What A Marriage Test Can Tell You

Medically reviewed by Laura Angers Maddox, NCC, LPC
Updated February 12th, 2025 by Regain Editorial Team

Sometimes we take online quizzes out of curiosity or to pass the time. But if you are seeking out an online quiz about your marriage, then it may be worth asking yourself what answers you are looking for in that quiz. Are you worried about this partnership? Are there red flags that you are wondering if you should worry about or simply ignore?

Seeking out answers when you feel this way about a potential or current spouse might be best found by getting professional assistance from a relationship counselor.

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Do you have questions about marriage?

These tests can be interesting, but they likely won’t give you all the answers that you are looking for. Marriage is a personal decision that must be discussed between partners. However, the questions might open up some discussion points that can help you look at your marriage more clearly.

Discussion points evaluated by a marriage test

Most marriage tests are designed to evaluate a few specific areas of a relationship. Ultimately, many marriages can be understood in five components: love, romance, trust, communication, and commitment. Most marriage tests, such as marriage compatibility tests, have questions that attempt to quantify the quality of each of these aspects. 


Questions evaluating love can be completely straightforward or a bit more elusive. For example, a question that might be included is: Are you still in love with your partner? That is a straightforward question. An example of an elusive one is: Do you think about your spouse when he or she is not around? While these questions evaluate your love for your partner, they can also help you think about your relationship.

Being honest with yourself can be crucial in ensuring that your marriage remains happy and healthy. If it is not happy or healthy, you and your partner can work to fix it.

If you start delving into an answer more deeply, consider these latter thoughts and whether or not they are different from your initial gut reaction. Are you trying to convince yourself of a different answer? Could you be afraid of your marriage coming to an end? You should know that marriage counselors tend to have the most success when the couple seeks help at the first signs of trouble.

If love still exists in the relationship, there may be other things that can be fixed. If love is no longer present, try to seek ways to fall in love with your husband or wife again. Go on dates, communicate more, and find time for romance. The love you have for one another might rise and fall over time, but it can always be possible to increase it by making a constant effort.


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A marriage without romance can be difficult for one or both partners. Keep in mind; romance does not have to mean sexual intimacy. Instead, romance can be evenings spent together in front of the fire with a glass of wine or gentle touches to remind one another that you love each other. Questions in this category might range from sexual topics to more innocent ones.

Examples of romantic questions are: Do you enjoy sex with your spouse? Do you have a regular date night? Questions like these can help identify the current level of romance and measure the effort put forth.

Being honest about the level of romance and intimacy in your relationship may be the best way to approach any concerns that you might have. While many couples experience a lull in romantic activity at specific points in the marriage (kids, busy jobs, and illness), lasting droughts from romance can have a negative effect on the relationship.

Romance can exist long-term in a forever marriage, but it typically does not thrive without nurturing. It can require input from both parties and a real effort to foster intimacy in the marriage. Life can get in the way sometimes, but your relationship should remain a priority.


Developing trust in a marriage can be a large part of keeping your relationship successful. However, trust must not only be developed but maintained. Questions on a marriage quiz that fall under the trust section can include trusting your partner or being trustworthy yourself.

A quiz will likely ask: Do you ever go through the contents of your spouse’s messages and social media apps? Or Have you ever been or plan to be unfaithful to your spouse? or Do you feel the need to hide things from your partner?

Addressing these questions can give you a good idea of the level of trust within your marriage. If you search your spouse’s phone for incriminating messages or activity, you might not fully trust them. It might result from something that has happened in the past or it could stem from insecurities about yourself. 

It can be a risk to trust someone completely, but it can be important to do so. To build trust, be open and vulnerable and give your partner the benefit of the doubt. Trust doesn’t necessarily mean that you never have doubts, but you work to believe what your partner says.


Sometimes it can get hard to keep another person in the loop regarding everything going on in your head. Communication can be one of the most important aspects of a relationship, so a marriage test is sure to try to gauge your communication skills and openness with your spouse.


Do you have questions about marriage?

When you get married, you commit to your spouse to be there for them through thick and thin. If your commitment to your partner has dwindled, a "how do you know when your marriage is over test" will likely ask questions to help you realize it. Understanding your lack of commitment can be the first step in improving.

Questions that can bring a dying sense of commitment to the surface are: Do you see yourself with your spouse for the rest of your life? Or Have you ever asked or thought about asking for a divorce? Sticking to your commitment can be difficult when things get tough in marriage. If you are still committed, however, these questions are sure to remind you of your vows.

Being committed to your marriage does not mean that you never have problems, arguments, or need space from one another. It does mean that you can work to solve any issues that arise. Sometimes it simply takes more effort; other times, you and your spouse might benefit from marriage counseling. If you and your spouse remain committed to one another and your marriage, other problems can be worked out.

Common questions on a marriage test

Some common questions on a marriage test regarding communication might be: Do you feel as though you can talk to your husband or wife about anything? or Is your spouse always willing to listen? Or Do you do most of the talking in your relationship? Knowing the answers to these questions and others can help you determine if your communication skills could use some work.

Questions about communication can remind you that the skill requires more than just talking. Communication also includes body language, listening, and even the way you form sentences. It can be ideal to be aware of the body language you are showing but can read your partner’s body language.

Listening should be done so that you understand, not so that you can respond. While responding in a conversation can be important, you should be focusing on what your spouse is saying and not formulating a response in your head.

Explore marriage test results in therapy

When you take a marriage test and find yourself answering questions in ways that you hadn’t planned to, you have information that can help your relationship. Instead of ignoring any problems, you can address them.

Participating in online therapy after taking a marriage quiz

By keeping your spouse informed of what you are feeling, you can work together to make your marriage stronger.

And if you still require help, Regain could be a great resource. After answering a few questions, you can be put in touch with a certified online relationship counselor.

The efficacy of online therapy

Online relationship counseling can make a huge difference in the lives of many couples. For example, one survey found that 95% of couples in online counseling say that the process has been helpful. You can go to counseling alone or with your partner. Working on yourself can help your relationship as well, as there is a close tie between your mental health and the quality of your romantic relationships.

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