Children And Divorce: Is Staying Married For The Kids The Right Decision?
You and your partner want to split up, but you've heard the statistics on how hard divorce is on kids. Or maybe you dealt with the difficulty of seeing your parents get divorced. The last thing that you want is to cause your child pain. So, you decide that staying in the marriage for the kids' sake is the way to go. But is it?
Reasons couples with children stay married
When you add children into a marriage, it changes everything—often in many, many positive ways. On the other hand, having children may cause some couples to struggle as they navigate their new life as parents.
If you're unhappy in your marriage or believe that you have an unhealthy marriage, getting divorced might seem like a solution worth considering. And, when it's just the two of you, it's a common solution to your marriage problem if you both want out (although that doesn't mean it's easy or even the right solution). However, once you have children, things become much more complicated. You have got to ask yourself, "What does divorce mean for my kids? How much damage will this do?" Divorce no longer means simply dividing your assets and walking away, possibly never having to live with each other ever again.
With children in the picture, divorce means figuring out what's best for the children. Who will they live with? How much time will you each get with the kids? Who will pay for things like school field trips, braces, or the unexpected broken arm? When your children are small, these are questions you and your partner will mainly need to answer on your own. However, when your children are older, they're going to want a say—and should have a say—in where they're going and who they are spending more time with.
The benefits of staying married for the kids
It can easily begin to seem like staying together for the kids may be the right thing to do. Here are some of the reasons why parents might reach that conclusion:
- It allows the kids to have both parents in their daily lives.
- They have someone to help with the parenting responsibilities.
- They think that they're keeping their child from experiencing hurt and pain.
- They've read about the effects on children with divorced parents and don't want their children to go down the same path.
- The finances will be easier to manage when caring for the kids.
Your marriage is an example to your children
You've probably heard that children are always watching and learning. Even if you think that they aren't, they are. They notice far more than we think they do. And just like with everything else, they're watching your marriage. In the article Parents are Powerful Role Models for Children, Karen Stephens writes, "And while it is true that children of divorced families are more likely to divorce, it is also true that children of happily married parents tend to find the same happiness in adult relationships."
If you're trying to stay together simply while you raise the kids together, you're giving them a poor example of what marriage should look like. Besides, most couples in this situation work to hide the fact that their marriage is struggling from their children. By doing this, your children learn to think that your marriage is what marriage is supposed to look like when the reality is a farce.
Consider your marriage for a minute. If you are contemplating divorce, it's probably not the type of marriage you hope your children find as adults. So, why would you want to model that type of marriage for them?
If you choose the "staying in the marriage for the kids" option, it makes sense to improve your marriage. This would allow your children to have a good example of what a healthy marriage looks like. Don't simply choose to stay married so they have both parents in one house, only to give them the example of a bad marriage where the parents live separate lives anyway. What children see modeled is often what they tend to follow.
When staying married for the kids may not be the right choice
If your marriage is abusive, you will do more for your children by ending the marriage than keeping their parents together. This includes physical abuse, sexual abuse, verbal abuse, and emotional abuse. No form of abuse should ever be tolerated.
If you are facing or witnessing abuse of any kind, the National Domestic Violence Hotline is available. Call 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or Text "START" to 88788. You can also use the online chat.
Staying in an abusive marriage for your children puts them at severe risk. According to the Office on Women's Health, "Many children exposed to violence in the home are also victims of physical abuse. Children who witness domestic violence or are victims of abuse are at serious risk for long-term physical and mental health problems. Children who witness violence between parents may also be at greater risk of being violent in their future relationships."
Deciding whether to divorce
If staying together for the kids isn't the right thing to do, and you don't want to hurt them by splitting up, what's the best option?
Identify the primary concerns in your marriage
Easier said than done, right? Marriage isn't something that comes easily for many couples. You and your spouse may have come into the marriage with different examples of what marriage should look like and may have different expectations for your marriage now.
Many different things can lead a married couple to think about divorce, including:
- No longer feeling "in love" with your spouse
- Extramarital affairs
- Feeling neglected or ignored
- Differences in parenting styles
- Financial struggles
While there are many reasons to get divorced, you don't necessarily have to so long as no abuse is present. Instead of splitting up your marriage, you can decide to work on it first. If you are thinking about staying together for your children, you should also think about showing your children what a healthy marriage looks like.
Improve your communication skills
Learn how to improve the way that you communicate with your spouse. This could include learning to be a better listener and to say what you mean. Communication is important in every relationship, so learning these skills might not just help your marriage, but they can also help you communicate better with your children.
Foster closeness
If you've lost that loving feeling for your spouse, you can find it again. But you may have to work hard at it, or you may find you have truly fallen out of love.
Take some time to think about what you used to do for your spouse when you felt like you loved them. How did you talk to them? What did you do for them? What actions were different on your part? Then, start doing those things again.
