Mental Health Tips For Stress Management: Four Ways To Identify And Manage Stress
The world in which we live today is extremely fast-paced, active, and complex. People have various responsibilities, from careers to mortgage payments, spending time with family and all that follows in this complex life. Even in the best scenarios where people have schedules and ways of maintaining balance, unexpected events can still manifest and potentially cause stress. A series of stressful events or chronic background stress can compound and give you the sense that you are unable to manage the weight of it all. You begin to experience those overwhelming feelings that can make accomplishing daily tasks with ease problematic.
Nine times out of ten, when someone feels overwhelmed, they have been overextending themselves beyond a reasonable point. Or they are balancing work, family, and unable to find the time for self-care or relaxation. Becoming overwhelmed is something that can gradually occur and sneak up on you when you realize you have taken on too many responsibilities for way too long. In the beginning, it doesn't seem like much of a stretch to take on extra obligations or responsibilities, but eventually the load is simply too much to handle on your own. In this article, you will find different strategies that can help you identify the sources of stress that are causing you to feel overwhelmed and how simple self-management strategies can lead to recovery. First, let’s discuss some underlying reasons for these feelings and then move on to solutions.
Why am I feeling overwhelmed?
Despite how things may seem, feeling overwhelmed typically does not arise out of the blue. Regardless of what the situation may be or the various presenting factors, there are underlying reasons typically founded in issues with boundaries and self-awareness that lead to feeling at your wit’s end. At the surface, you may be managing complications in multiple areas of your life. Toxic relationships, demands in the workplace, or the demands of raising children are all additional possibilities. Yet, these are merely a fraction of the various causes which are typically linked to feeling overwhelmed. Life will be complicated and full of surprises, obstacles, and just plain hard work. Sometimes, what leads to a person reaching maximum capacity is a reflection of how they meet responsibilities and their willingness to simply say “no”. Easier said than done, right? However, understanding the most common causes behind why people feel overwhelmed in life will prove to be advantageous in your life.
A lack of boundaries
Boundaries are imperative, especially in today's world. Being a helpful person and fulfilling obligations are admirable traits; however, taking care of yourself and setting boundaries are equally important. There are times when it is not only acceptable but necessary to say "no," excuse yourself from a certain environment, and find a place to recharge and practice self-care.
Many individuals find it extremely challenging to set boundaries because they do not want to offend others around them or they risk losing a friendship. What's important to remember is that people who are truly good for you will not take issue with you setting boundaries; as a matter of fact, it's something that they will respect. Boundaries are healthy and can save you a lot of stress, heartache, and other problems.
Overextending yourself
The overextension of self is particularly common, especially in the workplace. Many working people feel the need to push themselves, whether for the sake of impressing a client, completing a goal, or earning extra income from more hours of work. The healthcare field is a prime example of a career that leads many people to reach the point of physical and mental exhaustion, followed by burnout. Understandably so, serving other people, even your own family is vital work. However, for your own mental health and self-preservation, set a limit on what you will do for others.
When you find yourself in a situation where you are tempted to overextend yourself, pause and take a step back. Know that you have options despite these demands of time and energy. Can you increase the amount of time you have to complete everything? Can you let someone know that something has come up and you will not be able to carry out everything as planned? Setting limits and asking for support can be difficult, especially when you are driven to accomplish everything on your own. Remember your physical and mental health. A time extension or cancellation is the preferred alternative to living in stress.
Too much clutter
Many people do not realize the impact that clutter can have on their productivity and overall mental health. Clutter does not necessarily have to come in the form of papers scattered everywhere or piles of laundry. An incessant number of emails or notifications on your tablet or phone while you are working can also serve as littered distractions. These technical “messes” can be very disorienting and distracting, especially when you are trying to complete a task. Over periods, this can lead to you feeling overwhelmed and compromise your attention in other areas of your life.
