Why The Saying "Happy Wife Happy Life" Could Be Dangerous For Your Marriage
What does “happy wife happy life” mean?
The phrase “happy wife, happy life” is most often used to suggest that a marriage will be well-maintained and enjoyable if a partner makes their wife happy first and foremost. This bit of advice, "happy wife happy life," is usually seen as an antiquated offering; after all, having a happy life is your responsibility, not the responsibility of your wife or your partner, right? This advice is usually offered as something of a joke or a silly piece of advice, rather than a serious, important piece of wisdom delivered to newly wedded people.
Happy wife, happy life might also mean that your marriage is far better off if the woman you are married to believes in having a happy life—even if you are not necessarily bending over backward to make that happiness happen. Although the phrase “happy wife, happy life” often suggests that spouses are responsible for making their wives happy (which, consequently, will provide them with a happy life), this has not been supported by research. Women can be happy independently of their spouses, and spouses can still reap the benefits of this happiness.
Happy wife, happy life is an adage, and most people who are married have heard "happy wife happy life" or some variation of this phrase in their marriages. Although it can be a silly or glib piece of advice, some people might take the advice to heart and neglect their own happiness to support the happiness of their wives. While this could make the wife happy, it could also result in the other spouse feeling resentful and neglected.
Where does the “happy wife happy life” saying come from?
The precise origin of the phrase “happy wife, happy life” is not known. Many different people have claimed it, but research into the actual origin is thin and inconclusive. Although the exact origin remains unknown, the meaning of “happy wife, happy life” is straightforward: a happy wife can predict the happiness of marriage overall or the happiness of their spouse. While this may not be backed by research, it’s something some people believe in.
When did the saying “happy wife happy life” start?
Because the origin of the phrase "happy wife happy life" is largely unknown, the exact time of its origin is also obscured. Some sources attribute it to song lyrics from a musical developed in 1979, while others suggest a comedian in the 1980s delivered it. Regardless of its exact origin, the saying, “Happy wife, happy life,” is not a particularly old one, despite its seemingly colloquial nature. Most sources suggest it is 50-60 years old at the most and has often been used in marketing materials that are, by their nature, designed to manipulate more than they are designed to deliver truth or wisdom.
The allure of the phrase “happy wife, happy life” might be due in part to its seemingly aged wisdom. People frequently like to look back at periods in U.S. history that seemed marked by decreased crime and picture-perfect lives—even if these lives were far from how they are frequently portrayed. “Happy wife, happy life” has been such an enduring phrase, perhaps because it seems to harken back to a “simpler time.” Despite its seemingly aged wisdom of "happy wife happy life," however, it has been established that the phrase is only 40-50 years old and is more often delivered with a hint of humor than it is offered as a legitimate path toward becoming a happy husband and experiencing lasting life satisfaction.
If the phrase "happy wife happy life" did actually begin in the 1980s as some have claimed, it was actually delivered as part of a comedy set, suggesting that women are the home decision-makers that either provide marital bliss or marital misery. The comedy bit goes something like this: if the wife is happy, everyone is happy. If the wife is miserable, they will make everyone miserable. Although it was said in jest, the term may have introduced a problematic concept with a lasting legacy—a legacy that is regarded as both entertaining and true. Though it may seem, ultimately, happy life is created when two partners devote their time and energy to their partners.
What does the Bible say about a happy wife's happy life?
The phrase "happy wife happy life," though it is often circulated in Judeo-Christian religious circles, is not actually based on biblical advice. Instead, biblical advice more often addresses both halves of marriage and encourages spouses to prioritize their marriage and partners. Rather than upholding views that suggest spouses should place all of their marital emphasis on creating a happy wife, happy husband, or even a happy marriage, the Bible usually encourages marital partners to honor one another and respect and listen to one another. As a whole, the Bible focuses less on how to make lives happy and focuses more on how to live with honor or live according to a certain creed.
Rather than offering advice on keeping your husband happy or keeping your wife happy, the Bible instead focuses on behaving in a way that is considered Godly. It views marriage as an institution used to bond people together, create families, and strengthen communities. Marriage is less about making lives happy and is more about creating a stable and consistent infrastructure for societies to function and thrive.
Although many pieces of conventional wisdom are attributed to the Bible, making your wife happy and consequently making your life happy is not among them. Many biblical leaders have taken on the phrase as though it is based on Biblical fact, but there are not many passages in the Bible that encourage people to adhere to the supposed wisdom of the phrase.
How can you make your wife happy?
This question is more likely to be answered accurately by asking your wife directly. The key to happiness of your wife is often less about completing a specific set of predetermined rules and far more about listening to your wife—attending to their needs, giving them space when they need it, and treating them with care and respect. If you are truly eager to make your wife happy, avoid lists of relationship rules, and instead opt for general relationship suggestions supported by psychological studies, including:
Keep communication going strong. Communication is one of the bedrocks of a strong relationship, and it is an invaluable tool in maintaining a happy relationship. Communicate with your wife to best determine how to help keep your marriage happy—but make sure you also communicate your own needs.
Make time for your relationship. Making time for your relationship is another necessary component in creating a happy marriage because it focuses on both you and your wife and the relationship you’ve created together.
Keep affection alive. Physical touch is an important part of all relationships, not just romantic relationships. Maintaining consistent shows of affection in your relationship is one of the simplest ways to maintain marital happiness.
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