Can Relationship Therapy Or Marriage Therapists Help A Couple Stay Together?

Updated March 21st, 2025 by Regain Editorial Team

When encountering relationship challenges, the future can sometimes feel uncertain and frightening. Even if your relationship isn’t on the verge of ending, you might feel like the two of you are heading in that direction. Relationship therapy might make you feel better about each other. Many people have found that working together with the help of a therapist has significantly increased their relationship quality.

What is relationship therapy?

Ilona Titova/EyeEm
Therapy can help couples restore their bond

Couples’ therapy is one type of relationship therapy. Other types are marriage therapy, family therapy, and therapy between people who work together. It can be a romantic partnership, a family relationship, or a relationship between friends.

Relationship therapy is counseling that helps two (or more) people explore the nature of their relationship, identify goals for change, learn relationship skills, and decide whether to continue the relationship or not.

What do the stats say about relationship therapy?

A look at recent statistics about the success of relationship therapy can give you an idea of what is possible. Although there are no guarantees that relationship therapy will keep your partnership from falling apart, 75% of couples who had it felt they were better off for having had the therapy. Further,65% of the couples said the improvement was significant. As many as 50% of the couples retained those improvements for at least two years.

Relationship therapy is effective in many cases, but not in all cases. The difference may be in the amount of effort the partners put into it. It could also be that the couple had already grown so far apart that they aren’t interested in going back to who they were when the relationship was sound. Consulting with a qualified therapist early on can make a substantial difference in the success of the therapy. Whatever the reason, you can increase your chances of success by attending relationship therapy early, before problems become overwhelming.

What it takes to succeed in relationship therapy

If you need to do something to make therapy work, what do you need to do? Many people have the misperception that you only need to show up, that being there is enough to make all the difference. However, you can take proactive steps  to improve your chances of benefiting from the process.

Commitment to the relationship in couples therapy

If you want to continue your relationship with your partner, you need to be committed to that relationship. That means you’ll do your part to make the relationship work. You might not know what to do. That’s okay; your therapist will help you with that. The key is to focus on improving the relationship in any reasonable way and stick with the relationship even in difficult times. You can even try discernment counseling, an evidence-based technique wherein a therapist guides you through a process to determine if you want to work on the relationship with your partner. Couples therapy can help you both clarify your commitment and work through challenges by providing structured support from a trained therapist.

Commitment to the therapeutic process in relationship therapy

Sometimes, relationship therapy fails simply because one or both partners in the relationship see therapy as something done to them rather than something they need to engage in actively. This attitude can develop during the first sessions of therapy. However, if both parties don’t eventually come to see therapy this way, it’s unlikely that they’ll be able to make much progress toward staying together.

By committing to the therapeutic process, you can get the most out of your sessions. You can face your problems together. Or, one of the partners can deal with their relationship issues if the other won’t participate. If that happens, staying together may become a less attractive option to the active partner. Marriage counselors and therapists emphasize the importance of both partners actively engaging in the therapeutic process to create meaningful change.

Being open to new ideas from a marriage counselor

Chances are, you don’t have all the answers to your relationship problems. No one expects you to know all the solutions, but it will be helpful to open your mind to new ideas your therapist might suggest. Be ready to see things from your partner’s perspective. When you allow yourself to consider new ideas, you open up a new world of relationship help. Marriage counselors and therapists can guide you in understanding and adopting new perspectives, which can be crucial for improving communication and resolving conflicts.

Willingness to listen and try to understand


The very best way to find out about your partner’s perspective is to listen to what they have to say. That doesn’t mean listening while thinking about how to dispute or add your take on what they’re saying. Instead, you need to listen with the intent to understand them.

You don’t need to talk much at all when you’re listening. All you have to do is say enough to let them know you understand, need further clarification, or appreciate their perspective. Your therapist can teach you listening skills and guide you as you practice them. All you need to do is to be willing to listen. Therapists often help couples develop active listening skills, which are essential for improving communication and fostering deeper understanding in relationships.

Willingness to explore options with therapists

Sometimes when you’re in therapy, you think of a solution to a problem and decide that that is the one you need to sell to the counselor and your partner. Therapy isn’t about selling a point of view, though. A part of what it’s about is exploring problems and possible solutions. Certainly, you can offer a solution. However, you also need to be willing to explore that and other options fairly and thoroughly. Therapists encourage couples to remain open to exploring multiple solutions to problems, which can lead to better outcomes and more collaborative decision-making.

