What Are Good Traits To Have In A Healthy Relationship?

Updated December 20th, 2024 by Regain Editorial Team

Healthy relationships are an important part of each person's life. The quality of an individual's relationships will impact their mental health, outlooks on the world, and ability to manage crises when they arise. Most people want to experience healthy relationships, but it takes work. The quality of your relationship depends on both parties doing their part, but you can only control your actions, not the actions of others. For these reasons, knowing what it takes to have maintain a strong and healthy connection with your partner will prove to be immensely beneficial. In this article, you will learn about the traits of a healthy relationship and how to apply them in the life that you share with your significant other.

Learn more about healthy relationships with a professional

A quick word on healthy relationships

In life, healthy relationships do not happen spontaneously, but take time and effort to develop. If you are currently frustrated that you and your partner aren’t there yet, do not worry. Some things are worth waiting for, and you alone cannot control the trajectory of a relationship. However, what you can do is ensure that you have all the necessary and positive traits to experience healthy relationships in your life.

The positive effects of healthy relationships

The benefits of a strong relationship are well-documented. Help with stress management and a reliable support system are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to how a healthy relationship can aid you throughout life.

Another important detail to keep in mind here is that sometimes the best relationships come when you are not looking for them. This does not mean that you should isolate yourself or not be open to meeting people; however, do not feel discouraged if it seems like others are enjoying healthy relationships when you're not. The relationships which are meant to happen have a way of working out in due time.

Five positive traits to have in a healthy relationship

Knowing the value and perks associated with healthy relationships in life is one thing. Next, comes the importance of knowing which characteristics of a healthy relationship are good to have. Believe it or not, many people in this world do not know what it takes to experience a healthy, happy relationship in life; then, they wonder why certain problems arise.

Knowing the importance of the following good traits will benefit you in experiencing healthy relationships and other opportunities that life has to offer. 

1. Maturity

Maturity is an excellent trait to have if you are serious about enjoying a healthy relationship. This is important because your level of maturity largely impacts how you will deal with certain situations. The level of mental development and wisdom you bring to a relationship helps to improve the quality of communication and conflict resolution you both share. When you are emotionally mature, you do not act irrationally in an argument, but choose to calmly sit down and have a conversation when things are not going your way. 

Age and maturity are not inherently linked; some people in their early 20s have more internal wisdom than folks in their 30s and 40s. Maturity determines how you carry yourself and how you interact with the other person in your relationship. Ideally, maturity is something that you should develop over time and with certain life experiences.

2. Compassion

If you want to have a healthy relationship in your life, then compassion is considerably one of the great relationship traits to adopt. Compassion involves caring for others, particularly when they are experiencing a crisis or difficult moment in their lives. Furthermore, the absence or presence of this trait will impact additional depths and dynamics of your relationship.

A person that you are close to is likely going to want you to care for them and have regard for their feelings. At some point, your levels of compassion will show; this will certainly have an impact on whether other people want to be around you or close to you. Often compassion naturally materializes when you genuinely value someone and their wellbeing.

3. Patience

Even the healthiest relationships run into rough patches at one point or another. Therefore, patience is an incredibly valuable trait to maintain. 

Patience in a healthy relationship means being willing to work through tough times instead of simply giving up, severing ties, and cutting off the other person whenever challenges arise. Unfortunately, many people bail at the first sign of problems in a relationship. This is their choice, but in most cases, it's not conducive to maintaining a healthy relationship. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time. Being patient in a relationship also comes with the added benefit of the relationship being able to flourish and get stronger. Many people grow closer to one another when they experience and overcome challenges together.

4. Truthfulness

In life, relationships can make it through a lot, but without trust and honesty, there is no foundation. In a healthy relationship, truthfulness always needs to be present, regardless of how uncomfortable the truth may be.

Relationships that are built on lies and deceit will inevitably fall. Sooner or later, the truth almost always comes out. Being forthcoming and trustworthy will protect your relationship from future harm and shows respect and honor to your partner. Developing the habit of being a truthful individual will also prove to be advantageous in areas of life, aside from maintaining a healthy relationship.

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5. Loyalty

Being loyal in a healthy relationship is sharing mutual support, respect, and protection for each other. Loyalty is also about following through on commitments and not tossing someone aside simply because times get tough. In many ways, loyalty goes together with other qualities good relationships have, such as patience and compassion. When you are loyal in a relationship, you stick to your word, even when it is not always the easiest decision to make. At some point in a relationship, your loyalty may be tested. Whether or not you choose to maintain or abandon your loyalty to someone will largely impact what happens with that relationship. 

The importance of mutual efforts to develop healthy traits 

Maintaining these five traits in a healthy relationship is certainly imperative. However, keeping these traits is not a one-sided experience. There should be an understanding that you both will commit to maturity, compassion, patience, truthfulness, and loyalty. Always remember that mutual effort and equal exchange is necessary for any relationship to remain healthy.

Healthy relationships can happen unexpectedly

If one relationship does not work out in life, do not lose faith or get discouraged. Sometimes, certain doors must close for others to open. As previously stated, some of the best relationships in life occur when you are not looking for them or expecting them. Healthy relationships may sometimes happen unexpectedly, but remembering the traits mentioned above will always be of value to you.

How online therapy can help

If you are having trouble in your relationships, this can be very difficult to come to terms with. Many factors can cause issues to arise in relationships, which may have previously been great, healthy, and satisfying. Some people can solve relationships on their own, and others may require help; neither one is better than the other. In life, each relationship is unique and comes with its own dynamics.

Learning about helpful traits to have in a healthy relationship with online therapy

If you need additional assistance or guidance to find a solution to your relationship struggles, do not hesitate to sign up for online therapy with Regain. Couples counseling and individual therapy are both available options for you to try. If the other person in your relationship is willing, couples' therapy can truly help you both reach a mutual understanding with one another and explore the right solutions. If you are unable to join together for couples therapy, individual therapy is also an immensely beneficial service that can change your life.

Learn more about healthy relationships with a professional

Online therapy is not a quick fix, but it does generate long-term solutions. The ability to get a unique perspective on your situation, to gain a trusted, professional confidant, and know that you are not alone is immensely valuable. The keys are to take things at your own pace, be forthcoming with your therapist, and remain open to feedback. Some of what your therapist recommends or says may be unexpected, and there's nothing wrong with that. The therapeutic process works differently for everyone.

The effectiveness of online therapy

Online therapy sessions are scheduled when you decide, during the times which you deem best for your busy schedule and where you feel most comfortable. Furthermore, research has shown that online therapy is just as beneficial as in-person therapy, with some added benefits such as accessibility and increased comfort level. For example, a recent study reported that after a transition from in-person to online therapy, therapists noticed that their clients were more open in their homes and felt their interactions deepened because of the familiar environment

Ultimately, the mental health professionals at Regain are there to be as accommodating as possible and ensure that you have the tools to overcome obstacles and improve quality of life. No matter what you may be up against, know you have the power to turn things around in your relationships and find health.


Developing a healthy relationship with your partner takes work and a mutual commitment to strive for maturity, compassion, patience, truthfulness, and loyalty. These traits are not always easy to maintain and there may be times in your relationship when one or both of you fall through. If this happens, do not despair. All relationships will endure difficult times and challenges that test the strength of your connection. When you need help to get through these times, do not hesitate to reach for the support of an online couples counselor. They can help you work through these tough times and bring you closer together. 

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