How Can I Save My Marriage? Addressing Marital Conflict
Many married couples may wonder how to save their marriage after years of problems. Some couples have struggled with the same perpetual problems for several years and still don’t know how to manage them. Other couples experience different marriage struggles and don’t know how to stop them from coming up. It is normal for couples to have such problems in their marriage, and they are nothing to feel shameful about. There are many highly effective ways you and your partner can work out your problems and learn how to manage them in the future.
Common sources of marital conflict
Every marriage may have a different dynamic. That means each couple may face their own unique set of problems. Still, there are common problems that most couples have to deal with at some point during their marriage. These common marital issues include a lack of communication skills, anger or emotional management issues, a lack of interest in each other, and stress from a busy schedule.
Lack of communication
One of the most common issues that can lead to marital problems is a lack of communication. Lacking communication skills can result in not speaking to each other enough or just not communicating properly to your spouse. A couple with communication issues may disregard each other’s feelings in a heated argument, have trouble listening to one another, and even yell and scream at each other. Of course, this can make the conflict even worse.
Perhaps the key to fixing this marriage trouble is to simply stop and think before you speak. You might want to express your emotion in a calm way that is non-threatening to your spouse. Then, consider letting them speak and try to really listen.
If you know things are going to get heated, then it may be best to separate yourself in different areas of the house to cool off. If there is anything that can save a marriage, it might be improving your communication. If you two are stuck in your current communication habits and you are making no improvements, a relationship counselor may be able to help.
Anger or emotional management challenges
There is no such thing as a marriage devoid of anger. That’s because marriages are comprised of human beings, and anger is a natural human emotion. Once you begin living together, it may only be a matter of time before problems arise. Ideally, the two of you will be able to work your problems out in a healthy, calm way. Sometimes, couples may struggle to keep their emotions from boiling over during arguments. One partner or the other may have issues managing their anger, which can lead to hurt feelings or worse.
When anger starts to surface, consider asking yourself why you are feeling angry before expressing it to your spouse. If one or both of you become overly upset, you may want to take a break to calm down separately. Once you’re both feeling level-headed, you can come back together to work things out.
If you find that it’s hard to communicate with one another when you’re angry, consider writing each other a letter. Writing makes you slow down and think about how you are feeling. It also gives you the time to be by yourself and get down to the reasons why you are so angry. When you read the letter from your spouse, you’ll also get insight into your partner’s point of view. As a result, you may be better able to understand where they are coming from and how to better handle these types of disagreements in the future. Learning to communicate effectively, whether verbally or in writing, may help with any anger and emotional management issues in your marriage.
Lack of interest
Many couples may experience a lack of interest in their spouse or feel their spouse is not interested in them. This may be a normal part of marriage. When you see someone every day for many years, you can become desensitized to them. The exciting spark you two had in the beginning may fade to some degree.
Many couples find that spending time together and scheduling dates helps them get their spark back. Even if you two have been together for decades, you may need to continue to date each other and spend time together intentionally. Consider making occasional or even frequent date nights mandatory. Enjoy small talk together or have more profound conversations. Learn to just enjoy being in each other’s company.
There are other gestures that could help as well. For instance, you might want to acknowledge your spouse whenever they enter a room. Hold their hand, and just be close to them as you two enjoy a meal or an at-home movie night. Try to become curious about your partner again, just like at the beginning of the relationship where you couldn’t get enough of each other. When you become interested in your partner, you may discover more attractive things about them. Perhaps most importantly, practice gratitude and compassion towards your spouse.
Stress from a busy schedule
Stress from a busy schedule can make people withdraw from the ones they love the most. Some people tend to isolate themselves when they are under significant stress. Stress can also make people feel emotionally charged, as if they might break down at any moment. These emotions can cause more arguments than usual and result in marital problems.
Even if you and your partner are not stressed, a busy schedule can also cause marital issues. For example, you may feel as if you never see your spouse. You may be heading off for work when they are just getting home, or you might not have much time to talk at night before you both fall asleep. And then you do it all over again the next day.
Many married couples have busy schedules with work, school, taking care of kids and the home, and the list goes on. To stay on top of this potential issue, consider allowing yourself to say no to extra activities that come up in your life. You might also want to make your partner a priority, especially if you both are dealing with busy schedules. Try to remember to be there for your spouse and be a listening ear if they need support through a stressful season.
How can I save my marriage?
There are many different causes of marital problems, but there may be just as many ways to help resolve them. Here are a few effective ways you can manage any problems you and your spouse may face in your marriage:
Discuss your concerns
Sitting down and discussing your problems with your spouse can be helpful. You may want to take turns explaining what is causing your problems as well as any specific things that are bothering you. Try to avoid trapping your spouse in a conversation. Instead, plan a time when each of you has had time to get your thoughts together. Otherwise, they may feel threatened and resort to anger. During the conversation, make an effort to show respect to each other and remain calm.
Try to understand your spouse’s feelings
Trying to understand your spouse’s feelings will help you understand them better as a person. It can also provide you with another perspective on the problems in your marriage. Consider trying to understand the way your spouse processes information and what makes them upset. When you and your spouse understand each other, your problems can be resolved more quickly and smoothly.
Ask a counselor, “How can I save my marriage?”
If you have tried many different techniques to save your marriage and still aren’t seeing results, marriage counseling may be helpful for you. Many couples struggle with the idea that they may need marital counseling to make things work. You might be hesitant to seek therapy because you feel ashamed of the issues in your marriage. If this is the case, online counseling may be a good fit for you. Many couples report feeling more at ease with discussions about marital issues in a web-based setting.
