Regaining Emotional Balance: Getting Over Someone You Never Dated

Updated January 22nd, 2025 by Regain Editorial Team

Falling for someone one never dated is a situation many individuals have experienced but is rarely discussed. Modern romance has produced the term “situationship,” which Forbes defines as "An undefined or non-committal relationship — almost resembling a regular romantic relationship but not quite. Typically, one partner in a situationship is content with the arrangement while the other hopes it will turn into something more. Repeatedly engaging in situationships may hamper your self-growth. It may also pedestalize the other person." In the context of falling for someone without dating them, a situationship can contribute to one individual developing strong feelings and blurred boundaries. The lack of clarity can make it even more challenging to regain emotional balance because individuals may feel a deep connection without the stability or expectations of a traditional relationship.

Feeling emotionally unbalanced after a situationship?

Navigating the complex feelings that come with unrequited love (especially when there was never an actual relationship) can be challenging. However, maintaining emotional balance and mental health is very important during the transition. Situationships and falling for someone without dating them present unique emotional challenges. It is essential to prioritize emotional balance and mental health by acknowledging and understanding the complexities of these connections, setting healthy boundaries, and fostering personal growth to cultivate more fulfilling and stable relationships in the future.

Acknowledging and accepting feelings

Acknowledging and accepting one’s emotions is a crucial first step in regaining emotional balance after falling for someone they never dated. By recognizing the emotions at play, individuals can better understand and address their feelings. Common emotions experienced in such situations include infatuation, disappointment, sadness, and anger. Validating these emotions instead of suppressing or denying them allows for healthier processing and healing. 

Several strategies can help acknowledge and validate emotions. Journaling, for instance, provides a safe space to express thoughts, facilitate self-reflection, and improve emotional understanding. Talking with friends or family can be beneficial because discussing the experience with supportive individuals can lead to a greater sense of empathy and encouragement. By embracing these approaches, one can take the first step toward regaining emotional balance and moving forward in a healthy direction. 

Understanding why you fell for this person

Understanding why one fell for someone they never dated can be important in regaining emotional balance. Common reasons for developing feelings for someone without dating them may include idealization, loneliness, and emotional vulnerability. Idealization often involves creating a mental image of the person that may not accurately represent who they truly are, leading to unrealistic expectations. This may occur if you’ve met through social media. Loneliness and emotional vulnerability can make an individual more susceptible to developing feelings for someone who may provide comfort or companionship, even if only in their mind. 

Self-reflection is key in identifying personal reasons for falling for someone they never dated. By examining past experiences, emotional needs, and attachment styles, individuals can gain insight into the factors contributing to their feelings. This self-awareness can help prevent falling into the same emotional traps in the future.

To identify patterns in romantic interests, individuals can consider common traits, circumstances, or behaviors in the people they have drawn to. Recognizing these patterns can provide valuable insights into one's emotional tendencies and help them make more informed decisions in their romantic pursuits. Individuals can take essential steps toward achieving emotional balance by understanding the underlying reasons for falling for someone they never dated.

Getty/Vadym Pastuk

Setting boundaries and limiting contact

Setting boundaries and limiting contact can safeguard one's emotional well-being after falling for someone they never dated. Establishing boundaries helps create a safe emotional space, allowing individuals to focus on healing and personal growth. It also prevents further emotional entanglement and reduces the likelihood of developing false hopes or expectations.

There are various ways to limit contact with the person in question. Unfollowing them on social media can help minimize exposure to their life updates, reducing emotional triggers. Avoiding common spaces where they might encounter the person can also be beneficial, decreasing the chances of uncomfortable interactions. Additionally, asking friends not to discuss updates about the person can prevent unintended emotional setbacks. 

It is important to maintain boundaries when interacting with the person is unavoidable, such as in professional or social settings. Individuals can practice polite but reserved communication, keeping conversations focused on the topic at hand and avoiding personal discussions. If emotions become overwhelming, they can excuse themselves from the situation and take a few moments to regain composure. By being mindful of their emotions and maintaining clear boundaries, individuals can safeguard their emotional well-being and successfully navigate interactions with the person they fell for, ultimately supporting their journey toward emotional balance.

