Codependency Quiz: Signs Of Codependency And Related Mental Health Concerns

Updated February 2nd, 2025 by Regain Editorial Team

Being in love with your partner is a great feeling. You feel like you can count on your significant other through thick and thin, and you're certain that they're always going to be there for you. There's nothing wrong with relying on someone that you love and trust absolutely. It's a wonderful feeling to have someone in your corner. However, you might be too dependent if you aren't able to function without your partner. How can you tell whether you have become too dependent, though?

Taking a codependency quiz

Some people have decided that taking a quiz for codependency is the most efficient way to determine if you're relying on your partner more than you should. These quizzes can teach you about yourself, and you can see just how reliant you are on your partner. Can a quiz for codependency give you all of the information that you need? Read on to find out more about codependency and the best way to manage it, including how quizzes fit in.

What does codependency mean?

Getty/Vadym Pastukh
It's possible to overcome codependency: Therapy can help

Codependency is a relationship dynamic that is not healthy for either party. In a codependent relationship, one person relies on the other for everything—one person is the caregiver, while the other person takes and takes from the caregiver. In some cases, the caregiver in a relationship allows the taker to engage in irresponsible or dangerous behaviors and covers for them. Some of those who are overly dependent on their partners struggle with problems such as addiction or mental health issues. There are many situations where people become dependent due to having emotional problems or having difficulties maintaining employment.

In a case of codependency, the person who takes care of the other winds up carrying too much of the workload in the relationship. This causes them to become stressed out since they're now responsible for taking care of two people. It also usually makes it necessary for the partner to focus a lot of attention on their dependent partner, which could cause them to sacrifice other areas of their lives.

The dependent partner in the relationship is not growing due to relying so much on their significant other. They might be capable of doing more but don't attempt to due to counting on their partner. There are situations where someone needs to be dependent as a necessity due to a disability, but it's always good for someone to be as independent as they can be. Problems can pop up when someone is too dependent.

Potential problems of being codependent

Many problems will present themselves when you're too dependent. One of the most common issues that people may experience is feeling a low sense of self-worth. When you rely on your partner to take care of everything, you might feel like you aren't bringing anything valuable to the relationship. This isn't necessarily true, but it can harm your self-esteem.

Problems with being alone

People who are dependent on others also often have problems with being alone for long periods. This lack of independence can make it feel like you don't have a life of your own. This could lead to symptoms such as chronic boredom, a feeling of emptiness, and a fear of the future. 

When someone relies entirely on a romantic partner, it can make them feel like a lesser person. This may lead to anxiety over what would happen if their partner weren't around. People who are overly dependent on their partners might not feel confident about living on their own. They may not have developed the skills to manage a household or have experience working or handling finances. These are just some of the many reasons why being too dependent on others isn't necessarily a good idea.

Quizzes for codependency: How they work


Codependency quiz: Examples of questions included in a codependency test

If you're wondering whether or not you've become too dependent, then you might consider having your partner take a quiz created for a potentially codependent partner. Depending on how your partner answers the questions, you might get a better idea of your situation. Take a look at some examples of questions that you might find on one of these quizzes:

  • Do you have a difficult time telling people no?
  • Do you often worry about and take care of problems for your partner?
  • Are you more focused on your partner's problems than your own?
  • Do you feel that you sacrifice your own needs for the sake of your loved ones?
  • Do you feel that it's your job or duty to fix your partner's problems?
  • Is your happiness tied to the happiness of others?
  • Do you forgive your partner even when they treat you poorly?
  • Would you remain loyal even if your partner wasn't?
  • Would you take the blame for your partner's actions if necessary?

If your partner answers yes to several of the above questions, that may be a sign that they have a codependency problem—and you may, too.

How can you become more independent?

To get out of this cycle, it's going to be important to start becoming more independent. Many negative routines can be present due to one person relying on the other to take care of them. For example, the partner who takes care of everything in the relationship might do all of the cleaning and cooking in the house. 

You could make a concerted effort to start helping out around the house. Try to alleviate some of the burdens from your partner. Even if you aren't used to doing this due to years of dependence on others, you can start learning little by little. Over time, you might be able to turn the situation around, and you might begin to feel as if you're truly contributing.

Positive mental health impacts of spending time alone

A study published in 2020 showed positive mental health impacts for emerging adults who spent time alone intentionally. Consider encouraging your partner to go out and do something with friends or a family member, giving you time to be alone. Eventually, you might be able to go out on your own to do something, even if it's just a walk in the park or a trip to the grocery store.

If you have issues with your mental health, it's a good idea to talk to your doctor. Your partner has likely been trying to assist you as much as they can. You can try to make progress in healing so that you can lift some of the weight off of their shoulders. The right treatment plan could allow you to return to work even if you suffer from severe anxiety or depression issues.

What should codependent partners do?

Codependent partners should try to begin focusing more on themselves. In many ways, being codependent might seem admirable at first. You love your partner, and you want to help them out in any way that you can. The problem is that this isn't always going to be healthy. You might be holding your partner back in life while putting yourself in a bad situation.

You can make things better by committing to changing your behaviors. Many codependent individuals have a great need for control, and you need to be willing to let go of this. Learning to focus on self-care and your own needs is imperative. You might consider working with a therapist to figure things out. They can use cognitive behavioral therapy techniques to help you learn how to enjoy a healthier relationship dynamic.

Overcome codependency with mental health support in online therapy

Getty/MoMo Productions
It's possible to overcome codependency: Therapy can help

Online therapy can make a big difference when you're trying to change the dynamic of a relationship. If you have been too reliant on your partner for a long time, you have likely fallen into habits that perpetuate the dependency. You can work with an online counselor to overcome these issues. With online therapy, you don't even need to leave your house. 

Online cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) can be an effective way to change codependent behaviors. With online CBT, negative thoughts and behaviors are processed and examined, and then replaced with more positive thoughts and behaviors. Over time, these new thoughts and behaviors can help lift codependency.

Regain is an online therapy platform that is both convenient and affordable. Regain therapists can meet with you on your own, with your partner, or a combination of both. Sessions can take place whenever you have time.


It's important to stand on your own two feet, and your online counselor will be able to help give you the confidence to do so. If you're going through any anxiety issues or depression problems, they'll be able to assist you with those as well. They can also help you to work on any issues that you might have as a couple. You can improve your communication and start working together toward a more satisfying future together. You can become less dependent while still allowing your relationship to flourish.

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