Single Parents Raising A Child Alone: How To Win At Single Parenting
Over the past five decades, there has been a huge shift in family structure in the United States. In the past, single-parent households were a rarity. Today, this country has the highest rate of children living in a single-parent household. This equates to over 11 million parents are raising their children alone. While most of these parents are single mothers (over 8 million), over two million fathers have raised their children without a partner.
Although parenting in general comes with numerous obstacles and difficult times, being a single parent has a unique set of stressors. These challenges, when addressed head-on, can build your parenting “muscles”, and help you excel. By understanding the difficulties you are likely to face and thinking of solutions ahead of time, you can create a healthy family dynamic for yourself and your children. The following article will help you get to know that challenges are ahead and provide you with some tools to help you manage them successfully.
Single parenting: Five challenges to manage
I'm sure you're thinking, "Just five?" After all, parenting regardless of your relationship status is not for the faint of heart. If you are a single parent, you have probably wrestled with at least one of the following challenges:
- Balancing home and work-life
- Making tough decisions
- Managing finances
- Creating quality time
- Finding time for yourself
Elizabeth, an elementary school teacher and single mother of three, says she's struggled with all these stressors at one point or another. "Being a mother is the most fulfilling part of my life," she gushed when speaking about the difficulties of being a single parent, "but it can be extremely challenging." "But I've found over time that every time I face a challenge head-on and conquer it, my confidence as a mother increases."
You may be thinking, "Good for her, but what does that have to do with me?" A lot! As single parents, we can learn a great deal from the successes (and trials of others). The next section of this article aims to elaborate on each of these parenting roadblocks and discuss avenues that Elizabeth and other parents are using to move forward.
#1 Single parenting is a balancing act
Unless you are a stay-at-home parent, work/school-home life balance is probably one of the greatest parenting struggles of your existence. Even two-parent households have a hard time figuring out things like who will pick the kids up from school, who will take off work and attend the kindergarten Christmas play, and who will tackle dinner for the fourth time this week.
For single parents, the question is not "Who will?" but "How will I?" The struggle of balancing home, relationship with your kids, and work-life quickly becomes a one-person juggling act. Thankfully, it does not have to be this way, at least not every day. For single mothers and fathers out there, instead of adding more balls to your routine, you can:
- Take Some Irons Out Of The Fire. One of the main reasons we feel overwhelmed as single parents is that we take on too many projects. This was the case with Elizabeth. Because she enjoys volunteer work and giving back, she found herself constantly saying 'yes' to extra responsibilities. Eventually, she didn't even enjoy volunteering anymore because she resented being away from her children. By giving up most of her volunteering commitments, Elizabeth focused on the things that mattered the most while still helping others when she could. If you’re a single mother or father, try to remove some additional loads on your schedule, so you’ll be able to attend to your father or mother duties at home easily.
- Set Boundaries (And A Schedule). Many of us think of work and home life as separate, but you only have one truthfully. Every day, life throws us curve balls. Today our boss needs you to cover an extra shift; tomorrow your sister needs you to babysit again. Your plans to watch a movie with the kids and be in bed by 10 pm go out the window. One way to avoid extra stress caused by constant change is to set boundaries and schedule your days. For example, if you know that Thursdays are extremely busy for you, make it a rule that you will not take on anything extra on that day. Then say 'no' when someone throws a curve ball your way. As a single father or mother, try to learn how to set boundaries.
- Say No. At first, it may feel wrong to say 'no' when someone asks you for help, to attend an event, or give up some of your free time. By explaining to your boss and sister that Thursdays are all "booked up" because you need that extra time to make memories with your kids or rest, you will avoid conflict and misunderstandings. You will also be putting your own needs as a single father or mother first.
#2 Making tough decisions alone can be especially difficult
Adults make around 35,000 decisions per day. Some of these choices are made on impulse, while others are based on logical thinking. Many of these decisions affect our children, and in single-parent homes, the tough calls are often made alone. Unlike married parents, single parents have to decide on their own. However, even without a partner to bounce ideas off and lean on for relationship and support, making sound decisions for your family is possible as a single father or mother. This can be accomplished by embracing two Cs - confidence and consistency.
