How To Satisfy A Man In Your Relationship: Are New Sex Positions Enough?
Popular culture provides an abundance of definitive lists of how to satisfy a male partner-- from sexual strategies to the emotional aspects of keeping him satisfied. Ultimately, to fully understand a human being, it’s important to look beyond their pieces and facets and view them as a whole person. To satisfy your man, keep your focus on everything that makes him who he is rather than trying to satisfy different aspects of his persona.
What is satisfaction?
Relationship satisfaction is identified as an individual's positive experience of their relationship. Someone who expresses relationship satisfaction feels positive about their relationship, regardless of any arguments or obstacles they face. In contrast, relationship dissatisfaction is characterized by negative feelings toward your romantic relationship(s), regardless of the amount or types of obstacles and difficulties faced within the relationship.
Surprisingly, obstacles are not necessarily a predictor of relationship satisfaction. Relationship satisfaction isn’t only measured by an absence of conflict or difficulty within a relationship. It seems to be tied more to whether the partners feel wanted, needed, and appreciated in romance. A relationship with numerous difficulties might still be viewed positively, provided that both participants in the relationship feel close, bonded, and loving toward one another.
The benefits of relationship satisfaction for men
Studies suggest that men live longer and report greater contentment when they are in long-term relationships, as opposed to men who live their lives as bachelors. Some media sources decry the standard of monogamy as an outdated concept. Still, monogamy is not a concept that is without interest or merit for men. Relationship and marital satisfaction do not have to include another party, a lessening of your standards, or your subjugation to exist for your partner.
Communication, new sex positions, etc.: How to foster relationship satisfaction
Satisfying your partner is highly individual and involves more than following the contents of a list. How to pleasure a guy and how to satisfy your partner has more to do with evaluating yourself, your relationship, and your partner, taking the needs of all three into account, and adjusting how the two of you relate, interact, and behave accordingly.
These changes might include:
Expressing your satisfaction
One of the best ways to help your partner experience satisfaction is by letting him know that you are experiencing satisfaction, as well. Just as you likely feel bolstered by your partner's happiness with you, your partner will feel greater satisfaction knowing that you are happy and satisfied in the relationship and that both of your own interests are fulfilled. Although you should not lie or inflate your happiness in the relationship to coddle his ego, when you are experiencing satisfaction, happiness, or contentment in your relationship, it is important to acknowledge it to your partner and celebrate your relationship.
Communicating openly
Keeping lines of communication open is one of the most important practices to employ if you want to satisfy your partner. When communication grows scant, closed off, or disingenuous, trust begins to unravel, and your relationship quality suffers. Although many people will use honesty to be unkind or downright cruel, it is crucial to practice both open and kind communication.
Kind, honest communication toward your partner invites your partner to do the same. If he begins to experience any form of dissatisfaction, discontent, or frustration, having a long-standing habit of communicating will give him the freedom and space to come to you with his concerns, which can mitigate the effects of disconnection and lack of intimacy.
Exploring new sex positions
Sex lives wax and wane. At the outset of most relationships, partners usually experience high sex drives, with physical intimacy acting as a regular fixture. As time goes on, though, you might find your sex drives waning. Work stress, children, financial stress, and more can affect the sex drives of both you and your partner, which can lead to dissatisfaction.
That being said, one of the best ways to combat sexual dissatisfaction in your partner is to revisit your sex life with openness and honesty regularly. If you find that your sex drive has dipped, for instance, and your partner hasn't, this can create a rift between the two of you. So, explore new things with your partner to keep the relationship fresh. It only takes less than three hours to enjoy good sex with your partner. For instance, try to avoid having sex in the same position every time. Maybe your partner is tired of this same position and cannot express it. Communicating through this time and finding ways to work through the frustration can help keep both of you close, happy emotionally, and content.
Regularly visiting your sex life might mean coming up with an arrangement, such as finding sexual tasks you both enjoy during a “dry spell” or offering your partner opportunities to engage in solo sexual activities. Whatever you and your partner decide is fair isn’t the main point; instead, the point is that you keep channels of communication open and make sex and intimacy a priority in your lives.
Checking expectations at the door
Societal expectations wreak havoc on people of all genders. Women are often expected to conform to certain gender norms (typically traits and activities considered overtly feminine). In contrast, men are expected to conform to a set of supposedly "masculine" behaviors-a set of standards often referred to as "toxic masculinity." When men experience these expectations in their relationships, their relationship satisfaction plummets, with one small study suggesting that men preferred close, platonic relationships ("bromantic relationships") with male friends to romantic relationships, largely out of fear of judgment.
