For The Sake Of My Mental Health, Should I Leave My Cheating Girlfriend?

Updated March 18th, 2025 by Regain Editorial Team

Being in love with someone who is cheating on you can put you in a tough position. On the one hand, you love your girlfriend very much, and you want your relationship to work out. On the other hand, she’s cheating on you and seems to have a hard time giving you the loyalty you deserve. You might feel as if you are at a crossroads. Should you leave your cheating girlfriend or give them a second chance? Some couples can overcome infidelity and move on to build a stronger relationship. Others might not be able to get over this betrayal, and it could naturally lead to a breakup. Whether or not cheating should mark the end of your relationship is a personal decision, but there are some considerations that may influence your choice one way or another. 

It can be difficult to know when to walk away

Should I leave my cheating girlfriend? 

Several factors can help you figure out whether to leave your cheating girlfriend or not. It can be important to carefully weigh your decision without rushing into it. Asking yourself the following questions could be a start, but it’s ultimately up to you to decide what your expectations of a relationship are and what you’re willing to forgive. You deserve a healthy relationship, and it’s up to you to create one alongside your partner. Consider the following when deciding whether to leave a girlfriend who has been unfaithful to you: 

Was their cheating a one-time thing?

Before deciding whether you should break up with a cheating girlfriend, take a step back and consider the frequency of their behavior. Was this a one-time incident, or has your girlfriend cheated on you multiple times? Some people are serial cheaters who are repeatedly disloyal to the person they’re with. 

If your girlfriend cheated on you one time and feels remorseful for it, then you might be more inclined to offer your forgiveness. The situation makes a big difference when you're figuring out how to react. If you were away from home for a long time and they made a mistake born out of loneliness, then perhaps you can move forward together. If, however, they cheated on you because they were bored, thought another person was attractive, or were trying to hurt you, that may be less forgivable in your eyes. It's up to you to decide whether any type of cheating is forgivable. Breaking up with your girlfriend is acceptable if you feel it is the right call to make.

Why did they cheat on you?

Knowing why your girlfriend is cheating on you can be helpful when you're trying to make up your mind, too. It can be important to sit down and have an honest conversation about what occurred. Try to keep an open mind and practice emotional regulation. Yelling at them or lashing out in some way probably won’t allow the conversation to be productive. Abusive behavior is never appropriate either, even when someone has wronged you. 

Allow your girlfriend to explain their actions and why they decided to cheat. It can be crucial that they’re open and honest with you, even if it’s not what you want to hear. Knowing the truth can help you decide what to do next. You also deserve closure, regardless of what happens moving forward.

If the reason for the cheating can be resolved, it’s possible that you two can get past it together. For example, if your girlfriend expresses that their needs weren’t being met and they acted out of desperation, you may be willing to give them another shot.

Do you love them?

Whether you love your girlfriend or not can play a vital role in deciding what to do. If you love them, that love usually won’t disappear immediately upon hearing that they cheated. You may feel anger, sadness, and grief, but that feeling of love will likely remain. If that love exists, it might be worthwhile to try to save the relationship.

However, if you don't love them, it may not be worth it to stay and try to work things out. Repairing a relationship after infidelity can be time-consuming and take lots of effort. It’s a process that people who love each other are more likely to make it through. If you don’t see a future with your girlfriend, it may be time to move on. 

Can you work on your relationship problems or will it affect your mental health?

Repairing a relationship can take a lot of work. Both partners need to be committed to this process if the relationship is to be saved. There might be things that you need to change in your relationship to get things to work. For example, your girlfriend might have strayed due to you not spending enough time with them. While you shouldn’t be blamed for their mistake, it still might be necessary to adjust your behavior if you want the relationship to work out long-term.

Not everyone has the strength to confront their relationship problems. If you can find it within yourself to make the necessary changes, you might grow a stronger bond as a couple. You may not be able to trust your cheating girlfriend for a while, but you can keep working on other issues as the trust develops over time. Eventually, you might find that your relationship has become healthy again. Couples therapy can also help turn your relationship around, and it can be important to commit to having more honest communication in the future.


Is considering an open relationship an option?

You could also consider having an open relationship. This type of relationship allows a couple to pursue other sexual partners outside of the primary relationship. For some couples, it’s a productive way to keep things exciting while still being able to commit to each other. Depending on your views, it might not be an option that you or your partner would consider. This type of relationship can run contrary to many religious views, and it's not something that everyone is comfortable with. 

Should I opt for an open relationship or should I leave my cheating girlfriend?

Most open relationships take a lot of communication to work. Some people think monogamy is too restrictive for their tastes, and many couples have found that open relationships can be just as satisfying and healthy as monogamous ones. However, open relationships only work when both parties are comfortable with the idea. If it’s not right for your situation and needs, that’s acceptable. Be sure to express this to your girlfriend.

It can be difficult to know when to walk away

Online counseling with Regain for your mental health

If infidelity has impacted your relationship or your mental health, it can be tough deciding what to do next. Some couples choose to work through cheating and come out stronger on the other side. If you’d like to see if you can mend your relationship with your significant other, you might consider couples counseling. Regain is a platform that offers online counseling for couples and individuals experiencing a range of issues. Talking to your partner about sensitive issues like cheating can be difficult; but, having an objective mediator to listen in and guide the conversation can make a difference. Instead of adding more to your plate, you can get the help you need from the safe space and comfort of your home. 

Couples facing a wide range of issues in their relationship could benefit from online counseling. In one study, researchers assessed the efficacy of a couples therapy program delivered through videoconferencing. They found several unique outcomes, including a “positive shift in expectations” among partners. Most of the couples reported that their experience was beneficial and positive, with many reporting that they connected well with their therapist. They also felt that “videoconferencing created an element of ‘distance’ from the therapist” which “allowed them to feel a greater sense of control and comfort.” 


Cheating can be an incredibly hurtful behavior. Still, it’s not always an indication that you have to break up with your significant other. When trying to decide whether you’ll stay in the relationship or not, it can be crucial to consider what option may be healthiest. Every couple is different, and while some partners are able to move past cheating, others aren’t. If you and your partner are willing to put in the effort to heal together, it’s possible that your relationship could be saved. Speaking to a licensed couples counselor could be a productive step toward a healthier, more satisfying relationship. Regain offers couples counseling for those who would prefer to see a therapist online rather than in person. Reach out whenever you both feel ready to take that next step.

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