Confidence is essential when it comes to decision-making. One of the biggest single-parent stressors is that we tend to overthink things. We worry about troubles that may never come to pass, and by constantly questioning ourselves, we never rob ourselves of peace. When faced with a tough call, take time to think about your options, write out the pros and cons, or call a friend. You can also try the 10-10-10 method. Ask yourself, "Will I be happy with this decision ten days from now, ten months from now, and ten years from now? Will this be good for my child’s well-being and the whole family?" Then, choose with confidence. Sometimes things won't work, but that's okay.
Consistency is another vital tenet of decision-making. Because many caregivers (including single ones) parent from guilt, we are often inconsistent in our decisions. One day we ban the children from eating in their rooms, and then the next day, we allow it because we feel bad about working late. We tell them no television past 8 pm one night. Then, we turn around and say "okay" the next night because we're busy cleaning the house.
It is understandable when you need to make allowances now and then. However, most family decision-making should be consistent from one day to the next. Setting dos and don'ts for your household can take some of these daily decisions off your shoulders because the children already know the rules. In single-parent families, consistency is vital for your relationship with your child. Being consistent is important for a child’s well-being because it helps to keep them safe, secure, and loved. Both confidence and consistency are key in ensuring your child lives well in every decision that you make.
#3 Managing finances can look different for single parents
Managing money for married couples is different compared to single parents. There are hundreds of websites and programs that offer money management advice for single and married parents. Still, the truth is, that there is no one 'plan' that can alleviate the day-to-day difficulty of managing a family's finances alone in single-parent families. As the head of the household (and sometimes only an adult in the home), you as the father or mother, must be diligent in the way you handle financial matters. It's not an easy task, but the following tips can make it more manageable, especially in this family type.
Budget your monthly expenses
Budgets may seem like a thing of the past since many people live paycheck to paycheck, but you really should be setting monthly spending and saving amounts, especially if the family earns a low income. Single-parent families must allot their budget on necessities such as food, shelter where the child lives, child care, mental health care, and other emergencies. By establishing a budget catered to your family type, you can assess your debts, start to save, and adjust your plan as new expenses come up. Many helpful (and free) programs/apps can help single-parent families set up a budget electronically if pen and paper seem intimidating.
Set some financial goals
After setting a monthly budget, you should also write down some financial goals for your family. A budget is where you are now, while these goals represent where you want to be. Would you like to save $1000 by Christmas? Write it down! Do you want to spend less money eating out? Jot that down as well. Writing down your financial goals helps you because it makes you over 40% more likely to accomplish your objectives. This is important for both single and married parents to ensure that their child lives properly without worrying about getting short financially.
Find ways to save money
If you notice that your family generates low income, you might not be able to increase your income instantly, but you can be frugal with what you have. Some easy ideas for single-parent families include meal planning for the week, washing your car yourself, and dumping the gym subscription you never use. A quick Google search can provide you with tons of ideas on how to save money. If you’re a single-parent household who happens to live in a low income area, it’s now the time to take a step back and carefully assess where your money goes monthly. The following list is a good place for wannabe penny pinchers to begin:
- Shop thrift stores
- Check your receipts
- Keep an eye on outgoing expenses
- Use coupons (only for items that are necessary)
- Make a meal plan
- Grow your own herbs, vegetables, etc.
- Avoid impulse purchases
- Plan ahead
- Contact companies about lowering your bills
- Do your own taxes
- Pay off your credit cards in full
- Start a savings account
#4 Creating quality time with your child may be hard as a single parent
When not working, you find most parents in the same place: with their kids. So, how could it be that so many parents struggle to find quality time with their kids? To answer that question, we must take a hard look at what quality time is. Quality time is being together in the same space while also giving each other undivided attention. Working on your laptop while the kids watch a movie in the same room does not equate to quality time. Neither does mindlessly scrolling on your cell phone while your kids try to tell you about their day. Quality time must be both dedicated and intentional. Quality is important for single-parent families to compensate for the lack of another parental figure. Children must feel loved and cared for their well-being.
Dedicating time to spend with your children together and individually is especially important since many people have quality time as their "love language." Children who fall into this category don't need you to tell them you love them or buy them expensive gifts; they need you to be there. To meet these needs, you can:
Ask them what they like to do
Ask them about their favorite games, take them to the park, eat snow cones, and embrace your inner child. Because we are adults, we tend to forget how exciting and fun these simple things are for a child. Single mothers and fathers can even get creative and plan family nights based on their interests. If you have a child who loves to play dress-up, a princess tea party might be a hit. A boy who likes building things might enjoy a Lego scavenger hunt. Single mothers and fathers must always choose what their children enjoy and what’s best for their well-being. Ensure your child lives full of love and care to ensure development.
