How To Make Your Girlfriend Feel Special: 12 Methods To Try
It is nice to feel special and wanted when you are in a relationship. Finding new and creative ways to make your girlfriend feel special is a great way to show her how much you care. Women, like people in general, often feel as though actions speak far louder than words. If you are struggling with ideas on how to tell a girl she's beautiful and make your amazing girlfriend feel special, several ideas are listed here that can help.
Tips on how to make your girlfriend feel special
Whether you want to make your girlfriend happy just because or if you feel the need to do something a little extra as an apology, there are a variety of tips to impress her, some of which are listed below. Perhaps you have run into relationship troubles, and you are looking to make things better. If that is the case, consider speaking to a relationship counselor in addition to attempting to make her feel special. Doing so will likely help you with the problems you are facing.
Nevertheless, the following ideas for cute things to do for your girlfriend might help you smooth things over or make her remember why she chose you.
1. Send a classic good morning text
There is nothing like waking up to a text from your favorite person. While a "hi" might start the conversation, a meaningful and thought-out opener may show your girlfriend that she truly is special to you. Some options might include "Good morning, beautiful. I was thinking of you" or "I hope you have a wonderful morning. I can't wait to see you tonight."
A good morning text shows your girl that she was your first thought upon waking up. Informing your girlfriend that she is on your mind is a great way to show her how special she is and how much you care.
2. Remember anniversaries
Being attentive to specific and important dates in your relationship is a great way to show your girl that you value your relationship. Doing so tells her that she is special to you. While remembering your actual anniversary is important, you can also remind her of the specific days when you went on your first date or when you had your first kiss.
Doing something small to acknowledge those dates go far in proving how you feel about her.
3. Offer a massage
Most people, in general, are highly appreciative of a massage. If she is on her feet all day, consider a foot massage. If she keeps stress in her neck and shoulders, work that area. By massaging the area that is bothering her, you can show her that you know her well.
You must put a real effort into the massage. If it is a brief, lazy massage, she will not feel as special. If necessary, break out the massage oil and spend a good amount of time ensuring that she gets to relax. A good massage can relieve her of stress and anxiety as well.
4. Send flowers just because
Very few women dislike getting flowers. When those flowers are unexpected, it is even better. Have them delivered to her work or make sure that they are at her house when she comes home. The surprise effect adds to the experience.
Giving flowers when there is no reason to – such as when there hasn't been an argument or an anniversary - is a nice way to show your girlfriend that you were thinking about her. She will also have a reminder of that in the form of flowers for several days.
5. Support her decisions
There is going to be a time in every relationship where you disagree with one another's decisions. While you can have a different opinion on the matter at hand, it is important that you still support her decision. Whether the decision is to start a new career, choose a new path of study, or even live in a tiny house by the beach, you should support her.
Offering support even when you wouldn’t make the same decision or feel uncertain of her decision shows your girlfriend just how special she is to you. Showing up when you do not agree on something displays how serious you feel about the relationship and can make her feel even more special to you. This behavior applies to all kinds of relationships, as people appreciate feeling supported by their partners.
6. Genuinely listen to her speak
It is easy to "mhm" and "oh" your way through a conversation. However, this typically means that you are not listening very well. Put all distractions away and listen to the words that she says. Repeat them back to her if it helps you to remember. Ensure that she knows that you listen and that she can talk to you about anything.
Having a good line of communication is imperative in any relationship. Her day-to-day activities and the things that her friends said might not be the conversation you want to have after work, but listening to it can show her how important she is.
7. Hold her hand
For a lot of people, holding hands is very juvenile. In truth, the connection sets of hormones in the brain are called oxytocin. This hormone boosts moods, decreases stress levels, and strengthens your relationship. When you are the first to grab her hand, she feels loved because it was your idea. Showing your girlfriend that she is not the only one who wants to hold hands and is not just obligated can make her feel more special.
8. Kiss her forehead
Who doesn’t love forehead kisses?! While kisses on the lips are great, there is something about a kiss on the forehead that makes a girl feel special and loved. It is a caring gesture that can carry more weight than lip kisses do in some ways. Forehead kisses can certainly make a girl smile.
Not only does a forehead kiss signify that you care, but it also shows that you adore and like to comfort her. Few physical gestures make a girl feel more special than a forehead kiss.
