culture) is a piece created by Avery, in which a wolf emphatically whistles and drools over a performing woman, seemingly so overwhelmed by the attraction that he resorts to beating himself over the head to stem the flow of desire.
As these cartoons gained in popularity, the advent of catcalling continued to gain traction. Young people and adults alike began to adopt the practice. For some, catcalling was seen as an innocent diversion and expression of attraction, while for others, catcalling had far more horrifying consequences, as was the case for Emmett Till, who was lynched for supposedly engaging in catcalling at the age of 14.
Catcalling’s history is far from innocent, and despite the persistent suggestion that a wolf-whistle or shouted comment about someone’s body is actually a compliment that should be taken and accepted graciously, plenty of people have historical precedent for being less-than-pleased with having someone shout at them, comment on their body outside of a relationship, or employ a whistle originally designed to herald the arrival of a wolf among sheep and their shepherds.
The purpose of catcalling
In Avery’s cartoons, the wolf-whistle was used to express the wolf’s overwhelming attraction. The wolf in question used a whistle as a means of getting the attention of the object of his attraction, and miraculously, it worked; in the cartoon, the woman on the receiving end of the whistle does, indeed, wind up sitting beside the wolf. In actual human interactions, however, the purpose of catcalling can be less sincere. One study asserted that men used catcalling and street harassment as a way of “putting women in their place” in an attempt to assert dominance and improve their own self-esteem.
Some men report catcalling as something far less suspect. However, it is still self-focused, rather than being considerate: some men reported simply wanting to capture a woman’s attention and elicit a reaction. The goal of such an exchange, arguably, is to interact with a woman the man considers attractive or worthy of their attention. Although this motivation is far more innocuous than demeaning a woman, it still has some problems, as some women continue to feel harassed, overwhelmed, and uncomfortable with this type of exchange and see catcalling as a form of harassment-or, at least, a source of discomfort and intimidation that can feel demeaning.
Why catcalling is problematic: Impact of getting catcalled
Despite initially being seen as innocent by some, catcalling is problematic because it is a form of harassment. True compliments are offered, not inflicted, and involve some amount of polite behavior and respect. Catcalling defies these definitions, instead opting for objectification and disrespect. Catcalling is problematic because:
1) Catcalling may make people feel unsafe
Individuals have reported feeling unsafe when they are being catcalled. The severity of this feeling varies; some feel they need to get away to avoid scrutiny, while others fear for their physical safety and health. Although certainly not every single person who has ever been catcalled feels they are in mortal peril, an overwhelming majority felt uncomfortable, unsafe, and displeased with the interaction and worked hard to get away.
As a result of the fear some individuals feel after being catcalled, some reported engaging in avoidant behavior and refusing to go places alone or at certain times of the day, to decrease the likelihood of being catcalled or harassed. People deserve to move through the world safely, but many are not afforded this liberty. Remember that it is not necessarily reflective of other people’s experiences if you have not felt this lack of safety yourself. These scenarios are serious and can even have legal implications.
2) Catcalling can be psychologically damaging
Some studies have found that women report negative psychological effects after being catcalled, the most prominent being a distinct and sudden drop in self-esteem and an increase in self-objectification. Despite the defensive argument that catcalling is a compliment and should lift self-esteem, many people feel unseen, unheard, and objectified by being yelled at, whistled at, or commented on when only their body is up for evaluation and consideration. Far from being innocuous or harmless, catcalling can inflict mental and emotional harm on those involved.
Alternatives to catcalling
The most notable alternative to catcalling is simply staying silent; there is no reason that anyone should feel entitled to calling out to someone and letting them know that they appear attractive. If an attractive person walks by, they are simply that: an attractive person walking by. Calling out to them is neither necessary nor useful. Every individual is different and will likely feel and respond differently to this type of interaction, but they could feel unsafe or uncomfortable because of catcalling—and that is never a positive thing.
What’s an alternative, then? It depends on the context. The person you’re after could be monogamous and already partnered. A lack of interest on the other side is possible for anyone who finds another person attractive, and it’s not necessarily personal. It is something you must have full respect for, however, and be prepared for. If you want to garner an individual’s attention, a more effective approach can be to simply try to talk with them or give a simple, respectful greeting rather than a whistle.If you’re in an appropriate environment, strike up a conversation. Ask a question or provide a non-sexual compliment. Avoid crossing into someone’s physical space and keep it respectful.
Catcalling: Motivation, meaning, and history of catcalling
To recap, while some still consider catcalling harmless, many people are deeply uncomfortable and unsettled by being whistled at, called after, or sexualized. Far from being relegated to a single part of the world or an indicator of a single culture or gender, catcalling is demonstrably problematic worldwide and has even been banned in some parts of the world, citing its use as an illegal form of harassment. Whether you believe that catcalling is harmless or seen as painful and inappropriate, evidence suggests that it is not a simple compliment or an entirely benign practice.
