10 Tips For Being A Better Husband To Your Spouse

Updated March 21st, 2025 by Regain Editorial Team

If you're a husband looking at and reading this article, chances are you've already taken some steps toward being a better husband. Although there may be an infinite number of ways in which you can change and improve yourself to be a better husband, there are some essential tips that you can use to get started on your journey toward self-improvement. Let’s take a closer look.

Learn how to be the best partner you can be

1. Talk about each other's day

One of the keys to a long and lasting healthy relationship may be an open, constant dialogue about each other's lives. Listening to and asking about the details of your partner's day can make you a better husband because it can allow you to learn more about your spouse's inner and outer realities. By learning about their daily life, you can discover new, potentially important ways to help and support them. 

2. Support your spouse

Your partner probably has some very important passions or activities and interests that excite them. It may be your job as a husband to support these interests and passions and to even partake in some of them if your partner offers to have you along! 

For instance, if your partner is passionate about yoga and invites you to go with them to a yoga class, do just that to experience your partner's passion inside out. Even if you don't like the activity, that's okay. Being willing to go with and be a part of your partner's passions and appreciate their excitement can make you a better, more thoughtful, and engaged husband.

An open curiosity about your partner's unique passions and the pursuit of activities that interest you personally can help bring you closer to them. In fact, one study done by the University at Buffalo demonstrated that curiosity and open-mindedness had a dramatic and positive effect on interpersonal relationships (such as those between spouses).


3. Clean up

Taking the time to clean up the house or even just a small area can show a great deal of care and respect to your partner. If you clean something up when your partner wasn't expecting you to, they'll likely notice! Even if they don't say anything to you right away, it may be sure to put a smile on their face, especially if they had been expecting to do the cleaning up themselves.

A study done by George Mason University demonstrated that husbands in general, tend to contribute less to clean up the house than do live-in boyfriends or partners. In fact, the division of chores was more equal between cohabiting partners than between most spouses, with many partners taking on almost twice as much housework as their husbands on average. So, doing a little bit of work around the house to help out your partner can be a huge weight off their shoulders, and it can show a little extra love.

4. Listen and ask

Listening attentively and asking questions can be two of the most important factors in good communication between spouses. Both partners generally have to listen and ask, and there's a give and take. 

If one person has a bad day, it may be the other person's responsibility to listen to their thoughts and feelings. Asking questions and listening carefully to the answers can also be vital because it gives you a chance to learn and can help show you’re genuinely interested in helping. As a husband, you should likely always be trying to learn more about your spouse, no matter how long you've been together. 

5. Give compliments, big and small

Complimenting your partner regularly can help you work toward being a better husband. Whether you're complimenting your partner on their new haircut as you're walking out the door in the morning or lavishing them with some well-deserved praise for a job-well-done, feeling support and appreciation can be wonderful for your partner. These compliments to give your spouse can show that you're paying attention to your partner and that you notice their achievements and growth. 

6. Take care of yourself

How can taking care of yourself make you a better husband? Well, by taking care of yourself, you may be showing that you have self-love. When a person of any gender has a love for themselves and an appreciation for their well-being, it can indicate to their partner that they’re more than able to provide love and care for them too. After all, if you can't take care of yourself properly, how can you expect yourself to take care of another person? 

7. Perform acts of kindness

Sometimes, it's the little things that count. Doing random acts of kindness for your partner can show them that you're thinking of them and that you care. An act of kindness can be anything from holding the door for your partner or even cooking a surprise dinner for them on a Friday night after a long work week. Think of the things that your partner enjoys and make an effort to provide more of those things in their life.

Learn how to be the best partner you can be

8. Discuss finances openly

Money may never be an easy subject to talk about for some, but both partners in a marriage are likely better off if they can talk openly about their financial situation. In terms of being a better husband, your responsibility may be to be honest about the way you feel about finances. Hiding money-related things from your spouse may only create a bigger problem, so if something serious comes up financially, it’s likely best to discuss the situation with your spouse. 

9. Work on yourself

Nobody's perfect, and even if you're one of the best husbands in the world, there may still be many, many ways that you can work on being better. One of the most important things can be to adopt an attitude of constant self-growth and learning. Explore the world around you and inside you, and when you recognize that you have a weakness or area for change, consider it and work on it honestly. Lean on your partner for support if you need it. Your work toward being a better husband likely makes it possible for them to work toward being a better partner for you too.

10. Seek counseling/therapy

Working with a qualified counselor can be the first step toward being a better husband. In fact, a willingness to go to therapy can demonstrate that you're willing to work on and love yourself (and your partner) enough to take action.

Options like online therapy can make it easy, fast, and convenient to talk to someone who understands your needs and goals. You can attend sessions on your own or with your spouse, all from the comfort of your own home. 

No matter your goals, it’s likely that you can find some benefit in talking to a professional. One study revealed that many people who participate in online therapy or counseling find it easier to divulge more due to its digital medium. That means it may be easier to open up to someone new about your feelings, concerns, and overall well-being, which can make a huge difference in terms of your relationship with your spouse.


There are many ways that a person can work toward being a better husband. Growth should likely be a constant, never-ending process, especially within the context of a marriage. These are just a few ways that you can show your care and commitment to your spouse. But don't be afraid to get creative and seek the help of specialists; marriage can take work, but it's likely worth all the time you put in!

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