What Is Brainspotting, And Is It Right For Me?

Updated October 17, 2024by Regain Editorial Team
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Mental health is a growing concern in the United States, with more than one in five adults living with mental illness. As the number of people seeking help with their mental health challenges continues to rise, so has the exploration of alternative forms of treatment.

Brainspotting is a therapeutic method that hopes to promise a brighter, healthier future to millions. This innovative form of psychotherapy is rapidly gaining recognition as a powerful tool to heal and restore the human mind.

As we explore the transformative nature of this groundbreaking technique, you'll gain a better understanding of how brainspotting can help improve your mental health. Through this guided journey, you'll uncover the benefits of this approach and decide if it's right for you.

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Understanding brainspotting

At the core of the brainspotting therapeutic approach lies the belief that where we look can affect our feelings. As a form of psychotherapy, it can allow individuals to access, process, and overcome trauma, negative emotions, and pain with the guidance of a trained therapist.

Brainspotting involves locating specific eye positions correlating to inner neural and emotional experiences. For example, if someone feels anxious or overwhelmed, the practitioner may ask them to focus on a specific point in the room to help them identify and confront their emotions.

What's truly remarkable about brainspotting is its ability to harness the body's natural healing abilities. This ability is largely due to the brain's innate ability to reorganize and adapt by forming new neural connections through neuroplasticity.

Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to reorganize and adapt itself by forming new neural connections. It's a process by which the brain can rewire itself in response to environmental changes, new experiences, or damage. As a result, neuroplasticity allows for learning, memory formation, and recovery from injury.

When changes occur in the brain, it affects the individual's thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. Brainspotting capitalizes on these changes by using eye movement to access the brain's natural ability to heal.

Brainspotting engages the midbrain through direct access to the autonomic and limbic systems in the body's central nervous system. Clinical research has shown that brainspotting may tap into the body's natural self-scanning, self-healing ability to process trauma.

When a brainspot is stimulated in the visual field, the midbrain appears to reflexively signal the amygdala, hippocampus, and other areas of the limbic system. These signals result in a "shift" or reorganization of neural activity. This shift is thought to help the brain better process and regulate emotion.

During a brainspotting session, you can expect to experience a sense of deep relaxation, release, and awareness. You may experience an emotional response or physical sensations as the brain processes the information from the session. Your therapist will provide guidance and support as you move through the process of identifying and confronting your emotions. The therapist's role is to help guide the patient to a point of clarity, allowing them to access their healing powers from within.

To get the most out of your brainspotting session, it's important to be open and honest with your therapist about your feelings and experiences. Transparency will help the therapist guide you toward a resolution more effectively. Additionally, you may also practice mindful meditation and relaxation techniques before your session to help you stay grounded and centered as you access the intricate pathways of the brain.

Preparing for a brainspotting session can be an empowering experience. By focusing your attention inwards, you'll better understand how your unique brain works and its potential for growth and healing. With the right guidance and support, you may discover new levels of balance and harmony within yourself.


Brainspotting and mental health conditions

One of the most intriguing features of brainspotting is its ability to help individuals address and heal from trauma. Trauma can be defined as an event or experience that causes physical, emotional, or psychological distress. Trauma can take many forms, ranging from abuse or neglect to job-related stress or the death of a loved one.

When trauma is experienced, it can become stuck in the neural pathways of the brain and body. As a result, emotional flashbacks or physical symptoms may occur, including headaches, nausea, or exhaustion. Brainspotting helps individuals tap into these stuck points and release them through eye movements that stimulate the brain in a new way.

Brainspotting may also benefit those living with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). As a form of psychotherapy, it can help individuals process traumatic memories and reduce physical symptoms associated with PTSD. This approach can be particularly helpful for individuals who have not responded to other kinds of treatment.

Anxiety disorders may be responsive to brainspotting. Anxiety can result from various factors, including genetic markers, brain chemistry, personality, and life events. Brainspotting can help individuals access the source of their anxiety within their brain and body and process it to reduce their symptoms or even resolve their anxiety entirely.

Depression is another condition where brainspotting may be highly effective. Depression is often caused by a complex interplay of genetic, biological, environmental, and psychological factors. Brainspotting can allow individuals to process their emotions and potentially lead to relief from depressive symptoms.

Additionally, brainspotting can also be beneficial for those living with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). ADHD is often characterized by difficulties in concentration, impulsiveness, and hyperactivity. Brainspotting may help individuals better manage the symptoms of ADHD and develop coping mechanisms to lead healthier lives.

Brainspotting may also help those concerned about phobias. A phobia is an intense fear of something that may pose little or no real danger. Brainspotting can be used to work through the underlying emotions and beliefs associated with a phobia, helping individuals gain control over their fears.

Brainspotting is not limited to mental health challenges. The technique may also be used to support individuals in achieving their goals. Through identifying and working with brainspots, individuals can access the inner resources required to make positive changes in their lives.

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The potential risks and limitations of brainspotting

Despite the immense potential of brainspotting, it is important to be aware of the risks and limitations of this type of intervention.

First, it should be noted that brainspotting does not replace traditional forms of psychotherapy. Brainspotting is generally best utilized in conjunction with other forms of treatment, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, which can help individuals understand the root causes of their distress and develop coping strategies.

Brainspotting is also not a "quick fix" for mental health conditions or other challenges. It takes time to work through emotions and thoughts to achieve lasting change. Additionally, it is important to note that some individuals may not respond favorably to this approach. Therefore, consulting with a mental health professional before engaging in brainspotting is important.

Brainspotting may elicit intense emotions, so it is important to be mindful of an individual's limitations when engaging in the process. For example, if an individual feels overwhelmed or excessively anxious, the therapist may need to modify the session's focus to ensure that the individual remains safe and comfortable.

Brainspotting often relies heavily on the relationship between practitioner and client. If the practitioner is not skilled in providing a safe and supportive atmosphere, it may be difficult for the individual to fully benefit from a brainspotting session. To minimize this risk, seeking a therapist with experience in brainspotting or other forms of trauma-focused therapy is important. 

Brainspotting does not guarantee results. While some individuals may find relief from their symptoms after just a few sessions, others may require additional treatment to achieve the desired outcomes. Therefore, it is important to be realistic about expectations and to understand that any form of treatment takes time.

Online therapy may be a viable resource for those looking to access some of the same benefits of brainspotting without engaging in in-person sessions. A licensed therapist can provide guidance and support as an individual works through the process of identifying and working with triggers and emotions. Talk therapy may open the individual to deeper insight and provide a safe space for healing.

Based on recent research findings, online therapy appears to be equally as effective and efficient as traditional in-person psychotherapy. While many therapeutic interventions may be translated for the virtual space, cognitive behavioral approaches are especially conducive to this transition. Cognitive-behavioral therapy can help individuals learn healthier ways of thinking and behaving and develop strategies to cope with stressful situations.


Brainspotting is more than just an emerging therapeutic trend. It's a testament to the power of the human mind and its incredible capacity to heal.

As a powerful tool for addressing traumatic experiences and helping individuals work through difficult emotions, brainspotting may potentially transform how you approach your mental health. However, it is important to recognize the risks and limitations of this technique to ensure you get the most out of your therapy sessions.

Online therapy may help you maximize the benefits of brainspotting in a safe and supportive environment. With the help of an online therapist, you can learn how to process your emotions, understand the root causes of your distress, and develop strategies to cope with stressful situations.

Remember that many forms of treatment take time and effort to achieve lasting change. With dedication and patience, you'll be better equipped to take on life's challenges with confidence and resilience.

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