Your partner's expectations that have nothing to do with your mutual health and safety do not have a place in your relationship. Communicating your needs to your partner, agreeing upon certain provisions in your relationship, and moving forward with an understanding is one thing, but bringing unspoken needs and wants and unrealistic expectations into your relationship can provide a fast track to frustration and a dissatisfying relationship.
For instance, women can often be viewed as “clingy”. But for men, being clingy may mean seeking constant reassurance and attention, which can affect intimacy and the desire to have sex. If you want something from your partner, try to communicate openly..
Mental health challenges and relationship satisfaction
Even if you enact all of these techniques, you might still experience trouble in your relationship. This could be due to several factors, ranging from past trauma in either you or your partner, unhealed relationship wounds between you and your partner, or even factors entirely unrelated to you and your partner, such as work or family stress or other mental health challenges.
These factors might come into play by creating discord between you and your partner, despite all other aspects of your relationship being in good working order. If this is the case, you can put more effective communication and compassion into your relationship so you can both be happy emotionally. Still, you may also need to bring in outside help to improve any issues related to past trauma, unresolved emotional troubles, or similar concerns that even toned discussions can’t resolve.
This counseling type can be completed in individual sessions for you and your partner or can be started in a couple's session. The two of you attend therapy sessions together and work toward relationship resolution as a team. The types of issues you are combating will play a role in which form of counseling you select. It will also indicate what type of therapy is most likely to help you and your partner.
Can a therapist help me improve my relationship?
Yes. Although it takes less than three hours to sit with your therapist and talk about relationship issues in a session, they can help. Satisfying your partner takes far more than checking boxes off of a to-do list and engaging in new sexual acts to keep your man's interest. While things like this do often have their place, they are only a small picture of a strong, mutually satisfying relationship. They are not enough to consistently deliver relationship satisfaction to you and our partner. To maintain some semblance of romantic satisfaction between you and your partner, you must listen to your partner's wants and needs, express your own, and invest time and energy into your relationship.
Fostering relationship satisfaction with online therapy
One of the most productive ways to resolve relationship challenges is to speak to a professional specializing in the areas of intimacy and relationships. A counselor can work with you together and individually to cultivate healthy communication, uncover any obstacles to intimacy you’re experiencing, and develop a solid strategy for moving forward successfully.
Despite the benefits, some couples don’t reach out to a relationship specialist for help. This may be due to difficulty with coordinating schedules to attend appointments, lack of access to professionals in the area, or difficulties commuting to and from appointments. Some people assume they won’t be able to afford therapy or that it won’t work for them.
While these do present real barriers to counseling, online therapy provides an excellent solution. Online platforms like Regain allow couples to speak with a relationship counselor from the comfort of their home at a time that works for them. There’s no need to commute or rearrange schedules to attend appointments together.
Virtual couple’s therapy is often more affordable than conventional therapy without insurance, and a growing body of research indicates it is also as effective. For example, a 2022 Australian study measured the effectiveness of online therapy in 30 couples over six sessions. The results suggest that the couples experienced greater relationship satisfaction and adherence to treatment plans, even three months after treatment.
The best way to satisfy a man in your relationship will likely begin with how you contribute to the relationship’s overall health. If you and your partner need help to establish the communication and connection you need, a Regain professional is there to help.
Can you learn how to satisfy a man in your relationship?
Satisfaction can be a serious subject in relationships. It can also be a sign that something is going well. This is why people seek satisfaction in every aspect of their lives, whether in their career, health, social life, family, or romantic life. A healthy relationship, built on a strong emotional bond, thrives when satisfaction is mutual. If you can satisfy your man and find satisfaction in him, there will be mutual delight and contentment in your relationship. This is especially vital to be happy emotionally and prevent feelings of discontentment and unhealthy tension from creeping into your relationship.
So, don’t get your man annoyed by your attitude. Men seek contentment in every part of their lives. Because of a love for your man and a desire to be happy with him, it is important to take a step back and consider if there are ways to ensure he’s satisfied in your relationship. If you do this, he’ll feel twice as appreciated and valued. He’ll feel happy emotionally.
Here are some tips on how to satisfy your man mentally in a relationship:
Make him feel acknowledged:
Nobody likes to feel like they are nothing more than a label to a person. Every person wants to feel that he or she is equally important. However, many women often forget this. Many women assume that since men are physically stronger they don’t need attention. This is also one of the reasons why men may lose interest in their significant others. Once the romance in a relationship starts to fade away, relationships risk becoming stale and monotonous. This can even occur when you are dedicatedly executing your responsibilities as a spouse and doing the same old routine repeatedly. He’ll feel neglected and feel worse, in the long run, the more you ignore him.