Ensuring that you are operating in a neat environment can reduce stress and help you to think clearly while working more efficiently. Consider putting your devices on mute or setting a block of time when you organize your technical clutter. There's nothing wrong with fulfilling duties and responsibilities; however, you need to go about doing this in a manner that is healthy and successful. This is not mutually exclusive to work either; avoiding clutter in all aspects of your life will inevitably prove to be helpful and beneficial, both in the short term and the long term.
How to identify stress
Stress goes hand and hand with feeling overwhelmed. As you might imagine, the cycle of stress and being at the brink of mental exhaustion is not a sustainable place to be, physically or mentally. Fortunately, you can identify the signs and causes of stress, you will be able to develop a plan to manage it effectively.
What is stress?
Stress can be defined as any sort of change that leads to emotional, psychological, or physical strain. It is your body’s reaction to any stimulus that requires an action or attention. Stress is a natural occurrence for all living beings and our bodies have intricate response systems designed to manage these stressors moment by moment.
Chronic stress can affect blood pressure, sleep, and more
Stress is a natural occurrence in life and each person manages stress distinctly, both mentally and physically. Nonetheless, the physiological response to stress is the same in all people. Our nervous systems are wired with the innate ability to release hormones that improve our chances of survival in a threatening situation. This is known as the “fight-or-flight” response and is stimulated by the sympathetic nervous system. The release of survival hormones is automatic and causes your heart rate to increase, sweating, and, in some cases, reduced sensitivity to pain when you are under moderate to extreme stress. Further, chronic stress can also be a factor for increased blood pressure, sleep disturbances, and many other diseases.
High blood pressure, sleep issues, other signs of chronic stress
While the stress response is common, excessive stress can begin to manifest in different ways that are not healthy. Unhealthy amounts of stress is often accompanied by a number of indicators that exist on psychological, emotional, physical, and behavioral levels. These indicators include the following:
- Negative thoughts
- Persistent worries
- Poor concentration and judgment
- Lapses in memory
- Difficulty in making decisions
- Emotional dysregulation
- Irritability
- Lack of self-control
- Low self-esteem
- Defensiveness
- Negative reactions to criticism
- Frustration
- Mood swings
- Extreme weight changes
- Exhaustion
- Weakened immune system
- Insomnia
- Aches and pains
- Panic attacks
- Hyperventilation
- Increased blood pressure
- Difficulty sleeping and sleep disturbances
- Breathing difficulties (for example, hyperventilation)
- Racing heart rate
- Appetite and digestive problems
- Inability to relax
- Poor hygiene
- Increased substance use, including drugs, tobacco, and alcohol
- Excessive working
- Recklessness and impulsivity
- Lack of productivity
- Withdrawal from hobbies and other social activities
If you are struggling with substance use, contact the SAMHSA National Helpline at (800) 662-4357 to receive support and resources. Support is available 24/7.
Having healthy outlets and ways of coping with stress will help prevent the potential of more serious health complications related to stress. When you experience high levels of stress you might be more likely to be distracted, get sick, miss work, argue with people you care about, and experience other interpersonally difficulties.
Stress management to improve mental health
As seen by the indicators of stress, being overwhelmed is nothing to be dismissed nor taken lightly. When someone is feeling overwhelmed, their bodies and minds feel the effects. While your mental and physical health is severely affected by chronic stress, you have the opportunity to take control and improve your overall health and wellness. Thankfully, there are several that will empower you while building physical and emotional resilience.
Live a healthy lifestyle
The quality of your lifestyle has the immense power to either increase or reduce the amount of stress which you experience. Critical elements of a healthy lifestyle including exercising, eating a nutritious diet, and getting a good night's rest. This does not mean that you can never switch things up or treat yourself, but moderation is key. When you take care of yourself, it puts you in a much better position to handle situations that may otherwise prompt stress and other negative feelings. Living a healthy lifestyle also comes with the added benefit of setting a positive example for those around you.