Benefits of online therapy
This type of remote therapy has also been proven to help couples achieve their relationship goals. A recent study found that online couples counseling was associated with positive benefits such as mental health gains and better relationship functioning.
It can be difficult to keep trying to resolve issues after many years of marital problems. Giving up can seem like the only option, but there are many different methods and resources that can lead to healing and renewal for your marriage. And you don’t have to do it alone—reach out today to speak to a licensed and compassionate marriage counselor.
What are some common signs of marital tension?
Marriage problems can be normal. Even couples who are in a successful or healthy marriage can experience challenges. Every family is unique and each family may be dealing with its own challenges. However, some common signs of marital tension that may affect marriages can include:
- Constant negative criticisms in the relationship
- Lack of intimacy in a marriage
- Couples repeatedly experiencing the same argument
- Lack of healthy communication in a marriage
- Frequently lying to your partner
- Trust issues in the relationship
A troubled or broken marriage does not necessarily mean that the relationship is bound to fail. In many situations, a relationship can be fixed. It usually depends on the partners’ willingness to make the relationship work. It is possible to rebuild trust and regain physical affection or connection in a marriage. If you think your relationship is worth saving, couples therapy or couples counseling can help you address issues in your relationship. Though professional help cannot guarantee that your relationship will succeed, it may make a difference in helping your marriage.
What are five challenges that can arise in a marriage?
Challenges may happen in any relationship, including marriage. Marriage problems can vary. However, some common problems that can occur in a marriage are financial stress, issues regarding children, poor communication, intimacy problems, and infidelity in a relationship. You and your partner may experience bumps in your marriage. But these challenges may not necessarily indicate that the relationship will end in divorce. It can be important to take steps to address the marriage issues to avoid further conflict or a failing marriage.
What is the number one cause of marital conflict?
Research indicates that the most common cause of conflict between married couples is money. According to a survey of Certified Divorce Financial Analysts, money issues are among the top causes of divorce. According to Forbes, good communication and setting mutual financial goals can help. If healthy communication is lacking in your relationship and you think that this might be contributing to your failing marriage, seek support through marriage counseling or couples therapy. A marriage counselor or therapist can help you improve your communication skills.
What are some potential red flags in a marriage?
Red flags in a relationship are warning signs that can possibly lead to a toxic relationship or a failing marriage. Some potential red flags in a marriage are:
- Overly controlling behavior in a marriage
- Lack of respect for your partner
- Absence or lack of trust and emotional support in a relationship
- Abuse (physical, mental, or emotional)
- A partner with anger management issues
- Codependency in a relationship
- Gaslighting
- A partner that isolates you from the people you love
Self-care should be an important aspect of your life. If your partner is affecting your emotional or mental health, communicating with them, setting boundaries, and seeking professional help can make a difference. This might include talk therapy with a therapist, counselor, or relationship coach. Seeking professional help should not be considered a sign of weakness, but instead a sign of strength. It means accepting help when you need it and taking steps towards positive life changes.
How do you fix marital conflict?
Most marriages experience some form of marital conflicts. Even couples in a successful marriage or a happy marriage may face challenges. A troubled marriage does not always result in a failing marriage. In many cases, there are ways to address marital conflict and save your marriage. If you and the person you’re in a relationship with are committed to making your marriage work, the following tips can be helpful:
- Understand the root cause of the conflict
- Try to express your feelings to your partner in an honest and caring way
- Practice healthy communication with your partner
- Practice forgiveness
- Try not to let the little things in your everyday life stress you
- Avoid making assumptions
- Create a healthy space in the relationship
- Practice self-awareness of your feelings
- Avoid constantly looking for faults in your partner
A healthy relationship sometimes requires hard work. In addition to the strategies mentioned above, other helpful tips to improve your connection can include understanding each other’s love language, making your spouse feel heard, and spending quality time together (date night at the movies, and more). You can also create mutual goals related to family or personal growth. If fixing your broken marriage seems difficult to achieve on your own, seek professional help through couples therapy or counseling. It is worth noting that seeking professional help is not a magic cure to save your marriage. Success in counseling also depends on how much you and your partner are willing to work to save your marriage. Counseling requires a commitment that only you and your partner can give.
What period during a marriage is most difficult?
Research shows that marriage can be the most difficult during the 10th year. During this stage, the honeymoon phase is over, and the couples may face difficulties with parenthood or family. There are children in the family to raise, and couples can get busy with their daily lives. According to HuffPost, boredom in married life, a decrease in sexual intimacy, and lesser tolerance for partners can also represent contributing factors.
Though marital life can be challenging, there are ways to save your marriage. This can involve spending quality time together, like date night, or improving communication skills. Research has emphasized that spending quality time together is linked to happiness in married life. Know that you can seek professional help if needed, as this can be a helpful way to improve your connection in marriage.
What are the 3 most important qualities of a healthy marriage?
A healthy relationship should be nourished. Both spouses should do their part to create a healthy marriage. According to, communication, respect, and trust are the three most important aspects of a lasting and healthy marriage. Understanding and navigating these factors can be helpful in building a strong foundation in your marital life.
If you and your spouse struggle with communication, respect, and trust in your relationship, do not assume that you are bound to a failing marriage. Saving your marriage or making your marriage work is still possible. You can take the necessary steps to improve in these aspects. If you need support to save your marriage, seek professional help.
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During which year of marriage is divorce most common?
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