9. Give her a girl's night
Sometimes a girl needs a night out (or in) with her friends is just what your girlfriend may need. Although you enjoy spending time together, there can be a need for some activities apart. Giving her some space to be with friends lets her know that you don't feel the need to monopolize her time. It is a good idea to shoot her a quick text telling her to have fun, though!
If she is going out to a bar or getting alcoholic beverages with friends, it is even better if you can offer her and her friends a sober ride home. Ensuring that she makes it home safely can show her how special she is to you.
10. Wash her car
Taking care of a task that she hasn't had time for is a great way to make your girl feel extra special. Washing her car is one of many examples. Everyone enjoys a nice, clean car, so this option will let her know that you care.
Other options might be to take her car for an oil change (or change it yourself), mow her yard, take out her trash, or do any chore that needs doing. She may both appreciate the gesture and feel the love that you have for her.
11. Plan creative and fun dates
Dates these days are so often standard events - dinner and a movie being the go-to. By planning a date night that is different from the norm and letting the two of you have a good time together, you can show your girlfriend that you have thought about your time together and how to spend it best.
It would be best for your date to include things that you both enjoy, but it is extra special if it is something that she loves. If she is passionate about art, check out a new art exhibit. If she enjoys hockey, take her to a game. Maybe her favorite singer is in town - get tickets. Dates that show her that you know her interests and enjoy time with her doing those things will make her feel special.
12. Offer sincere compliments
A real compliment can go a long way to making your girl feel important. Sincere compliments can be based on physical traits but often refer to personality. For example, telling your girl that you love her passion and drive in her career is a compliment that runs deep. While telling her that she looks good in her sweater is a nice thing to say, a compliment about her personality will likely stay with her for longer.
When giving a sincere compliment, it is important to be honest about it. Honesty in compliments is often something that can be felt, which makes the compliment so much better. It isn't just something nice to say; it is a truth that happens to be nice.
Get professional support to help strengthen your relationship
If you genuinely want your girlfriend to feel special, there are so many ways to do so. What is important, however, is that you truly make an effort. If you have tried these suggestions and the relationship doesn't feel as it should, getting professional help can be a real asset to your relationship.
Many people think that counselors and therapists are only appropriate to visit if you’re concerned about a mental health condition or if you’re going through a difficult time in life – this is not necessarily the case! Relationship counselors can be beneficial resources for all sorts of reasons, including coming up with ways to show your significant other how special they are to you.
Online therapy platforms like Regain connect everyday people to licensed, compassionate relationship counselors who are qualified to assist them in myriad ways. You can schedule sessions at times that work best for your schedule and attend online meetings from any location with a safe internet connection. You don’t even have to meet through videoconference – you can text, if that’s the communication mode your prefer.
Many studies show the effectiveness of online therapy when it comes to helping people improve their own relationships. Maybe you’re scared that your girlfriend won’t think your efforts are good enough for her, or maybe you’re afraid of rejection. One 2021 study involving 30 diverse couples revealed how there is no difference between in-person and online treatment when it comes to assisting couples in improving their relationship satisfaction and overall mental health.
There are certainly more ways to show your girlfriend how much she means to you and how much you care, though the items on this list are great ways to start. If you feel uncertain of yourself or are have tried some of these ways and don’t feel like they’re working, an online therapist can explore what might be going wrong and help you build the confidence or creativity to move forward. Reach out to a Regain therapist today to get started.
What are some tips on how to make your girlfriend feel special and loved?
Here are some ways to make your girlfriend feel loved:
- Learn her love language. The best way to make your girl feel special or to make a person feel loved is to learn their love language so that you understand how they best give and receive love. The five love languages are words of affirmation, gift-giving, quality time, physical touch, and acts of service. Once you find out your girlfriend's love language, you'll be able to come up with ways to show appreciation and make your girl feel special and loved based on her unique love language or love languages. If she isn't sure what it is, take a love languages quiz together. Taking a love languages quiz is a way for couples to bond in and of itself, and it's certainly a romantic activity to suggest!
- Spend quality time together. Again, quality time is one of the five love languages, but it is bound to make anyone feel loved, and it is vital in any partnership. Everyone wants to spend time with their partner, so plan a fun date or a fun day, surprise your girl, and make your girl feel special.
- Get her a small gift with no special occasion. It's bound to make someone feel loved if you surprise them with a gift in the absence of a special occasion because they won't expect it and they'll know that you're thinking of them on your own accord. It doesn't need to be extravagant or expensive to make her feel happy; go with something simple and sweet that makes you think of her!