Fill the fishbowl
If you have a large family, it might be hard to cater to everyone's interests. One way to choose quality time activities 'fair' is to create an "activity fishbowl" by having families place their ideas for family fun inside a container. Draw from the bowl randomly when you're looking for something fun to do with the kids and don't refill the bowl until every slip has been drawn. This way, everyone's needs get met while also learning to compromise.
Spend time with your children without technology
Nothing kills quality time like cell phones. By making a "no phones during family time" rule, you take away the temptation to check out mentally. By staying present in the moment, you will be able to make real memories with your kids and connect with them on a deeper level.
#5 Making time for self-care and tending to your mental health is sometimes tricky
If you have ever listened to a flight attendant giving safety instructions on an airplane, you have probably heard them say to put your oxygen mask on before trying to assist someone else with theirs. As single parents, we often forget about ourselves. We take on the world's problems and take a bullet for our family, but we do not take the time to practice self-care. We always make sure that our child lives better than us, forgetting about ourselves along the way. This is a costly mistake. It simply is not possible to be the best parent you can if you are not your best self. To figure out where you rank on the self-care scale, ask yourself the following questions:
Am I …
- Staying hydrated?
- Making myself a meal that I love?
- Spending time outdoors or doing things I enjoy?
- Enjoying thirty minutes of alone time without distractions?
- Napping when I need to?
- Saying no when I am overwhelmed?
- Practicing relaxation techniques?
If you answered no to one or more of these questions, you might not be taking care of yourself properly. It’s nice to make sure your child lives well, but you must not forget about taking care of yourself. Not only can this affect you physically, but it can also lead to emotional and mental strain, including anxiety and depression. One of the best ways you can commit to self-care is by talking to a professional who can help you streamline the process. This is not to say that making time for yourself isn't something you can't do alone, but having someone to support you through the process can be very empowering. Professional support and mental health care can be accessed by everyone involved and affected by the social situation, including your kids and other family relationships.
Seeking mental health support as a single parent
Just like with married couples, mental health support is also important for single parents. Fortunately, therapy can be accomplished in the comfort of your own home. You no longer need to travel across town to get professional support from a mental health professional since programs like Regain can help you strengthen your relationships (with your family, kids, and yourself) through Internet counseling sessions. Furthermore, online therapy has been shown by numerous studies to be a highly effective form of counseling, especially for those unable to attend in-person sessions with a mental health professional. For example, an article published in Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review systematically reviewed 20 studies that explored the efficacy of telehealth for people receiving family therapy. In conclusion, working through the obstacles of raising children alone can be challenging albeit exhausting. Nonetheless, with a healthy support system and an appropriate strategic approach, you will find success and joy in raising your family.
Therapist Reviews
“Denae has a strong background in child psychology. We came to her because we're figuring out how to navigate our first year with a newborn together. I Highly recommend this counselor.”
“Dr Brown has made a significant impact in our lives. She is always giving honest advice and we feel she genuinely cares about our family. She is a valued treasure that we are grateful for in our lives :)”
Though it can be difficult and often overwhelming, raising a child as a single parent can be achieved through a few key techniques. It may take some time, but learning to balance your life, set boundaries, trust yourself, create a weekly budget, prioritize quality time with your child, and prioritize yourself for even a few minutes per day is key in raising a child as a single parent. Finding ways to maintain balance while tackling life's challenges and making tough calls will allow you to be the best person and the best parent that you can be.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about raising children as a single parent
Can a single parent successfully raise a child?
Just like with two-parent families, It is possible to be a single parent and raise a successful child! Following the tips from the previous question will help immensely, as will building a support network if you don’t already have one in place. Learn which friends and family relationships you can rely on to help you in times of need. They can be considered your “parenting family” and can all serve as a community to help you raise a child. You are not alone! Raising young people or kids won’t be hard with the right support and available resources. Try to seek help from a professional when it comes to raising kids as a single parent. A trained professional would give not just married parents, but also single mothers and fathers some techniques as part of their mental health care, to achieve better outcomes.
How do single parents flourish financially after divorce?
