“Why Do I Hate My Life?” Seek Mental Health Support For Your Bipolar Disorder And Related

Updated February 13th, 2025 by Regain Editorial Team

For better or for worse, life is what you make it. The decisions that each individual makes will greatly contribute to the quality of their life. Sometimes, people's paths to go down are influenced by experiences that they've had in the past. If these experiences were constructive and positive, the individual is more likely to go down a path that mirrors this. However, when someone has been through negative and painful experiences, this can lead to them going down some very dark, dangerous roads.

Want to stop hating your life, but not sure how?

If you have reached a point where you despise your life, this can be tough to deal with. The good news is that you've taken the very first step, which is acknowledging the issue at hand. Next comes figuring out why you despise your life. In truth, many scenarios could explain why you feel this way about your life. Maybe you're surrounding yourself with the wrong people; perhaps you're self-sabotaging without realizing it, or maybe you need to find a purpose to motivate you each day.

Either way, it goes, there are several details which you should consider; these details will help you come to terms with why you despise your life.

“Why do I hate my life?”: Possible considerations

"I hate myself and life, what should I do?" What is hate? It is an intense emotional response often linked to anger and disgust. When you've arrived at a place where you constantly say "I hate my body," "I hate my friends," "I hate the world," and "I hate my life," you may feel as though all hope is gone. It can be easy to lose faith, but the good news is that there is always another tomorrow. This means that you have the power to examine your life, determine which changes you need to make, and figure out how to regain happiness and purpose.

Your inner circle

Your friends, family, coworkers, and other people in your life will greatly impact how you feel from day to day. Each person is the average of the five people they most frequently associate with. When you despise your life, it might be a good idea to consider what type of people you're spending your waking hours with.

Is your inner circle comprised of individuals who are uplifting, compassionate, and kind? Are the people you're most frequently spending time with encouraging you to be your best self? How do you feel when you're around your inner circle? The chances are that examining your inner circle will help you get a clearer picture of the people you're spending time with more often than not. If you notice problems in your inner circle, don't be afraid to make changes, even if this means letting go of certain people.

Your self-esteem

How do you feel about yourself? How do you feel about your qualities, capabilities, and potential to succeed in life? Have you experienced thinking "I don't like myself" when you face the mirror? Whether or not you have high self-esteem or low-esteem is something that will directly impact your life. When you feel confident in who you are and what you bring to the table, you carry yourself in a manner that conveys this. Likewise, when you lack confidence and struggle with low self-esteem, this shows, even if you don't want it to.


The good news about self-esteem is that it goes hand-in-hand with your inner circle. This means that when you have strong, positive relationships, you're much likelier to experience higher self-esteem. Of course, your self-esteem should not be exclusively linked to your relationships; however, there is good news in knowing that positive, ongoing interactions with others can help boost your self-esteem.

Your goals

Believe it or not, having goals can truly make a difference in the quality of your life. More often than not, goals help provide a purpose and inspire people to keep going, even during the days where it may seem easier to give up. Goals can pertain to all areas of your life, from your relationships, work to anything that you view as valuable and worthy of achieving in your life.

If you have goals, using these goals to motivate and inspire yourself is always recommended. If you're missing goals or struggling to develop meaningful goals in your life, think about areas that you'd like to improve and then take things from there.

What you'd like to do that you're not doing now

If you despise your life, the chances are that you'd like to be doing something which you aren't currently doing. This isn't necessarily a bad thing either; once you're able to pinpoint what you'd like to be doing, you can make the right choices to get yourself on the right path. Granted, this is not always easy, and getting to do what you want to do in life may require time, patience, and new habits. The good news is that you are capable of achieving anything you put your mind to. Hating your life is not the best feeling globally, but it's something that you can change.

Once you figure out what you'd like to do that you're not doing now, you'll likely find that having the right support system makes a significant difference. The right people in your corner can encourage you during tough days, remind you that you're capable of living the life you want, and motivate you to be your best self. In many ways, this goes back to taking a closer look at your inner circle and ensuring that you're surrounding yourself with people who are good for you.

What led you to where you are now

In most cases, people don't just wake up one day and suddenly hate their lives. There are typically events and circumstances which gradually pile up and result in someone hating what their life has become. In many cases, this isn't always easy to detect as it's happening, but a breaking point arrives at some time.

Want to stop hating your life, but not sure how?

If you're interested in learning why you despise your life, think about what your life has been like thus far. What type of people have you been around? What decisions have you made? Are you in an environment that is conducive to your well-being and mental health? Each of these factors makes a significant difference and contributes to whether or not you love or despise your life.

Making the rest of your life the best of your life

Make no bones about it: you are powerful and capable of turning the rest of your life into the best of your life. It may not be an easy, smooth-sailing process, but you can do it. Considering the five details listed above will certainly aid you in learning why you despise your life. There is no generic answer, and there is no right or wrong answer to the question. Each life is unique, and each individual has a different story. No matter what your story has been thus far, you have the ability to write your future and determine what happens next.

Improving your life is a process that should not be rushed. Far too often, people look around at others and feel that their lives should mirror what someone else appears to have. The reality is that nobody's life is perfect and comparing your behind-the-scenes events to another person's highlight reel does you no favors. Getting your life to where you want it to be is your journey and yours alone. You're not in competition with anyone else, and there's no race to see who makes it to the finish line first.

Seek help for mental health conditions like bipolar disorder

Figuring out why you despise your life and taking steps to improve your situation are noble endeavors. These are great steps to take, and they speak volumes about your character. With that being said, there's no shame in accepting outside help and having someone to guide you as you go down this road. Friends, relatives, and a trusted inner circle can certainly make positive differences; however, working with a therapist can be especially beneficial, particularly in this situation.

Support your mental health through online therapy

Regardless of which challenges you're up against in life, if you're open to accepting outside help, you're strongly advised to sign up for online therapy with Regain.

Working with an online therapist will provide value to you in multiple ways. First, it will allow you to connect with a specialist whose area of expertise lies in helping people improve their lives. Online therapy will secondly allow you to gain valuable feedback which is uniquely applicable to your situation. Additional benefits of working with an online therapist include regular support regardless of what you're going through and having a trusted confidant at any time, regardless of your schedule or other impending obligations.


Life can be full of obstacles and challenges, but you don't have to face them independently. What Regain can do for you is help you gain the necessary tools for turning your tough times into valuable experiences. By transforming your obstacles into opportunities for growth, you will be setting yourself up to rise above whatever is in your path. Regardless of what you're up against, you can achieve true happiness and begin to love your life again. In case you discover that you have hatred of people, and struggling to deal with it, Regain.us is an online platform that can offer you counseling regarding with this concern.

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