Willingness to make changes

Sometimes, people go into relationship therapy feeling that their partner is making certain mistakes. They expect their partner to make changes. If this is what you think, you may or may not be correct in feeling that your partner needs to change more than you do.

In nearly every relationship, both partners can contribute to the relationship’s health by changing their behavior. Rather than concentrating only on how your partner needs to change, it helps to also think about what changes you can make.

A positive attitude in mental health therapy

Have you ever worked with someone who has a severely negative attitude? Sometimes, people turn down every possible solution. It’s easy to get extremely tired of hearing ‘That won’t work.’ And, as long as they have that attitude, nothing will work because nothing will have a chance to work.

Go into therapy thinking, ‘There’s a good chance that this will work if we do our best.’ Then, give it your best shot. If it doesn’t keep the two of you together as a couple, at least you will have learned valuable relationship skills that will serve you well throughout your life. A positive attitude toward mental health therapy can be the key to making progress, as it allows you to be open to new strategies and solutions.

How can you improve the relationship through therapy?

If relationship therapy might help you, how does that happen? What can change in the relationship that would help it last through good times and bad? When you learn the following relationship skills, you can improve your relationship dramatically for the long term. If the relationship breaks up, you can transfer these skills to other relationships.

Learn communication skills

Learning how to communicate within the relationship can allow the two of you to face all your relationship issues as a team. You might learn how to phrase concerns positively, so they don’t seem like personal attacks. You might learn how to use ‘I’ statements to own your feelings about what’s bothering you.

Practice listening

Listening carefully and empathetically is a good way to help your partner feel you care about them. It also helps you understand the situation more accurately. Most people don’t use good listening skills until they learn them. Some parents model good listening skills, but parents like that aren’t in the majority. Therapy gives you a chance to learn how to listen and practice your listening skills at each session.

Learn how to resolve conflicts

At the heart of nearly every troubled marriage is an inability to resolve the conflict. Almost everyone could benefit from learning and practicing conflict resolution skills. Each person needs to present their position, and each person needs to listen attentively while the other is speaking. They also need to find ways to compromise without abandoning their position completely. A therapist can teach conflict resolution skills and help you refine those skills as you practice them.

Find out more about each other

When you go to relationship therapy, you can find out a lot about each other you never knew before. As your therapist gets to know each of you, they’ll ask questions. You may be very surprised at your partner’s answers. This is beneficial to the relationship because the more you know about each other, the easier it is to understand each other.

Navigate difficult emotions

If you spend enough time with someone, you’re bound to develop some emotions surrounding the relationship. Then, if you’re struggling to stay together, those feelings can turn sour. You can express your emotions, no matter how intense they are, and your therapist will be there to help you and your partner make sense of them.

Find new respect for each other

Couples’ therapy usually gives you many opportunities to show your strengths. Even though you may feel that it’s weak to talk about your problems, you can show your partner your good qualities if you face up to them. By approaching therapy positively and thoughtfully, you and your partner can come to respect each other more for the work you do in therapy.

Find commonalities and appreciate differences

You may also find out that you don’t agree as much as you thought you did. If you were exploring these similarities and differences on your own, you might not appreciate how wonderful it is to have an interesting blend of likenesses and differences. Your therapist can help you discover those hidden treasures.

Create a stronger connection with your spouse

Therapy can help couples restore their bond

Your therapist might use many different techniques to help you connect on a fundamental level. If you’re in a love relationship, they might suggest that you look deeply into each other’s eyes for several minutes. They might also give you a homework assignment of spending a half-hour just cuddling. Your therapist might suggest different connection techniques if the relationship is a family, friend, or work relationship.

Become more grateful and positive

Gratitude exercises are popular these days, and for good reason. Gratitude is something that can make a relationship better and significantly bolster a person’s overall well-being. As you become more grateful and develop your positive attitude, you’ll not only improve the relationship, but you can also become happier and more successful.

How to get started with online therapy

Getting started with relationship therapy is easy. All you have to do is make an appointment with a qualified therapist and show up for your sessions. Regain.Us makes that easy with its online therapy platform. You can talk to a licensed therapist to start addressing your relationship issues right away. Many people prefer online therapy because it offers more scheduling flexibility and a greater selection of licensed practitioners. For many people, online therapy is also significantly less expensive than in-person options.

You may have some reservations about the effectiveness of online therapy, but evidence suggests that those concerns aren’t warranted. Studies indicate that, in most cases, online relationship therapy is just as effective as its in-person alternative, making it a viable option for anyone who wants to initiate relationship therapy quickly.

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