Speak up
Believe it or not, people often fail to assert themselves and speak up in several situations. Granted, this should be done at the appropriate times and in a respectful manner. Nonetheless, never be afraid to use your voice when you feel as if your power and independence is being compromised. Whether you need to have a word with your boss about your work schedule, a conversation with your significant other, or resolve a conflict with your family member, break the silence and open the door to communication.
Remaining quiet when you need to be heard is a common cause of stress. No matter the issue, when you know you need to address a problem, know there is nothing wrong with you articulating this. In fact, dealing with issues as they arise instead of allowing them to fester and worsen will not only relieve your stress but give you the space to improve relationships and your life in general.
Maintain a supportive inner circle
Having a healthy support system in place significantly contributes to your quality of life. Emotional support can help protect you from the negative effects of stress and the strength to work through life’s difficult moments. Your loved ones and the people with whom you spend your time are your inner circle who can give you the emotional support you need. Surrounding yourself with positive people who encourage you can not only greatly reduce your stress but reinforce self-esteem and sense of autonomy. The individuals in your inner circle should want what's best for you and give you good advice. Love and friendship are very powerful forces that buffer stress and keep you from feeling overwhelmed.
Enjoy recreational hobbies
Having recreational hobbies or activities is another important method of dealing with stress. In fact, numerous research studies has shown that leisure activities or hobbies can improve your mental and physical health, including increasing your sense of purpose and meaning and your quality of life in general. As previously stated, a lack of balance in life is one of the biggest enablers of stress. No matter how busy you may be or how many demands you have on the table, you need to take time for yourself. Having a hobby that makes you happy and brings joy into your life is very significant.
Whether it's pottery, martial arts, or drawing, you need to have something for yourself. Recreational hobbies and activities are great for finding a place of pause, reflection, and invigoration. Having something fun to do allows your body and mind to reset and be in a better position to handle your additional obligations.
Asking for help with ways to identify and manage stress
Paying attention to the stress in your life and recognizing that you need to slow down or take on less is not as easy as it sounds. Life will constantly demand work in some shape and form. Obligations to perform at work, home, school, and elsewhere can cause a person to feel so overwhelmed they are unable to function. If you are finding that stress is affecting your ability to perform everyday functions and enjoy life, the best option may be to seek professional help. Even if the stress is not interfering with your daily life functioning, a mental health therapist can help you to develop strategies that builds resilience against the negative effects of stress.
Therapy can help you find ways to identify and manage stress
While in-person therapy is beneficial, many people find it difficult to manage appointments, commutes, and the inconvenience of making time for therapy, Online therapy has also been shown in several studies to be not only just as effective as in-person, but in some cases more beneficial due to accessibility factors and cost-effectiveness. When you are managing excessive stress, fitting in a new appointment into your schedule may not be feasible or even desired. With online therapy, you can meet with your therapist in the comfort of your own home at a time that works best for you.
Online therapy for stress management and relationship problems
If you find yourself regularly feeling overwhelmed or stressed, then this could be indicative of a more deep-seated issue. In a situation like this, signing up for online therapy with Regain can help you make a positive change in your life. Online therapy does not mean that you will not ever face tough times, but it does guarantee that you never have to face these tough times on your own.
When you feel overwhelmed, even a small amount of stress can bring you to a point that managing life’s daily challenges can seem unsurmountable. Fortunately, you have the choice to reach for support. A therapist can help you find stress relief strategies that work for you individually. They will also help you to establish a plan for self-care, reframing maladaptive thoughts, problem-solving, and more. If you feel like you have no place for rest or reprieve, know that therapy is a safe space to discuss feeling overwhelmed as well as ways to reduce your stress level.
What mental health concerns can feeling overwhelmed lead to?
How do you deal with overwhelming situations?
What do you tell yourself when you are overwhelmed?
What happens when you are emotionally overwhelmed?
How do you help someone who is overwhelmed?
How do I stop being overwhelmed easily?
Why does everything feel overwhelming?
Is being overwhelmed an emotion?
Is being overwhelmed positive or negative?
How do you describe being overwhelmed?
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