How A 'When Will I Get Married?' Quiz Can Provide Relationship Insights

Updated January 23rd, 2025 by Regain Editorial Team

If you’re like many people who have been dating for a while, you may find yourself wondering if you will ever get to say, "I do". Maybe you have been in a long-term relationship that might logically lead to marriage, but you aren't moving forward. Or you could be single and wondering if you'll ever meet the one. Those ponderings may have led you to various online quizzes to determine when you will get married.

Are you ready to get married?

Taking a ‘When will I get married?’ quiz

While the results may or may not be accurate, a marriage quiz like this might provide some insight. Still, you may need to be selective about which quiz you take. For instance, some base the results on which celebrity you would like to perform at your reception or what kind of cake you want to have. These types of quizzes might be good for a laugh, but they’re not likely to provide you any real insight into your relationship expectations. On the other hand, quizzes that include more thought-provoking questions could prove more revealing. 

How questions on a quiz can provide relationship insights

Before you take a quiz to determine when you might tie the knot, it could be a good idea to evaluate your expectations. Some people may have misguided expectations about marriage based on romantic comedies or romance novels, for instance. The idea of marriage has been distorted by Hollywood and big-name writers, so you could have some misconceptions about what it means to make a lifetime commitment to someone. Many people benefit from individual therapy or premarital counseling as they manage expectations about their long-term relationships.  

1. Quality of relationship

Some online quizzes that claim to help you determine when you'll get married may lead you to think that your relationship must be perfect prior to the marriage. Thus, you might try to develop a relationship devoid of conflict. It could be helpful to remember that all relationships have some degree of discord. Try not to  bottle up your emotions to avoid an argument. This may only lead to trouble in the future.

Consider shifting your expectations towards a relationship with someone who is willing to work on any issues that arise. In marriage, you can expect to have a relationship that is not perfect but is able to withstand challenges. Building such a foundation may require communication, love, commitment, and trust. 

Don't expect a marriage to solve existing problems in the relationship.  By evaluating your current or future relationship within more realistic guidelines, you can better determine if marriage is on the horizon. 

Ilona Titova/EyeEm

2. Desired traits in a partner

If you've taken a “When Will I Get Married?” or “Should I Get Married?” quiz, then you may have spent some time thinking about the qualities of your ideal spouse. The experience may have made you realize that your expectations are either higher than they should be or that they are far too low. Or, you may have to think about how a person's qualities will affect a potential marriage and adjust your expectations.

For example, you may have answered a question asking about your potential spouse's financial situation. Since a good portion of today's 20-somethings is struggling with student loan debt, you could decide you want to  marry later in life or find someone older and more financially stable. Questions like these can make you see an individual's traits in a new light.

While it is a good idea to think about the qualities that you desire in a spouse, it could also be important to remember that there is no perfect partner. The person you end up marrying may not check off every single box on your list of requirements. The best of quizzes will inspire you to think about what is most important to you.

3. Understanding expectations

A quiz that helps to determine when you will get married might be one that addresses unrealistic expectations. Questions might include, "Where did you meet your current partner?" or "Are you still in love with someone from your past?" These questions might lead you to think that an attachment to your high school sweetheart or first love could be holding you back from getting married. They may also have you wondering if those relationships could develop into something more.

Some high school sweethearts do get married, and some of these marriages last, but it’s the exception rather than the norm. Many young couples might not understand how difficult it is to make a high school romance last through college. For example, among the 33% of high school couples who attend different colleges, very few survive the distance.

Setting realistic expectations for your relationship may be important if you plan to move forward together. Consider that getting married is a serious commitment that requires an honest evaluation. If you fail to see your relationship for what it is, you might find yourself in a troubled marriage.

4. Readiness for marriage

When dreaming about marriage, some people may place so much focus on their potential spouse that they fail to reflect on their own qualities. An effective 'When Will I Get Married?' quiz can help you see what qualities you might need to develop before committing to another person for the rest of your life.

For example, a question that asks, "Do you enjoy taking care of those you love?" might hint at the fact that there are times when your spouse will depend on you. If you find yourself annoyed with tasks that are for the benefit of another individual rather than yourself, it may be time to examine your marriage expectations.

Moreover, marriage requires compromise, communication, and selflessness. If you are unwilling to budge on any potential differences of opinion that arise between you and your partner, you may need to reevaluate your idea of marriage. It can be easy to set expectations for your future spouse, but it might be harder to think about your own contribution to the marriage. 

Should you alter your expectations?

Once you have determined any expectations you hold for your relationship, partner, and future marriage, you may be confused about the idea of making a change. You might wonder if you should alter these expectations, or if your partner should make a change to meet those expectations. This can be a complicated issue.

Consider that you might need to make a change yourself before asking your significant other to make a change. You might feel inclined to place all the blame on your partner, but taking responsibility for your role in any problems the relationship is facing may be crucial to building the solid foundation required for a marriage. 

You might want to adjust any unrealistic expectations that you have regarding marriage. It can be hard to determine what a real marriage is like when you are not married, but a good first step is to accept the fact that your future spouse will be human. They will make mistakes, just as you will. This acknowledgment can help you make realistic adjustments to your expectations going forward. 

Knowing where you want your relationship to go in the future is part of growing. If you find you and your partner on different pages, a professional relationship counselor can help you determine the best course of action.

How online therapy can help you foster healthy relationships

Matters of the heart can be difficult to navigate, but reaching out to a relationship counselor can have its own set of challenges. You may feel nervous about talking to a stranger about your love life, especially in person. In this case, online counseling might be a better option. Many people report feeling more at ease in an internet-based therapeutic setting. Online counseling can be more flexible as well since appointments can be made outside of normal business hours. 

The efficacy of online therapy

Counseling delivered online is also considered legitimate and effective. A recent study found online therapy for couples as effective as in-person counseling when conducted using videoconferencing technology. Similar outcomes have been identified for individuals. 

Are you ready to get married?


Some people may think the results of an online 'When Will I Get Married?' quiz are inconsequential, and they could be. Still, if you answer the variety of questions about love, communication, personality traits, and relationship goals honestly, then you may find the answers you’re looking for. You could come away from the experience with more insight about what you want from a long-term relationship. You may even be inspired to make personal changes that could make you a better partner in the future. Whatever the result, a compassionate and experienced counselor like those at Regain can help you make progress toward your goals. Reach out today to get started toward the future you desire. 

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