Focusing on self-care and personal growth 

Focusing on self-care and personal growth is integral to the healing process after an individual falls for someone but doesn't date them. This mindset gives individuals a chance to prioritize their emotional well-being and become more resilient. 

Self-care options for getting over someone you never dated

  • Exercise - Exercise can improve overall physical health while also releasing endorphins, which can improve mood.
  • Meditation - Meditation can help develop mindfulness and emotional control. 
  • Hobbies - Focusing on activities that bring joy can provide a distraction from the situation and a sense of accomplishment.

Personal growth is also important when moving on from unrequited feelings. By learning from the experience and identifying areas for improvement, individuals can gain valuable insights into their emotional patterns and needs, which can contribute to healthier future relationships. Reflecting on past experiences and making changes where appropriate can help prevent individuals from ending up in similar situations. 

Expanding your social circle and building support

Expanding one's social circle and building a support network of friends and family is important in regaining emotional balance. A supportive network of loved ones can provide a sense of belonging, reassurance, and encouragement, which can significantly aid in the healing process.

An individual can expand their social circle and connect with others in many ways. Joining social clubs or organizations can create opportunities to meet people with similar interests. Volunteering may also lead to meaningful connections while providing a sense of purpose and community. Online groups and forums can also serve as a way to connect without leaving the house. Leaning on loved ones for emotional support and encouragement can be crucial during the healing process. Friends and family can offer a listening ear, understanding, or guidance. 

Allowing yourself time to heal

Allowing time to heal is a crucial aspect of regaining emotional balance. It is important to note that processing emotions and healing takes time, and rushing the process can hinder personal growth and emotional balance. Time explains, "The aftermath of a breakup can be devastating. Most people emerge from it intact, but research has shown that the end of a romantic relationship can lead to insomnia, intrusive thoughts, and even reduced immune function. While in the throes of a breakup, even the most motivated people can have a difficult time determining how best to get on with their lives."

Healing is not a linear process, and setbacks are to be expected along the journey. There may be days when it feels like significant progress has been made, only to experience a wave of negative emotions later. Acknowledging that setbacks are natural allows for greater self-compassion and patience during healing. To manage setbacks, individuals can remind themselves of the profess they have already made and reaffirm their commitment to healing. Maintaining a positive outlook by focusing on personal growth, self-care, and supportive relationships can help individuals navigate setbacks with resilience. For some individuals, seeking professional mental health support may be helpful in dealing with setbacks.

Getty/Vadym Pastukh
Feeling emotionally unbalanced after a situationship?

Seeking mental health support for getting over someone you never dated

Online therapy can offer several benefits for those seeking emotional balance after falling for someone they never dated. One significant advantage is its convenience; individuals can connect with a therapist from wherever is most convenient for them. Additionally, online therapy can provide ongoing support and guidance and enable individuals to work through their feelings. Speaking with a professional can also uncover the underlying reasons for the emotion while developing strategies for personal growth. By engaging in online therapy, individuals can utilize the tools and support they need to regain emotional balance and foster healthier future relationships.

One study invited participants to use cognitive behavioral teletherapy to treat adult depression. The study states, "Thirty adults initiating psychotherapy for depression at a mental health clinic participated in the trial. The majority of participants (69%) were very satisfied with the 8-session CBT-TT, reduction in depression severity was significant over 3 and 6 months, and 42% of participants were considered recovered at termination."


Regaining emotional balance after falling for someone and not dating them can involve several steps, including acknowledging feelings, understanding the reasoning behind them, setting boundaries, focusing on self-care, expanding social circles, and allowing time to heal. It is important for individuals to be patient and compassionate with themselves throughout the healing process, recognizing that setbacks are normal and that emotional balance is the foundation of healthy future relationships. By following these steps and maintaining a commitment to emotional health, individuals can navigate the complex emotions of unrequited love and move on.

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