Don’t let your man lose interest in you. A good way to prevent this from happening is to show your partner that he is acknowledged. Let him do his own thing, support him, and give him praises for a job well done. Keep your voice calm when talking to him. The key is not just ensuring he is sexually satisfied but also happy emotionally. When you prioritize his happiness, he’ll feel twice as appreciated and valued, strengthening your connection. Furthermore, ask yourself some probing questions. Are there things you can still learn about your man? Are there ways you can help him communicate the things that are important to him? Viewing your man as a being who has passions, goals, and values important to him will help you act in supportive ways, most naturally and lovingly.
Make Him Feel Seen:
As your partner, your man only has eyes for you. As a result, your opinion matters heavily to him, especially your opinion on physical attractiveness and whether he’s a man in bed. To keep things exciting and ensure he feels sexually fulfilled, consider surprising him with sexual clothing or have fun exploring a sex store together for ideas. Trying out new sexual positions can also enhance intimacy, bringing fresh energy to the relationship. By giving gestures and compliments that communicate your attraction to him, you can make him feel valued and loved. Acknowledge that he is equally important in your relationship and give him the peace that his confident woman finds him attractive, so he can be happy emotionally.
Express your satisfaction to him:
Just like the opposite sex, men love to know whether they’ve satisfied their partners. A simple way to make your man feel loved and satisfy him mentally is to express how satisfied you are in him. Letting him know that he is perfect for you will give him mental peace and encourage him to keep being a delight to you. So, tell him you love and support him. Let him be his own person and encourage him to be the best version of himself. Allow him to do his own thing without criticizing him.
Conversely, you should also give him satisfaction and allow him to be happy emotionally. Sometimes, men feel valued and fulfilled through genuine intimacy, so break free from the same old routine, book a flight to a deserted and romantic location, and spend quality time together. He’ll love it if he is sexually fulfilled. Use this unexpected weekend vacation to give your man a satisfactory sexual experience, wear sexy clothing, experiment with new sexual positions, and have fun exploring each other.
How do you test a guy to see if he really loves you?
Testing a guy to see if they love you is not a good idea. Most times, a man hates it when he gets tested. For instance, having your friend act as an inner ear to your man when he’s with his friends could be annoying for them. Although it’s completely harmless, it can be quite distracting. It is an expression of doubt in your partner and does not reflect what you would want in a healthy relationship. If a man annoyed by constant testing becomes distant, it may signal that he needs space to reflect on the relationship. A better option would be to give him time to express his love confidently.
At the start of a relationship, you are still learning about your partner. You don’t know for sure yet if they are genuine about their emotions. Sometimes, they can be moody creatures, displaying less-than-desirable behavior that might leave you confused or uncertain about their feelings. It takes time to learn if someone is devoted to you, so entering any relationship is automatically a risky ordeal. However, by choosing to start a relationship you are prepared to give your partner the benefit of the doubt. Moreover, you have to accept that nobody’s perfect and that there might not be anything that could change a man’s mood. If he isn’t showing love the way you expected him to be, try to talk to him instead. It’s completely harmless to ask questions rather than test him.
If you are still wondering whether or not to start a relationship with him and be happy emotionally, then the best way to tell if he is genuine is to study his commitment. How often does he contact you, and how eager is he to see you and be with you? Does he treat you as a serious subject? Does he invite you for a date night? Does he share his own passions? Is he the type of man who invites you to watch a goofy movie in a good old movie theatre?
Reluctance and slow starts are not necessarily bad, but someone cannot claim to love you without showing basic expressions of attraction. The clearest way to tell if someone wants to be with you is by how often they want to be around you. A genuine interest and even the tiniest bit of desire to spend time with you is a good hint that he truly loves you. For instance, he might want to invite you for a quick weekend trip or simply spend a date night and be happy emotionally.
You should also look out for the little expressions of love and desire for nurturing bonds, these are an indicator of consistency in his feelings towards you. While it’s a woman's job to recognize and appreciate these gestures, if he’s always doing little things that make you feel loved, he may be truly in love with you.
What are common signs that a man is falling in love?
