The Origins Of Blood Type Personality Theory: Can Blood Types Reveal Personality Traits?
All over the world, people have devised ways to predict your personality type. There’s the Western zodiac, dating back to ancient Babylonia, and many newspapers still circulate horoscope columns based on this zodiac. The Chinese zodiac also outlines 12 different personality types. There are even modern tests for people to discover their personality type, such as the Myers-Briggs personality assessment.
Other systems determine that personality traits are based on your body, such as finger length or thumb shape. Then there is a blood type personality. Some people believe you can determine your temperament through a blood test, making it a personality test as well as a test for nutritional deficiencies and diseases.
If you’re not familiar with different communities amongst Asian cultures, you may not have heard of a blood-type personality. Yet this way of categorizing people by personality is quite popular in some Asian countries, particularly Japan (where its called ketsueki-gata) and South Korea. In fact, most people in Japan know their blood type. So, what is the blood type personality theory, anyway? How does it affect your temperament?
What is a blood type?
Blood types are determined by the presence or absence of certain antigens in your blood cells. These antigens trigger an immune response if they’re foreign to the body. Before the discovery of blood types, blood transfusions were much riskier. If the donor’s blood had different antigens than the recipient’s, the recipient’s blood could react against the new blood, causing an increased risk of death for the recipient. The discovery of blood types revolutionized blood transfusion practice, enabling doctors to sort blood types by blood group and give patients a transfusion from compatible blood. Blood typing is now a normal part of the blood transfusion process. As a matter of fact, it has been used by many communities to gauge a person’s temperament.
On its face, blood type seems to have nothing to do with personality traits. Yet since their discovery, blood types have been used to categorize people beyond compatible blood donors. For example, the Nazis used the findings to justify German superiority, declaring that A and O types (more common among Germans) were superior to B types (more common among Jews and other ethnic groups). As each of the four blood groups occurs in all human populations, this idea was demonstrably false. However, beliefs about the relationship between blood type and personality persist.
What is blood type personality theory?
While an Austrian scientist discovered blood types in 1901, the idea of “blood type personality” didn’t come about in Europe or North America. Rather, it was a professor at a Tokyo women’s teaching school who introduced the idea in 1927. Takeji Furukawa's professor backed up his theory with evidence from observations of his own family, and he published his findings in a scholarly journal called the Japanese Journal of Psychology.
The blood types and their personality traits
The blood type personality theory determines personality traits based on the four blood types: A, B, O, and AB. The theory is sometimes known as ABO blood type personality, covering the four main categories. According to blood type personality theory, one’s blood type can determine their temperament, behaviors, compatibility with other blood types, and even their suitable career paths.
Type A
People with blood type A are said to have better temperament. They are well-organized, reserved, earnest, and responsible. On the other hand, blood type A personalities tend to be nervous and a bit stubborn. The blood type A personality is the most common in Japan, with about 40% of the population with this blood type. Type As often get along well with others, but this may come at the expense of their own well-being. The recommended careers primarily cover those that require little human contacts, such as programming, accounting, writing, and research. As for their ideal blood type partner, people with blood type A are most compatible with their own type or ABs. Because they share a similar temperament, they are less likely to argue and are more likely to agree on many matters.
Type B
On the other hand, blood type Bs are known to be curious, creative, and outgoing. On the negative side, they can sometimes be irresponsible and indecisive. Type Bs’ outgoing personality makes it easy for them to be around people a lot of the time, as socializing doesn’t wear them down. Careers as leaders or working with lots of people are recommended for type Bs. Those seeking partners would be most compatible, just as with Type As, with their own type or ABs.
Type O
People with blood type O are considered optimistic, easygoing, and confident. Their negative personality traits include being rude, vain, or self-centered. Their confident natures are said to be linked to their blood type making Os good leaders, and they are said to be physically strong. For example, people with O type are said to be good baseball players, a trait also linked to their competitive spirit. Once again, Os should be most compatible with their own type or with type ABs.
Type AB
AB blood type personalities tend to be eccentric, as the blood type personality theory blends the traits from type A and type B blood for this type. People with AB blood type can be sociable and shy, rational and a dream-chaser, mysterious and charming. Negative personality traits include impatience and forgetfulness. AB is the rarest blood type, so an AB/AB pairing is said to be something truly special. However, AB types apparently can get on with any other blood type.
The blood type books examining the relationship between blood type and personality get into much more detail about each blood type personality. Like many personality tests, literature about blood type personality theory uses general descriptive language, painting each blood type personality with broad strokes while remaining personal and specific. And just as with horoscopes, these blood-type personalities remain personally relevant and convincing to many people.
