What Does It Mean To Be A Biromantic Heterosexual Person?
While some people have a romantic orientation that is the same as their sexual orientation, this is not always the case. There are a variety of different sexual and romantic orientations, and there can be many different combinations of the two, and for some people, they may not be identical. So, one example could be someone who identifies as biromantic and heterosexual. In this article, we’ll break down what exactly this means.
How is being biromantic different from being straight?
While many people may be most familiar with three sexual orientations (homosexual, heterosexual, and bisexual), the sexuality spectrum is large, diverse, and contains many more possibilities than these three.
The term “biromantic” describes someone who experiences romantic feelings for people of multiple genders. Romantic feelings are feelings rooted in romance and emotion. Romantic attraction also involves the desire to create a close, intimate relationship with someone and the desire to turn to a specific person when in need of love, comfort, and acceptance. Romantic attraction is what can be at play when a person wants to develop a long-term romantic relationship with someone.
For many, romantic attraction lies along the same lines as their sexual attraction, but this is not always the case. Someone could be biromantic and have romantic feelings for people of multiple genders, but they may or may not have sexual attraction to those genders as well. For instance, someone could be biromantic and heterosexual, biromantic and homosexual, biromantic and bisexual, etc.
Romantic attraction versus sexual attraction
Although romantic attraction and sexual attraction are often conflated, the two are different in how they are expressed and their effect on a person. If you are sexually attracted to someone, you are interested in having sex with that person. Conversely, a romantic attraction is an attraction involving emotion. Usually, your romantic attraction yields feelings of love, devotion, or affection.
For some people, their romantic attraction and sexual attraction are identical; for example, someone could be both romantically and sexually attracted only to their own gender. Still, the two do not necessarily need to live in tandem for many others. For example, someone might identify as biromantic while being firmly heterosexual.
What avenues of sexuality does “heterosexual” cover?
Heterosexual and biromantic vs. heterosexual and aromantic
Within the orientation of “heterosexual,” other aspects of the sexuality spectrum can be at play here too. Someone may be heterosexual, but biromantic, just as someone can be both heterosexual and aromantic, or uninterested in pursuing a romantic relationship.
Heterosexual and heteroromantic vs. heterosexual and homoromantic
Heterosexuality can also be paired with heteroromantic, meaning that someone is only attracted to the “opposite” binary gender for both sex and romantic relationships. However, someone who identifies as heterosexual could also identify as homoromantic and experience romantic attraction to individuals of the same gender. This is known as a “cross-orientation,” or “mixed-orientation,” as it contains two opposing forms of attraction within the same body.
The importance of understanding sexuality and attraction
Understanding sexuality and attraction as existing on a broad spectrum can be important because it demonstrates the enormous diversity present in relationships. Understanding diversity can relieve much of the stigma surrounding sexual and romantic orientations and how they are expressed, and it can allow people of all orientations and genders to come to their unique expressions of themselves without fear, limitation, or confusion.
Biromantic heterosexual versus heteroromantic bisexual
Biromantic heterosexuals
Although the two may initially be easy to confuse, the orientations of “biromantic heterosexual” and “heteroromantic bisexual” are quite different. An individual who identifies as a biromantic heterosexual feels sexual attraction only to the “opposite” binary gender but might experience romantic attraction to two or more genders.
Heteroromantic bisexuals
Conversely, someone who identifies as heteroromantic only experiences romantic attraction to individuals of the “opposite” binary gender. If a woman is heteroromantic, for instance, she will only experience romantic attraction to men. If a man is heteroromantic, he will only experience attraction to women. However, a heteroromantic bisexual woman may only experience romantic attraction to men but can experience sexual attraction to people of two or more genders.
Have questions? Help is available for biromantic heterosexuals
Although you do not have to perfectly understand your sexuality or discover the exact label that describes what you feel romantically and sexually, for some people, it can be liberating to determine labels for what you feel and experience, particularly if you feel isolated or alone in your experiences. Cultivating a gender, romantic, and sexual identity is not a prerequisite for a happy or fulfilled life. Still, some people find that it can help them cultivate a greater sense of self-awareness and community and help them navigate their dating and romantic life with greater confidence and comfort.
Having a sexual orientation that is less common can bring with it a range of unique stressors. Experts recognize that people with sexual minority status can face various types of stigma, discrimination, and other stressors that, as the American Psychological Association notes, “can result in reduced psychological well-being.”
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Some people may have a romantic orientation that is not identical to their sexual orientation. For someone who identifies as biromantic heterosexual, this means that they are romantically attracted to people of multiple genders, and they are sexually attracted to the “opposite” binary gender. Sexuality can be complex and can bring up a lot of questions; if you’d like further support, an online therapist can help.
What does it mean to be a biromantic heterosexual person?
For some people, gender-based attraction might differ when it’s sexual or when it’s romantic. Someone who identifies as a biromantic heterosexual woman, for example, may experience romantic attraction to two or more genders, but they only experience sexual attraction to the “opposite” binary gender.
Biromantic means a romantic attraction to multiple genders but does not necessarily include someone’s sexual attraction within the label. For example, someone can also identify with biromantic asexuality, or identify themselves as a biromantic asexual, if they experience romantic attraction to their own gender and others but experience little to no sexual attraction whatsoever. Thus, it is possible to be biromantic and not bisexual.
What does demisexual mean?
Demisexual means that someone only experiences sexual attraction after they have developed a bond with someone. It is an identity that can be paired with gender-based sexual and romantic attraction identities as well.
For example, someone who experiences romantic attraction to multiple genders but only sexual attraction to their same gender may call themselves a biromantic homosexual person. If they only experience sexual attraction after a deep bond has been formed, they could identify as a biromantic homosexual and demisexual person. Demisexuality is sometimes considered to fall under the asexuality spectrum, and thus some people who experience demisexuality may also prefer using asexual labels like biromantic asexual if that applies to them.
What does it mean to be demisexual biromantic?
A demisexual person is someone who only experiences sexual attraction to someone they have a bond with. A biromantic person is someone who experiences romantic attraction to multiple genders. When someone experiences both of these identities together, they may identify as a demisexual biromantic person. Demisexuality is sometimes considered to fit under the asexuality umbrella, so this person may also identify with biromantic asexuality.
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