Online counseling with Regain
In some situations, seeking help may be necessary whether you have been catcalled yourself or are someone who has used catcalling to approach others. Catcalling is a form of harassment, which can have negative psychological impacts. Seeing a therapist can be advantageous for anyone who wishes to address issues related to self-esteem, communication, relationships, social interactions, and more. Meeting with a therapist can be done through a local therapy office, clinic, or a low-cost community program. Therapy can also be completed online through sites such as Regain, which allows you to receive therapy from the comfort of your home. A mental health professional can help you create healthier thought patterns, communication habits, and interactions with others. They are here to provide a space for you to speak on any life concerns you have, whether those relate to catcalling or not. Sign up for Regain when you’re ready or locate someone to work with in your area to get the support and empowerment you need.
The efficacy of online counseling for harassment and catcalls
Being a frequent target of harassment, such as catcalling, is associated with negative mental health outcomes. Those struggling with any aspect of their mental well-being could benefit from therapy. For those who don’t have connection to traditional therapy or are looking for alternatives, online therapy could be another viable option. Online therapy has been shown to be just as effective as in-person therapy, with participants in this study reporting that they were significantly more satisfied with their treatment plan than those in the face-to-face group.
Catcalling is a form of harassment that can have detrimental effects on those who are exposed to it. Although not every person who catcalls sees the person they catcall as an inferior being, few would argue that catcalling is a sign of deference or respect, and at the end of the day, it can hurt other people, which is problematic. All people should be viewed as deserving of basic respect, regardless of how attractive or unattractive they are. If you are someone who has used catcalling, you may benefit from the intervention of a therapist who can help you uncover possible reasons for these actions. Likewise, if you’ve been subjected to harassment and need to process the experience, confiding in a therapist could help. Through Regain or another local resource, you can find the support and encouragement you need to move forward.
Why is it called “catcalling?”
The full definition of catcall includes both catcall (verb) and catcall (noun). According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the definition of catcall is, “a loud, sexually suggestive call or comment directed at someone publicly.” It can apply to any person in any situation. An example of this definition of catcall in a sentence may include “They started to catcall me, so I ducked inside a store.” Examples of catcall in a sentence in this context would be “I get uncomfortable when I hear a catcall,” or, “When they catcalled me, I was uncomfortable and didn’t know what to do.”
As for why the catcall definition is what it is known for today, the word originated in the 1650s as an instrument to express disapproval. When audience attendees were dissatisfied with a show, they’d show it through a type of call that sounded like an angry or hissing cat.
What does catcalling a girl mean?
Catcalling is a form of street harassment. As per the definition of catcall, catcall (noun) would be a yell toward someone to say something suggestive. Also, as per the definition of catcall, catcall (noun) may pertain to a whistle made in this individual’s direction.
What is an example of harassment?
Catcalling is one example of harassment. Other examples of harassment could be unnecessary, cruel comments or personal jabs, derogatory jokes, words, or phrases, mocking another person, criticizing, attacking a person’s specific traits, and so on. Physical harassment is also an example of harassment. Physical harassment may occur in the form of gestures or actions that involve physically touching another person.
To learn more about sexual violence and harassment, please visit the RAINN website or call the RAINN hotline at 1-800-656-HOPE (4673) if you need help.
How do you respond to catcalling?
How you respond to catcalling can depend largely on the circumstances and how safe you are or feel. Only respond positively if you genuinely do feel positive (and safe) about the catcall and the situation. The most effective and safest response is usually to ignore the catcalling, especially to avoid escalating the situation.
What to do when someone is staring you down?
If someone is staring you down, you may look at them to acknowledge that you know that they’re staring at you. The most important thing to do is to stay safe. If they continue to stare, make it to an area where you’re around other people, let someone know where you are and that you feel unsafe, or let the appropriate party know that you feel uneasy. It may also be beneficial to keep your phone in clear sight, where the individual is able to clearly see it.
What does catcalling a girl mean?
Catcalling is a form of street harassment. To catcall a girl or anyone else essentially means to whistle at them to reflect your interest in and/or to garner their attention. This is generally considered inappropriate, particularly when conducted by/toward strangers.
Is being catcalled a compliment?
Catcalls are far different from compliments. Catcalling is a form of harassment, usually done by strangers in public settings, and is regarded as inappropriate behavior, while compliments are done with friends and acquaintances. Being catcalled may share some features with compliments, but it can’t be regarded as one.
What to do when someone catcalls you?
If someone catcalls you, the best thing to do is to not engage with them. Do your best to ignore them, since they just want to illicit attention and reaction from you in the form of catcalling. If you plan on not ignoring them, call them out for their behavior and do your best to keep your distance from them.
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