Origins of the East Asian focus on blood type
So, what is with the obsession with blood types and personality in East Asia? The blood type personality theory may be so popular in Asia because it originated there. The colonial Japanese government used Furukawa’s idea of blood type personality to create better soldiers as they expanded their empire in the 1930s. However, the Imperial Army’s research went nowhere, and the connection between blood type and personality was discounted.
The theory was repopularized by journalist Masahiko Nomi, who published several books about blood types, including bestsellers Understanding Affinity by Blood Type in 1971 and Blood Type Humanics in 1973. Even though Nomi’s observations weren’t based on scientific evidence and his findings faced criticism from reputable psychologists, his blood-type books were hugely popular. To this day, the blood type personality theory remains popular in Japan. The blood type personality theory has taken a downturn in recent years, but the fascination with blood types continues.
In Japan, the blood type personality theory is so popular that some people organize their blood type. They may refuse to date a seemingly incompatible blood type, seek a relationship or dating service based on blood type, and even follow a blood type diet. People’s belief in blood type personality and other less-than-scientific forms of personality determinants may result from confirmation bias. If you know what a certain blood type personality is supposed to be, you might look for those traits in someone when they reveal their own blood type to you.
The popularity of blood type personality theory in East Asia, particularly Japan, may also lie in the fact that these countries are ethnically homogeneous. The vast majority of Japanese people are of the same ethnicity, so categorizing people by looks can only go so far. However, blood type, while invisible, does differ and has become a convenient marker of difference. This connection between blood type and personality shows how people can find ways to categorize and stereotype each other.
Problems with blood type personality theory
The idea that blood types determine personalities seems like a harmless idea on the surface. Looking at blood type horoscopes and taking your blood type personality can be a fun diversion. But beliefs about blood types, especially in Japan, aren’t light fun but taken very seriously. Sometimes, people experience discrimination for their blood type, from school to relationships to jobs. This problem is so common in Japan it’s given a name: “blood harassment.” People with blood types B and AB, which are less common in Japan, are particularly prone to experiencing blood type harassment and prejudice.
There are also the problematic applications of the blood type personality theory, going back to the originator of the idea, Takeji Furukawa. His later studies suggest a rather unscientific racial bias. Furukawa as a Japanese scholar went on to study the relationship between temperament and blood type as a part of an analysis of “essential racial traits” of Taiwanese people, many of whom were resisting colonial rule by Japan. From the sample, it was found that about 40% of Taiwanese had blood type O, and Furukawa came to the conclusion that their rebelliousness was linked to their blood type.
Similar to race, a person’s blood type is innate and unchangeable. Coupling that with its early adoption in eugenicist regimes such as Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, the blood type personality theory isn’t quite as harmless as it seems. Like race, age, and gender, blood type can be stereotyped and prejudice believers in blood type personality against certain blood types other than personal differences, resulting in the harmful discrimination and blood type harassment seen in Japan.
Is blood type personality theory real science or pseudoscience?
Nomi wrote Blood Type Humanics, had no medical background and offered up purely anecdotal research. So, while beliefs about blood type personalities persist, there is no clear connection between blood type and personality.
One problem with the blood type personality theory and other personality theories is that, unlike our blood type, personality is not a fixed trait. Someone outgoing at work may actually be quite shy in social situations, and the workplace structure helps them socialize. Other people may be rather creative, but their school or work responsibilities don’t reflect their creativity, and it’s instead used for hobbies or personal projects. Still, others may not seem particularly curious or social in certain settings, but they’re the most talkative and enthusiastic in the group in others. A person’s personality is prone to change based on whom they’re interacting with: people act differently around each person in the family at home than their colleagues at work, with their friends on a night out, then strangers on the street, and so on. So, it’s best not to base your life around personality types. Even your own so-called blood type personality may not be a perfect match.
Only one thing is for sure: your blood type only determines what kind of blood you can receive and to whom you can give your blood. Your blood type has nothing to do with your personality whatsoever. If you’re having relationship problems or issues at work, knowing your blood types, zodiac signs, or index finger length will not solve them. It’s best to follow proven, evidence-based approaches to making important decisions and solving problems.
If you’re experiencing personality clashes, discrimination, or any other kind of interpersonal problem, confiding in trusted friends or colleagues can help you overcome them. Some issues can be particularly difficult to work out on your own, and there’s no shame in seeing a therapist. The mental health professionals online at Regain, for example, can help you work through all of life’s challenges.