You don't have to feel love for your spouse to do loving things for them. And there's a chance that once you start to treat them in this way again, they will notice. They might even begin to do the same for you. Eventually, those feelings that you thought were long gone might start to resurface. And even if they don't, you're showing your children a good example of how to treat a spouse.
Consider marriage counseling
If your marriage is struggling and you aren't sure what to do, you might try couples counseling through Regain. Your counselor can help you navigate the rough waters that you find yourself in. You can discover the real problems in your marriage and take steps to improve them. Regain offers a convenient, affordable way for you and your partner to work together through any problems you are having. Therapists are available at a time and place that's convenient to you—anywhere there's an internet connection.
Online therapy has helped many people work on their relationships. No matter where you live, you can get support. This can be especially helpful if you've taken some time apart. The online nature of this therapy means you can all hop onto a video chat or a text message to talk things out.
Whether you want to try to work on your marriage or you think it's too far gone, talking to a therapist can help both you and your children through this difficult time. A therapist can help you learn to improve your marriage or help you recover from the pain and hurt that a divorce causes. Plus, having your child meet with a child therapist can help them work through their feelings during this time.
Staying together for the kids may be the right decision if you plan to do something to improve your marriage. If you're doing it to keep both parents living in the same house, you may not be helping the situation as much as you think you are. Find what will be best for your children—whether that be working on the marriage or filing for divorce. Being happy in whatever situation you land on will be what helps your kids.
At what age is a child best prepared for their parents to divorce?
According to a study cited in the New York Times, the best age for a parent to divorce is when the child is 1-2 years old. The article explores the lasting impact of divorce on children who were older at the time of the divorce. While younger children had diminished memory of stressful events, the effects on older children continued for many years. Some adult children of divorced parents may continue to experience anxiety and fear around intimate relationships and betrayal.
Should parents stay together for the sake of the children?
It is common for parents to believe that they should stay in an unhappy marriage for the children’s sake. However, divorce may be best for the kids in the long term. They will no longer have to remain in the conflict-ridden or otherwise tense environment that would continue if a parent were to stay.
Many children of divorced parents develop resiliency and adaptability. It may be helpful to seek the support of a marriage and family therapist to help navigate this transition.
Some parents may also worry about the impact of divorce on their adult children. If you’re concerned about discussing divorce with your adult children, you may benefit from speaking with a therapist.
Is it okay to stay in an unhappy marriage?
A study published in 2002 discovered that around 66% of unhappily married adults who chose to stay together were happy five years later. These results suggest that the decision to stay in an unhappy marriage and try to make it work may end up for the best. If you are unhappily married, it may be beneficial to discuss issues you face with a mental health professional such as a marriage and family therapist.
Is a sexless marriage a loveless marriage?
No, a sexless marriage does not necessarily equate to a loveless marriage. Some couples may not place as much emphasis on sexual intimacy and feel perfectly comfortable with a lower frequency of sex in their marriage; a loveless marriage, on the other hand, refers to not feeling cared for by a partner. Even if someone finds themself in a sexless or loveless marriage, there are various reasons one might opt to stay unhappily married rather than end the relationship.
Can kids influence family law decisions regarding child support and child custody?
In some cases, particularly with older kids, a child’s preferences might be taken into account in custody decisions. For example, teens may be asked which parent they’d prefer to live with, but the final choice will still focus on their best interests. For child support, kids’ opinions don’t usually come into play, as support amounts are based on parental income to ensure financial stability for the child.
What is the most common cause of divorce?
The most common causes of divorce include money (particularly lack of communication around finances), decreased intimacy, infidelity, mental or physical abuse, compatibility issues, substance or behavioral addiction, and poor communication. All of these issues can contribute to an unhealthy and unhappy marriage.
Should divorced parents reconcile for the sake of their children?
Some parents decide to stay married for the sake of the children. It may seem like the healthiest choice in the short term, as divorce can severely disrupt a child’s stable family life. However, in the long term, leaving an unhappy marriage may be better for the kids as it can relieve them of a stressful, tense, or disconnected environment.
Staying together for a child can be the best option when both parents are committed to making their relationship as healthy as possible. Speaking with a licensed marriage and family therapist may help you to make the best decision for your family.
Additional questions
How do child support arrangements typically work for divorced parents?
For divorced parents, child support and custody arrangements focus on ensuring kids are cared for and supported. Family law looks out for the child’s best interests, aiming to provide a stable, healthy setup. Custody can be shared between both parents or placed primarily with one, depending on what works best for the child. Child support depends on each parent’s income and how custody is divided, making sure the child’s needs are met no matter where they are.
Is staying married for the kids truly beneficial in the long term?
Staying married just for the kids can seem like the right choice, but it depends on the family dynamic. If a marriage is tense, full of conflict, or emotionally distant, kids often pick up on it and feel that tension themselves. While divorce is hard at first, many children find more stability and peace when their parents are happier—even if that means living separately. Family therapy can sometimes help parents explore the best decision for everyone.
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