When a man is in love with you, chances are he’ll do a bad job of hiding it. A man talks about his feelings usually when he’s ready for a relationship, but if he’s not yet ready for that, he may still show some signs. In some cases, he might voice his thoughts to a friend to serve as their inner ear for keeping tabs on your whereabouts. But it's no good if you don’t notice the signs that he’s falling in love with you. Some signs that a man is falling in love with you are:
He spends as much time as he can with you
This is a good sign that a man has fallen for you, whether it’s something simple and fun, renting a movie at home, playing beach volleyball, or attending a dance class together. It suggests that he genuinely enjoys being around you and feels affection for you. It also indicates that you have his attention. If he is spending more time with you than usual, putting your own interests and passions over his, and making intentional efforts to plan outings and events that will bring you closer, then chances are he’s in love with you. In general, if a man talks about his feelings, it means he is genuinely ready for a relationship. And of course, when he finally confesses his feelings, he may do it in a mature fashion.
He makes and maintains eye contact
Eye contact can be an indicator of attraction. It is used to hold focus and attention as well as communicate intent. If he makes eye contact with you and doesn’t look away, he is likely trying to communicate that he finds you attractive. Moreover, he’ll start to look for you around every corner and stop admiring the appealing members of any group. He’ll start making sure he gets noticed by you with your tantalizing eyes.
He makes romantic gestures randomly
If he makes little effort to make you smile quite often, then he is likely in love with you. For instance, he suddenly searches for a few love locations where you can have a romantic vacation or an unexpected weekend vacation. For a man to randomly think about you and decide to do something to make you smile, you know for sure that he’s into you. Sometimes, he may have fun talking dirty to you. This is because he has a desire to make you happy and expresses his feelings through consistent gestures. Even so, he tries to keep his voice calm when talking to you, making sure he is gentle.
Questions to ask your therapist about relationship satisfaction
Do men fall in love quickly?
Although men might turn their heads when they see a pretty girl, they don’t fall in love easily. If a man talks openly and shares his feelings, it’s often a sign that he’s developing a deeper connection and he’s opening his world to be happy emotionally with the opposite sex.
If he invites you to a romantic location and stops admiring another pretty girl to focus on you, it could also mean he likes you.
There might be a big basketball game coming up and he wants to invite you. Or he might invite you to watch a salsa and ballroom dance competition. He may try to express himself in a mature fashion about starting a good relationship with you.
How do you learn how to satisfy a man in your relationship emotionally?
There are many ways to make a man happy emotionally, such as showing appreciation, supporting his goals, and satisfying his sexual desires.
If your man is into sex, try something new like going to a sex store and buying sex toys together. See how these sex toys can keep the relationship fresh and satisfy your man sexually when the mood strikes. Plan a visit to a few love locations where you can have fun talking dirty to each other without any interruption.
Exploring a deserted and romantic location can bring a sense of adventure and resolve any less-than-desirable behavior.
Support him in his endeavors. For instance, it could be a big basketball game coming or a salsa or ballroom dance competition. Know that it can be considered a woman’s job to be there for him as much as he is there for you.
Above all, observe mutual respect and focus on things that make you both happy emotionally. Understand that nobody’s perfect and that there’s no perfect relationship.
What are the keys to relationship satisfaction?
The key to satisfaction and having a good relationship is for people to maintain a nurturing bond with their significant others, making sure each person in the relationship is emotionally happy.
Don’t let the tiniest bit of negativity make you feel worse. If you’re a man, avoid getting distracted by a pretty girl. If you’re in a relationship with a man, try to satisfy your man sexually to maintain a great relationship. Sometimes, being clingy means feeling pressured by constant demands for attention, which most people may not like. Moreover, make time for a romantic vacation and be ready when the mood strikes for sex.
Accept the fact that there’s no such thing as a perfect relationship. You have to work together to keep the loving feeling alive.
If you feel that love is fading, hop on a weekend trip together. Watch a goofy movie in a good old movie theatre. Join a dance class together. Spend a romantic vacation in your dream country. Have fun renting a scooter to stroll around the city, or try playing beach volleyball during your trip.
Can mental health challenges contribute to relationship dissatisfaction?
The quick answer is yes. Mental health problems can sometimes make humans moody creatures. They may make you feel worse, and hinder you from becoming happy emotionally.
When your partner has mental health issues that even toned discussions can’t resolve, it may be hard to be your own person and maintain your opinions during conflict. As you constantly need to be mindful of their emotional state, mental health issues may lead to dissatisfaction in the relationship.
If you want to maintain a good relationship with your partner, despite the mental health issues, don’t hesitate to talk to a relationship counselor. Through this process, you can work together to establish a middle ground that fosters better understanding and connection.
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