Just as Western zodiac signs aren’t factual determiners of personality, so are blood-type personality traits. It can be a fun diversion to read blood-type horoscopes or a trivia fact about your favorite celebrity. Still, blood type is not a clear predictor of personality, nor should anyone base their entire lives around it. If it gives people structure and purpose to hold these beliefs, this is fine. But such beliefs can also close your mind to relationships and opportunities that you could otherwise pursue, so be sure to strike the right balance.
What characteristics do people with blood type A have?
At first, you may think it is bizarre that personality traits could be determined in part by which blood group you belong to. Actually, though, this is an incredibly common theory in Japan called Ketsueki-gata. Although social psychology experts don’t believe in these theories and it isn’t backed by enough scientific research, many people continue to use theory for guidance. Essentially, this is a similar concept to astrology in western cultures. For this blood type personality theory, each blood type has unique characteristics and compatibility. Personality traits can be predicted based on your blood type.
Type A blood generally comes with personality traits such as patience, responsibility, creativity, sensibility, and earnestness. The blood type personality theory also predicts which other blood groups people with type A blood will be compatible with. There are 4 main blood groups: A, B, AB, and O. People with type A blood will generally be compatible with A-type blood and type AB blood.
Although there’s not enough combination of meta-analysis and scientific research that proves blood types and personality traits are linked together in social psychology, people still believe it is true today. Because of this theory, it has caused blood type discrimination in Japan, a belief that blood type determines personality.
What do blood types say about personality traits?
Your blood type may actually be an informative piece of information to help you better understand your personality traits and behavior. An article published in Japan Times states that nearly all people in the country know their blood type because they believe it has something to do with their personality. Much like astrology in the western world, there exists a concept called Ketsueki-gata in Japanese culture that posits that your blood type, or blood group, partially determines your personality traits and compatibility with others. This blood type personality theory has much popularity in Japan, and people have found personality types that are compatible based on blood types or blood groups.
Social psychology also examines how cultural beliefs, like blood personality theory, shape behavior. This is further shaped through scientific research. Since social psychology challenges myths by emphasizing evidence over tradition, you might want to read the theories together with scientific data.
Diving deeper into the specifics about what your blood type says about your personality, most of the insight provided by Ketsueki-gata is about broad personality traits, similar to astrology. For example, those with blood type A are generally thought to be earnest, creative, and sensible. However, those in the A blood group also may have the personality traits of being stubborn and tense.
In addition to providing personality traits based on your blood type, your blood group may also indicate which other blood types you are compatible with. For example, the blood type AB is compatible with all other blood types, while blood type B is only compatible with blood type AB and blood type B.
Which blood type is most intelligent according to the blood type personality theory?
Although the Japanese concept of Ketsueki-gata predicts many personality traits to be linked to blood type, there is no singular "most intelligent" blood type. This idea gained popularity through TV programs and the work of Japanese professor Tokeji Furukawa, who published early medical hypotheses on the topic. It also stems from the fact that there is no objective measure of intelligence that everybody agrees is most valuable. Despite Furukawa's statistical analysis, the scientific community has largely dismissed these claims due to a lack of rigorous evidence. Studies published in American Journal have also found little evidence to back this theory. For example, composing a symphony and solving a complex calculus problem are two very different forms of intelligence. Some Japanese scholars continue to explore the concept in areas like the dating scene, attributing individual differences in compatibility to blood type. Still, it remains a cultural phenomenon of explaining the individual differences among people’s personalities rather than a scientifically validated theory.
However, according to the blood type personality theory, each blood type may have unique intellectual strengths rather than an outright measure of intelligence. In terms of the blood type personality theory, general trends indicate what types of intelligence are more common in certain blood types. For example, those with type A or type B blood are generally considered aptitudes for creativity and creative exercises. Meanwhile, type AB blood is usually associated with adaptability and the ability to change to new conditions. People with type o blood, the most common blood type, are intuitive learners and self-determined. Although no scientific research has proven this, having knowledge on your blood type can still help you gain insight into another person’s temperament.
Other commonly asked questions about blood type and personality
Which blood type lives the longest?
In general, those individuals with type O blood live slightly longer than other types of blood. This is average, of course, so don’t fret if you don't have other types. The reason for this is that blood type O is very common. Any person needing this blood type can easily find a donor. For instance, pregnant women with type O blood who need to undergo a cesarian section or any person needing surgery due to heart disease can easily look for a blood donor, therefore expediting medical treatment.
