Where And How Can I Meet Single Men Over 40?

Updated March 28th, 2025 by Regain Editorial Team

If you’re looking to meet men over the age of 40, you might be surprised to see that you’re likely crossing paths at various points during your day. They may be running errands, hanging out with friends or spending time on their hobbies and volunteer interests — just like you might be. Learning how and where to find these community members can help you to reach a higher level of social and emotional satisfaction through new connections and relationships. 

Below, we’re exploring different places and circumstances where you might meet single men over 40, as well as the role that online therapy can play in enhancing your communication skills and confidence.

Looking for relationship support?

Where to find single men over 40

Whether you want to enjoy new platonic friendships or you’re considering entering the dating pool, finding single men over 40 can be a way to fulfill your desires for connection and companionship. Here are a few places you might be able to find these people in your community: 

Volunteering at charity events

If you have a favorite charity, you might choose to find out if they have a 5K walk or group event. Most of them are generally well-attended, so you might meet new people, even if you don’t meet a single guy or potential partner. 

Something to consider about this strategy is that new friends will likely have different networks of people than you — and many of them may be single men over 40. If you meet someone there, you may already have something in common: a passion for charity. 

Trying online dating

According to a Pew Research study, the percentage of 55-64-year-olds who used online dating between 2013 and 2015 has doubled. Current updates as of 2023 found that that number equates to approximately 3 in 10 Americans. 

Pew Research also states that 41% of American adults say they know someone who uses online dating, and 29% said they knew someone who got married or entered into a long-term relationship with someone they met through an online dating app. This makes online dating appear to be a strong option if you’re looking to facilitate a deeper connection outside of your local community scope. 

One potential benefit about online dating is you can set your preferences by age range, so the app will only show you potential matches in your desired bracket — in this case, over 40. However, it’s important to be aware that some dating sites may have people that use fake profiles. You may choose to use the same precautions as you would for a blind date, such as meeting in public in a well-lighted area, and letting a friend know where you’ll be.


Joining a meetup group

If you are looking for the best places to meet men and women, you might consider checking on meetup.com, where you can see what kinds of groups are available for those who have certain hobbies and interests. Groups for booklovers, wine lovers, travel lovers, runners, music lovers, and foodie groups are common examples you might see — and if you don’t see a group that you like, you can always start your own group.

Going to the green 

If you’re looking to connect with men over 40, you might consider playing a round of golf. The average age of male attendees at any time is 54, making the golf course a potentially suitable place to meet single men over 40. 

If you don’t know how to play, consider signing up for lessons at the local golf course. Once you’ve got the basics down, you might find three other people to make a foursome — keeping you from the potential strain of having to go it alone or work directly with another person. You might also choose to show up on your own, and request to complete someone else’s foursome. This can give you the chance to meet three new people, and all or most of them may be men who might be single and over the age of 40.

Going on a singles cruise

If you want to go on vacation but don’t want to go alone, you might consider investing in a singles cruise experience. There are single cruises for all ages, including for people over 40. 

Cruises generally plan itineraries for attendees. On your cruise, you may get to enjoy group activities like dance lessons, board games, volleyball games, and more on sailing days— as well as lots of parties and cocktail mixers in the evening.

How can I meet single men over 40: Casting a wider net

Whether you’re exploring connections online, on land, or on a cruise ship, you might consider casting a wider net or range of interest than you normally might. 

For example: If you have a “type,” you may choose to try to keep an open mind — taking a deeper dive into a man’s personality or certain qualities you wouldn’t normally choose. This could mean connecting with a little taller, shorter, heavier, thinner, older, or younger man than what is normally your type. If you keep an open mind, you may be surprised to find someone incredibly interesting who isn’t normally your type.

Other places to meet single men over 40

Below are some more ways to meet single men over 40.

Taking a class, workshop or seminar

Successful 40 and single men may be attending a seminar to improve their craft or improve themselves as people. 

Maybe you’ll encounter someone who wants to learn more about investing for retirement, or who is interested in spiritual growth or entrepreneurship.

If you don’t meet single men over 40, you may at least find a new interest or learn something new.

Going out on an off-night

If you’re looking to connect with single men over 40, you might choose to look for a place with great local entertainment, karaoke, or trivia nights. 

You might also consider going out on weekdays, when the places may be emptier and more conducive to 1:1 conversation. You can always invite them back for a Friday night cocktail hour to keep the initial attraction (and the conversation) going if you meet someone.

How can online therapy support connection and confidence in relationships? 

If you don’t feel grounded in your current or past relationship experiences, it can be tempting simply to recuse yourself and withdraw — which can significantly limit your reach to in-person therapeutic options. 

While this may feel better for a time, it isn’t generally known to promote a socially and relationally fulfilling way of life. Online therapy allows you to get the support you need to rebuild your confidence and remain receptive to connection, all from the comfort of your own home. You can connect with a therapist at any time through your smartphone or app. 

Looking for relationship support?

Is online therapy effective for relationship support 

If you’re looking for extra support as you navigate relationships and dating, you may consider leveraging online therapy. Current scientific research cited by the National Council on Aging cites that online therapy can be comparably effective to in-person methods for conditions such as anxiety disorders, depression and other diagnosed mental health conditions. This is a critical find for many, as these experiences can underlie our daily lived experiences in our relationships. 


There are generally many places where you can find single, available men over 40 who may be looking for someone just like you. It can be helpful to keep your options open and try many things. If you’re looking to boost your confidence and communication skills for any deeper relationships, you may determine if online therapy is a good fit for you. Regain can connect you with a therapist in your area of need. 

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