- Use sweet words to make her feel special, and make sure that your actions are aligned with what you say. Tell her what you adore about her, be loyal, and treat her well. As most do, girls love kind words, but your actions and overall treatment must reflect it as well.
How do I make my girlfriend feel special over text?
To make a girl feel special over text, tell her what you appreciate about her. Showing love through words is particularly crucial if words of affirmation are one of your girlfriend's love languages, but it is important no matter what, and it's a great way to make your girlfriend happy. Appreciation and affection are essential parts of any relationship, so speak from the heart and let her know exactly what you like about who she is as a person. Additionally, to make a girl feel special and feel wanted, ask how her day was. Show interest in what she says, and show respect for her intellect, insight, and personal ambitions. To make a woman feel wanted, show that you have a genuine interest in what she says and ask questions.
How can I show my girlfriend that I love her?
Here are some ways to show your girlfriend you love her and make her feel loved:
- Plan a date. One of the best ways to make a woman feel loved is to plan something for her. Instead of saying, "What do you want to do?" on your next date night, plan a special romantic night you know she'll love in advance and surprise her with it. This could be anything from a candlelit indoor picnic to a special night out.
- Let her know. It's important to verbalize and show love to make a special woman feel loved and tell her how you feel. Let her know how special she is to you, and it'll make your girl feel appreciated and loved.
- Make sure that the communication is there. Put in the effort to have a conversation with a girl you love, and make sure those conversations mean something. When you have engaging conversations and want to hear what she thinks, it can make her feel wanted.
- Show her appreciation. When she does something kind for you, makes dinner, or finishes a project she's been working on, notice it and compliment it.
Additionally, make sure to do little things here and there to show her you love her. Whether that's leaving a sticky note that says, "I love you" behind, getting her flowers on a rough day, or making her coffee for her, it's bound to make a woman feel appreciated and loved.
How do you make a girl miss you?
If you have been apart for some time, it is likely that she already misses you. That said, there are some things that you can do to make your girl feel special, feel happy, and feel loved from far away.
Make sure that she feels appreciated by telling her how much she means to you. You want to make her feel wanted because she is. Talk about her good traits over text, video chat, or the phone, and tell her that you love her and that she's special. Stay engaged in the connection, ask her how she's doing or what happened during her day, and listen when she speaks. That said, do what feels natural. Don't be glued to your phone all day, and don't expect her to do the same. Sending a couple of texts with no pressure for her to get back to you is totally fine, but if you are sending texts such as, "Why aren't you answering?" or "are you there?" after you haven't heard from her for an hour, it can have the opposite of making her miss you and will be a massive turn off.
Additionally, when you first approach a girl or are first getting to know her, don't worry about making her miss you. Instead, when you first approach a girl you're interested in or are just getting to know, make the girl feel special by showing interest in her. Do this by asking fun, light, appropriate get-to-know-you questions such as, "What are some of your favorite bands?" "What's your MBTI type?" or "I know you mentioned being in school - what do you study?" Asking questions is an excellent way to make people feel special because it shows that you want to learn more about their lives and who they are.
What name can you call your girlfriend?
Some people are like pet names, and some don't. If pet names are something that makes your girl feel loved, then choose one that makes your girlfriend happy. Many people feel loved when their partner calls them baby, babe, sweetheart, or any common variations of these words, so if you know one that makes her feel happy, go for it!
Of course, you wouldn't approach a girl you didn't know with pet names, but if she is your girlfriend and you know what she likes, it's an excellent way to make her feel special. If you and your partner struggle in your relationship at any point in time and need help with affection or any other concerns, don't be afraid to consult a couples counselor or therapist. Both you and your partner deserve to feel special and show one another that you care.
How can I melt my girlfriend's heart?
To melt your girlfriend's heart, try doing small, thoughtful things that show you care. Compliment her genuinely, surprise her with her favorite treat, or leave her a sweet note. Make sure she knows that you love her for who she truly is—little gestures go a long way.
What can I text to make her smile?
You could text something cute and personal like, "Just thinking about you makes my day better," or send a funny meme that you know she'd enjoy. Anything that shows you're thinking of her and makes her feel special is sure to make her smile.
How can I make my girlfriend feel special with words?
Be sincere and specific. Instead of just saying, "I love you," tell her why you love her. Say things like, "I love how your smile lights up my day" or "I really appreciate how supportive you are." The more genuine and detailed you are, the more special she'll feel.
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