Suppose you just got into a divorce with your partner, and now you’re trying to work your way around with your kids as a divorced parent. What can you do? Worry not because there are ways to flourish financially even as a divorced parent. Though we recommend this for all parents as well, single parents can benefit from setting up a weekly or monthly budget for their own family. Make a note of all weekly expenses of your basic needs, such as groceries, gas, rent or mortgage costs, childcare, and tally them up for the month. Also, note your income and allow for some wiggle room for emergencies such as car repairs and doctor visits. A budget can help you to successfully raise a child as a single parent who just went through a divorce. Budgeting can give you some sense of control of the family situation from a financial standpoint. Divorce can have several effects on single parents and children of single-parent families. Divorce may result in financial challenges, low income, stress, and mental health issues. It’s important to seek help if divorce affects your family on a significant level.
How loved ones can help you save money after a divorce?
Divorce can be a challenging part of single-parent families, due to the negative effects that divorce can cause to children and parents. Divorce can lead to financial difficulties, low income, emotional distress, and relationship constraints. When it comes to financial difficulties caused by divorce, it’s good to know that you can reach out for help from your loved ones about it. You can recruit family and friends who are trustworthy and willing to help care for your child(children) while you work or run errands for less than you’d pay a designated nanny service. Some may even be willing to do so for free! Trusted friends, loved ones, and other close family relationships will be a big help for single mothers and single fathers out there who just went through a divorce.
What jobs can a single parent do from home?
If there’s one positive thing about this technical era, it has shown us just how possible it is to work from home and that there are many job options for doing so. Raising a baby as a single parent does not mean that you are unable to work, nor does it mean that you can’t do something you love! You can raise and make sure your child lives nicely while still doing something passionate about. There are many options out there if only one parent works in a household. For example, consider working as a customer service representative that primarily requires using a phone and computer, which can easily be done from home.
Really, the job options for adults navigating single parenthood are incredibly numerous, and the primary roadblock, as with most things, is your mental attitude toward it. Even if you are a single parent raising a baby and not just older children, there are jobs out there that can be a great fit for you and work around your schedule. In this kind of family structure, you are not just limited to working from home, either – many jobs also offer in-office childcare to help ease both the financial and emotional worries of going to work while raising children. By being able to have a job that works in favor of your schedule, you’ll be able to provide the basic needs of the family while still attending to your kids most of the time. It reduces the time spent on work, resulting in more quality time with your kids and loved ones.
What support can a single parent get?
Raising a baby as a single parent does not have to mean you are alone. There are a variety of support services for single mothers and single fathers out there. As mentioned above, friends you have a close relationship with and your close family connections can be recruited to help you out, and many of them will likely be quite happy to do so.
Additionally, therapy can be a very useful tool in helping single mothers and fathers to feel supported, validated, and heard. Both single parents and married parents experience challenges that can be addressed with therapy. Some therapists even specialize in helping those who are having or have a baby as a single parent.
You may also consider childcare and support groups for single mothers. There are financial programs for single parents to obtain both while pregnant and after their baby is born. If you are hoping to continue your education, many schools that understand raising a baby as a single parent are hard and will offer classes and schedules that are flexible and work for you. Many jobs also offer in-office childcare to help ease both the financial and emotional worries of adults going to work while raising children. There are a lot of supports available in this kind of family structure.
What are the disadvantages of a single-parent family?
In recent decades, the number of single-parent families has increased, this can be caused by a lot of factors such as death, divorce, abandonment, or just the choice to stay as unmarried parents. Alongside that, according to statistics, over 23 million children live in a single-parent household. But this number has risen over the last half century as many children are born every year. Being a single-parent household may come along with several disadvantages such as emotional stress, lower family income, and challenges with parenting. A single parent may experience emotional demands due to parenting alone, without the help of a spouse. Emotional demands such as anxiety, stress, isolation, and guilt may be experienced by single parents in this family structure due to the added responsibilities and feelings of loneliness that come along with the lack of a partner. Aside from that, single parents may also experience societal perceptions associated with being a single parent. Many single parents may experience social stigma in various forms such as perceived unreliability at work, internalized shame, and the lack of support and access to services. This social stigma in this kind of family structure can take a toll on their mental health.
