Parenting Quotes: Thoughts On Parenthood And The Joys Of Raising A Child

Updated February 13th, 2025 by Regain Editorial Team

Sometimes, a good quote can make you feel like someone understands exactly what you’re going through. Here are some of the best parenting quotes and some commentary about what makes them so relevant and why they can inspire you as a parent.

Insightful and inspiring parenting quotes

"Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother."- Oprah

You could interpret this quote from Oprah in different ways. First is the idea of raising a kid that's not yours. You don't have to be a child's biological mother to be a great mother. You can be a mother to other people too.

Quotes can help with parenting, but therapy is even better

"Everyone should have kids. They are the greatest joy in the world. But they are also terrorists. You'll realize this as soon as they're born, and they start using sleep deprivation to break you." -Ray Romano

Everyone Loves Raymond for a reason. Parenthood can seem like a paradox to an outsider. Parents go on about how they love their children and how they've changed their lives, but at the same time, kids can drive you crazy, especially during the first few years, when it’s difficult to get a full night’s sleep. But you survive those years and move along to some of the best years of your life.

"Encourage and support your kids because children are apt to live up to what you believe of them." -Lady Bird Johnson

This First Lady has a point. Kids have ambitions, and not all of them are possible. Not every kid will become the President of the United States or be an astronaut. But one thing that can help them reach their goals is to be loving and supportive. Always putting your child down and telling them they can't do it will be a self-fulfilling prophecy. Be realistic, but also be encouraging. Point them to some realistic jobs they can enjoy. Encourage their hobbies, talents, and interests. Teach them life skills. 

"I don't think it matters how many parents you've got, as long as those who are around make their presence a good one."-Elizabeth Wurtzel

This author is talking about the fact that raising a kid takes more than two, but it can also take less. A single parent can be better than two parents if their parenting skills are excellent, but having a village of extended family and friends that are loving and supportive can be excellent, too.

"The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice." - Peggy O'Mara

Did you ever hear your parent’s voice in your head? If you’re lucky, maybe those thoughts encouraged you to do your best. Or perhaps they discouraged you. When talking to your children, you must choose your words wisely; they will remember what you say.


"Motherhood has completely changed me. It's just about like the most completely humbling experience that I've ever had. I think that it puts you in your place because it really forces you to address the issues that you claim to believe in and if you can't stand up to those principles when you're raising a child, forget it." - Diane Keaton.

This actress is talking about how some people change because their beliefs just don't apply after they have children. Whether it’s because you’re too tired to follow through on what you used to believe in or because your view of the world changed after you have children, if you give up your beliefs when raising a child, they probably didn’t mean that much to you in the first place. 

"People expect you to change when you become a mother, and of course my priorities changed when I had Violet. She's number one in my life and the best thing that ever happened to me, but I still have fun. I am still myself, but that is made out to seem like I am rebelling against motherhood." - Imelda May

People fear having kids because they feel like they won’t be able to have the life they do before kids anymore. They feel like they'll become robots with no interests outside their children, having to give up hobbies and everything that made them who they are. While you may have to devote less time to your old interests, you can still have fun. You can still have nights out; they just may not be as spontaneous as they once were because you have to plan for taking care of your child.

"No matter how much time you spend reading books or following your intuition, you're gonna screw it up. Fifty times. You can't do parenting right." - Alan Arkin

Before having kids, everyone claims to know what it takes to be a good parent. In theory, some people may think parenting sounds easy, but in practice, nothing could be farther from the truth. You're going to make mistakes. You're going to lose your temper. And you'll probably look silly while you do it. But it's all about trial and error.

"The sign of great parenting is not the child's behavior. The sign of truly great parenting is the parent's behavior."- Andy Smithson

The parent's behavior is what matters more. Children are going to be temperamental and unruly. If the parent responds by acting the same way, it will teach the child to be even more unruly. One of the parenting skills to have is being calm under pressure. Screaming and yelling are not good examples for children.

"For me, being a mother made me a better professional because coming home every night to my girls reminded me what I was working for. And being a professional made me a better mother because by pursuing my dreams, I was modeling for my girls how to pursue their dreams." - Michelle Obama

Many people feel like parenthood will destroy their careers. First Lady Michelle Obama saw it a different way. She believed that her children could be a motivator to do better. Your kids can motivate you to work harder, and growing up with a parent who demonstrates how to work hard can benefit their children.

"To raise a child, it sometimes takes a village…but sometimes that village should shut up and mind their own business." - Susan McLean

Having support when raising a child is great, but some people are too nosy. Some people will not hesitate to tell you that they know the right way to raise your kid and that your actions are wrong. Of course, you should listen whenever there is legit criticism. There is a balance.

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Quotes can help with parenting, but therapy is even better

And those are some good parenting quotes to get you inspired or thinking. Parenting is a challenge, but some things can make it even harder. If you have questions or concerns about your child’s behavior or are having a hard time overcoming the challenges of your own childhood, talking to a therapist can help. 

Online therapy can help parents thrive

If you’re ready to talk to a professional, online therapy is convenient, reachable, and effective. When you sign up, you get matched with a therapist who is available to start meeting with you right away. You don’t have to worry about being on a waiting list for an available appointment, and because you attend sessions from the comfort of your own home, you don’t have to spend time and money commuting to an office in another part of town. 

Research shows that online therapy is also effective. Some studies have determined that online treatment is just as effective as in-person therapy and “provides strong support for the adoption of online psychological interventions as a legitimate therapeutic activity.” If you’re ready to take the next step, reach out to a Regain therapist to get started.


Parenting is challenging for everyone, and these quotes can help you feel like you’re not alone. If you think you need more support with parenting or feel like you just need someone to talk to, get the help you need by reaching out to a qualified therapist.

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