I’m In A Sexless Marriage: What Should I Do?

Updated March 20th, 2025 by Regain Editorial Team

Perhaps you’ve seen it in the media or heard it from your friends. Maybe you’ve even experienced it yourself. The definition of a sexless marriage is when you have sex rarely or don't have sex for months at a time. It’s no secret that sexless marriages can be difficult for both people involved. You may be wondering why sexless marriages happen and how you can prevent yours from falling into the same rut. 

A healthy marriage requires intimacy

A marriage becomes sexless for reasons other than bad sex

One of the reasons your marriage may become sexless could be sex that is no longer exciting for one person. Or it could be due to a lack of libido from one of the individuals in the relationship. However, there are other reasons why a marriage may suffer from a lack of sex. 

Possible reasons for sexless marriages

  • The needs of children
  • Stress that stems from work, the home, or a lack of excitement in life
  • Exhaustion
  • Unexpressed issues in the relationship that have caused anger or resentment
  • Problems with money
  • A lack of communication 
  • A lack of attention to quality time and emotional connection

While these are some common reasons why sex may have taken a back seat in a relationship, certain medications and medical issues can also cause problems with sexual interest and/or satisfaction. If this is the case for you or your partner, you may want to try to console them and figure out how to work around these medical issues. Understanding and perseverance can help you communicate and work through the issue together.

A sexless marriage can impact the happiness in a relationship

Though sex isn't the only important aspect of a healthy marriage, it can impact the happiness in a relationship. Being honest and respectful in your communication with your partner might make it possible to restore the lost passion and intimacy.

A sexless marriage can fall apart if a couple is unwilling to address and work on their issues

A sexless marriage can be caused by serious relationship problems. You may think that sex is the core issue at hand, but there may be other underlying tensions to address. You and your partner can have a healthy sex life again if you are willing to do the work to salvage the relationship and love you have for each other.

Here are some suggestions on how you can get started healing your relationship for the better:

If your sexless marriage is due to serious relationship issues

Consider seeing a marriage counselor 

Depending on the length of your relationship, you may have some negative habits so deeply ingrained into your relationship that you may need a marriage counselor to help you work them out. For example, let's imagine that you have an issue with your spouse that you have been working through for the past four years. Bringing it up may address the issue, but this type of behavior is unlikely to change overnight. What happens when things don't change? You may become resentful towards each other, and things could revert back to the way they were before. Having a mental health expert present to facilitate the conversation can ensure that your communication remains productive.

Sit down with your partner and address what is not working 

You may want to make some time to sit down and discuss what is not working in the relationship. For example, imagine that you have a sexless marriage because of your lack of time. Once you and your partner have both expressed this issue, you can write it down and figure out some ways to resolve it. Maybe you need to have a date night once a week and send the kids to a babysitter. Perhaps you need to leave work early a couple of days out of the week. There may be a workable solution to these problems. Consider finding ways to compromise and prioritize each other's needs.

Stick to your word 

When you and your partner make commitments to each other, it may be important to follow through with what was agreed upon. Once you've sat down and come up with a plan on how to repair your marriage, you may want to stick to your word. Consider making an effort to build trust in your relationship and expect the same from your partner. This determination and follow-through can help you save your sexless marriage.

Spice things up a bit 

You may not be able to pick up right where you left off when you start getting intimate with your partner again. Things may feel less comfortable than they used to, or you may not have the same type of passion as you did before things became less sexual. If this happens, you can try spicing things up in the bedroom. Maybe there are some fantasies that you and your partner have both been wanting to act on since you married. Perhaps there are some adult toys you could try that would make sex more pleasurable for the two of you. Whatever it is that gets you and your partner excited to get back into the bedroom again, consider pursuing that avenue and making sure that both of your needs are met. Remember to always engage in any sexual activity consensually, regardless of your relationship or marital status.

Give it time 

If you haven't been sexually intimate for a long time, understand that your sex life may not be revived overnight, no matter how much you might want it to. To make a difference, you and your partner may have to practice patience. This may prove difficult, and there may be times when you want to give up on the marriage entirely. You may even find that your marriage isn't repairable in the long run. However, many people find that they can fix their marital problems and come out stronger than they were before with the right support.


If your sexless marriage is due to a medical condition

Speak with your doctor 

Whether it is you or your partner dealing with a medical condition affecting your sex drive or your ability to have sex, it might be a good idea to speak with your doctor as soon as possible. There may be ways to adjust to medical conditions or medicinal side-effects that affect sex drive.

Speak with your partner 

If you are dealing with a medical condition affecting your sex life, you may feel apprehensive about opening up to your partner about it. If your partner is dealing with a medical condition, they may feel insecure about their lack of performance. Consider sitting down to have a safe and friendly talk about the lack of sex in the marriage.

It may be best if this talk is non-confrontational and avoids placing blame on one person within the marriage. Consider setting these ground rules before talking with your partner:

Focus on intimacy and work around sex if it is not possible 

If one partner cannot physically have sex anymore, it can be difficult for both partners to deal with. It is certainly much different than not having sex by choice. Still, sex and intimacy often go together. If you can't have sex in the same ways that you used to, it may be possible to find other ways to be physically intimate.

Even if you cannot have sex with each other due to a medical condition, you can maintain your closeness by doing other things that involve physical touch such as cuddling or taking baths together, for example.

A healthy marriage requires intimacy

Benefits of counseling for a sexless marriage and other intimacy issues

Trying to maintain a sexless marriage can cause issues in the long term. However, it may be possible to repair the marriage if both parties are willing to work to find that spark again. Perhaps you and your partner need help to get back to that place of passion and love. 

There are barriers to traditional therapy for couples battling intimacy issues, though. For instance, one or both of you may be hesitant to talk about such personal matters in a clinical setting like a therapist’s office. In this case, you may find online counseling to be a viable alternative. This form of counseling can also be more convenient since you can skip the commute and access counseling services right from home. 

Online counseling has been studied extensively with promising results. One recent study showed that couples therapy delivered online resulted in both mental health gains and increased relationship functioning. 

Counselor review

"Cris Roman saved my marriage. His approach to therapy taught my husband and I the skills we needed to change the way we communicated and the way we understood each other. He is very non-judgmental and helps each person make sense of the other's feelings and actions without taking sides or placing blame. His ability to make you feel heard while helping you to see and understand why your significant other is acting a certain way is phenomenal."

"My wife and I decided to give online couples counseling a go after finding traditional methods weren't all that suited to our busy working and parenting lifestyle. Our counselor Donna Kemp has been amazing! We both feel she's listened to us and given us the confidence to step out of our comfort zone to deal with problems that are easy to avoid. She is encouraging without being pushy. We've both responded very well to her and her methods and look forward to continuing with Donna. Highly recommend!"


You may find that navigating a marriage without intimacy is too much for you to handle alone. 

The experienced therapists at Regain are here to help. Regain is an online relationship counseling platform dedicated to helping people save their relationships. Try it today!

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