In terms of financial difficulties, a single-parent household may come along with financial difficulties like the possibility of lower family income and food insecurity. Due to the lack of a partner to share with bills and responsibilities to make ends meet, single parents may have less money for household essentials such as food, shelter where the child lives, and child care. This may also cause food insecurity for families with single parents, which is when a household doesn’t have consistent access to food enough for everyone. Other parenting challenges that many single parents may experience include having less quality time with children and a harder time disciplining them. This may result in most children in a single-parent household experiencing behavioral problems and poor academic performance in school. Parental relationships in single-mother families can be challenging due to isolation, overprotection, disruption, and stress. On the other hand, these concerns also happen in married parents, but it’s more prominent in a single-parent household.
Why is single parenting so hard?
Single parenting can be hard due to a lot of factors and circumstances such as financial stress, emotional isolation, and time management. Single parents tend to work extra harder compared to households with two parents. This is because of the increase in responsibilities for single parents such as managing children, household chores, and finances which are solely on their own. Financial constraints and mishaps may cause stress for single parents. Just like with families with two parents, single parents need to practice time management for balancing various aspects of their life such as working, caring for children, cooking, chores, and other social relationships outside the family. Another aspect that makes single parenting hard in single-parent families is the emotional isolation that comes with it. It’s possible for single parents to feel that they have no one to support them. In this family structure, single parents may feel isolated and lonely due to the lack of a partner to whom they can go for emotional support and additional help in sharing household responsibilities. Single parents must seek help from a professional if they’re experiencing concerns caused by a family structure like a single-parent home.
Why is single parenting a social issue?
Single parenting is considered a social issue because of its impact, not just on a child’s development, but also on the single parents themselves. Indeed, it doesn't only affect the parents, but also the children involved. Children raised in a single-parent household may experience difficulties in developing their social skills, due to the lack of the other parent as a role model. Mother or father absence in a single-parent household could result in most children struggling in terms of academic performance, performing poorer than other children due to fewer resources, and lesser involvement from parents. Most children may also face an increased risk of developing behavioral problems, mental health issues, and substance abuse. In addition to that, single parenting causes stress, financial, and emotional challenges for single parents. These challenges can affect everyone involved as a whole family unit. In the end, regardless of the family type or family structure that your household has, what’s important is the presence of a parental figure as the child grows up.
How do you manage single parenting?
Single parenthood can be challenging, but there are strategies that most single parents can use to navigate the life of single parenting easier. Single or unmarried parents can start by creating a routine. Routines can help single-parent families have some sense of control in handling various tasks and chores, especially if they’re only doing it alone. Single mothers and fathers can also practice mental health care techniques because it’s important for unmarried parents to take care of themselves. Try your best to take a break from time to time to reduce stress, and keep your physical and mental health fit. A healthy body and mind can help avoid feelings of stress and burnout which is rampant for most mothers and fathers in single-parent families. Building a support system can also be good for single mothers and fathers. Refer to your friends you have a close relationship with and loved ones whenever you need a hand for additional support. Aside from that, single parents can also talk to their children directly. Maintain a healthy and effective relationship with your kids, promoting open communication so issues will be heard and addressed easily. Other single parents can also seek help from a mental health professional in dealing with the emotional difficulties of being a single parent.
What is one parenting style?
A parenting style pertains to the pattern of behaviors and attitudes employed by parents for raising their children. Some common parenting styles that both intact families and single-parent families employ include authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and uninvolved. Each parenting style has an impact on the development and well-being of the children involved. Parenting styles influence the relationship of kids with their parents as well as the child’s behavior. In an authoritarian parenting style, parents tend to have a distant relationship with kids due to the strict rules, high expectations, and punishments employed by parents. Parents need to employ an effective parenting style for raising young people, especially for single mothers and single fathers out there.
What is a single-parent family called?
A single-parent family is also known by other terms such as one-parent family, lone-parent family, or sole-parent family. This happens when dependent children are being raised by a solo parent. The occurrence of being a single parent could be caused by divorce, the death of a spouse, or just choosing to stay as unmarried parents. Single parents are capable of raising children and fostering a family unit with a good and healthy relationship, just like with the typical two-parent families. Despite this, family studies reveal that kids raised in a single-parent household have an increased risk of developing mental health issues, substance abuse, and behavioral problems. Because of this, a single father or mother needs to make sure they have a good relationship with their children, and the heart to attend to their kids' necessities, and wants. However, it doesn’t mean that children from intact families won’t experience those concerns mentioned. Both married couples and single-parent families have the chance of experiencing issues if needs are not met consistently. As a single parent, make sure your child lives peacefully, and constantly shower them with love and affection.
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