Is blood type A rare?
Blood type A is not considered a rare blood type. In fact, it is the second most common blood type behind only blood type O. Around 42% of the population has A-type blood, so people with this blood type won’t find it hard to look for donors. For instance, pregnant women with blood type A who have an increased risk of cesarian section due to hypertension can easily find donors. The same goes for people who increased risk of undergoing surgery due to heart disease.
Conversely, blood type AB- is the rarest blood type. Type AB people who need to undergo surgery due to heart disease and even pregnant women needing C-sections may find it difficult to find a donor.
Which blood type is best according to the blood type personality theory?
Although the Japanese concept of Ketsueki-gata links different blood types and temperaments with different personality traits, there is no “best” blood type because it depends on how you want to assess it. For example, blood type O is the universal donor, so your blood may have more utility for blood transfusions and such. On the flip side, blood type AB is the universal recipient, so you may have an easier time receiving blood if you are in an accident.
According to the blood type personality theory, the “best” blood type could also be influenced by the specific personality traits that match your own values and lifestyle. Furthermore, based on the Ketsueki-gata blood type personality concept, there may be types of blood that you would prefer based on your interests, considering that they’re linked to certain values and temperament. If you love art and creativity, you may think of blood types A and B better since they tend to be associated and linked with creative people. This blood type personality theory doesn’t necessarily have a backing in modern science, but many people believe in it, and it certainly holds cultural value. Determining your personality type doesn’t rely solely on your blood, but your blood could definitely play a role in it. In any case, there’s no harm having knowledge and believing how these theories are linked together.
Which blood type has the kindest personality traits?
People with blood type A are often associated with kindness and compassion, valuing harmony, and respecting others. Although it is a widely accepted belief among Japanese, people with the same blood type may still show significant differences in personality due to their various experiences in life. Moreover, in a study by Kengo Nawata, an expert in social psychology, he explained that there's only 0.3% of personality variance is affected by blood type. Hence, this belief should only be used as a guide or reference but should not be taken seriously. If you want to understand your personality more accurately, you can take a scientifically validated personality test, such as those based on the Five Factor Model. The Five Factor Model focuses on five factors affecting a person’s personality rather than a blood type. These five factors include openness to experience, extraversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and neuroticism (OCEAN).
Which blood type is considered the most clever?
Blood type AB is often linked to cleverness, as it’s thought to combine the creativity of type A with the adaptability of type B. There’s a widely accepted pseudoscientific belief regarding the link between blood types and personality in Japanese society. In the past, Japanese society relies on blood types to determine the likelihood of men becoming better soldiers. Japanese professor Tokeji Furukawa, in his theory published in the Japanese Journal of Psychology, claims that there’s a correlation between blood types of personality.
Although there is no scientific research that backs this theory, beliefs from Japanese society have been carried out until today. It is worth noting that while a person with blood type AB is known to be clever, experts in social psychology assert that personality can still change. Depending on external factors like experiences, people with AB blood type may still show significant differences in personality.
Moreover, there are several theories supporting the study of personalities. Modern social psychology experts believe that there are five basic personality traits based on the five-factor model (FFM) of personality, also known as the Big Five personality traits.
What are the 3 rarest blood types?
The three rarest blood types worldwide are AB-, B-, and AB+, with AB- being the scarcest, which has sparked interest and dilemma among researchers due to its rarity and potential medical significance.
What is royal blood?
"Royal blood" often refers to type O—in historical contexts. It is valued for its universal donor qualities and sometimes associated with leadership in blood type theories, sparking interest in its supposed connection to strength and influence. This has led to widespread fascination with how the different blood types may influence personality traits and social roles throughout history.
What are the oldest blood types?
Although blood type distribution varies by country, type O is considered the oldest blood type. It is believed to have appeared during early human evolution as hunters and gatherers. Since it’s one of the oldest blood types, it is said that people with this blood type have a stronger immunity against certain diseases, including those that are considered strong like stomach cancer. A meta-anaylsis of blood type O reveals that it has a good influence on the immune system since one of its positive traits or characteristics is having more red blood cells.
What qualities do people with type B+ blood have?
People with B+ blood type are considered passionate, creative, and adaptable, with a strong sense of individuality.Individuals with B+ blood are also believed to have bolder characteristics than other blood types, including a unique interest in life.
Their interest in new experiences and versatility can positively impact their ability to adapt to changing situations. In terms of health, they have unique susceptibility to certain conditions, but there is limited research to fully understand these links.
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